terrible perceptions of what the parties promote based on extremism on the internet

Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

I would like to think that to be true, and on the Democratic side I think it is pretty much true. Unfortunately, imo the Republican Party has been hijacked by the far right and the extreme seems to be the rule rather than the exception. It is the reason that I left the Republican Party. Until it changes I can't see myself ever going back.

i left the Democratic party because people like Dean,LaKota and Dudley were taking over....and until their type get the boot i cant see me going back to them.....the Republicans you are right about....that reason kept me from joining them.....both parties have gone to hell.....
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

the current republican party is racist as hell
another example of what Gramps was talking about.....
The racist party is killing its self.

Im very happy about the racist party dying out.

call me any name you wish to call me.

Your right wing party is a dead man walking
then explain why the current republican party can not gleen more than a single digit of the black vote in this country?
You lost the latino vote

you lost the asian vote.

whites only.

Your party is the white southern party.

You idiots pretend the confederate flag is honorable for christ sakes.

Your racist as hell
Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

It seems like the more time passes on here the more extreme we sound on an individual level. Life outside the internet bubble doesn't suppoet most of our bullshit

You're absolutely 100% right Pops! There ARE extremists and thank God they constitute maybe 5% I estimate of both corporate parties. Which is weird because as you implicate, most people are NOT extremists. So how do they get so much say in politics and government? How do with end up with Pelosis and Reeds and Scott Walkers and Kasichs in charge of something important? Who the hell bestowed so much power to the Tea Party to gridlock government to a standstill? That stuff amazes me.

I don't agree. Among my circle of friends and acquaintances, the radical rhetoric of the right is their idea of political discussion. I can't tell you how many right-voting friends I have who parrot the extremist bullshit right down to a T in every day life. I get the exact same bullshit lies (Obama is a Muslim; Obama is a communist; Benghazi coverup; Brotherhood in the White House) from them in person or via email that you can find on any extremist website or in the flood of anti/liberal, anti-progressive, anti-Obama crap which fills my inbox.

My left leaning friends, on the other hand, are not nearly so dogmatic or uniform in their thinking or in the positions they hold. None are communists. Few even describe themselves as progressives. Most, in fact, consider themselves well reasoned centrist's and, in most cases, that's what they are.

It seems to me that the rhetoric of violent extremism has entered the mainstream of the right wing far more than it has the left.
Dear GM and g5000:
I agree with both of you.

Also, I may add, even though the extremes don't represent the whole Party
(1) if the media bias skews public perception/policy and ALSO divides people so we can't work together, then it does have real damaging effects
(2) even discussing the "extremes" in perception, as on forums like this, helps people to overcome these barriers and share ideas and solutions across those lines and barriers.

It is like how injecting someone with a benign form of a virus builds anti-bodies so the person can fight those viruses.

If we deal with our WORST perceptions/stereotypes/differences, this brings out the issues we have to resolve anyway. So we work things out between us, and then apply THOSE ideas toward fixing the real problems out there with parties/policies otherwise in conflict.

It can still be used for good, even if it is exaggerated. If we can deal with the most extreme biases and misinformation and correct that on both ends from the far right to the far left, we can resolve anything within the spectrum.

It does not take a majority to control a Party. The Nazis barely made up five percent of the German population when they took over.

Crazy people have a lot of energy and they have hijacked the GOP.

How do we know this? We know this when we see them invite a barking mad birther to CPAC this year.

We know this when a surprising number of "conservatives" start believing Nazis are left wing.

We know this when a foam-flecked rabid dog can spew anti-military conspiracy theories to his right wing followers on the radio and not only not be roundly condemned by everyone but actually be taken seriously and parroted by the brain dead.

So wake the fuck up. The nutjobs are taking over, and the majority is letting them.

It is WAY past time to start cleaning house.

I agree, and we start with ourselves, work locally and then apply globally.
Whatever peace, resolutions or insights we gain here, can work elsewhere!
You lost the latino vote

you lost the asian vote.

whites only.

Your party is the white southern party.

You idiots pretend the confederate flag is honorable for christ sakes.

Your racist as hell

thanks for supplying an example of what Gramps was talking about.....not once but 4 times....
most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles, whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society
Wow. No wonder you are backwards.
These places do have some effect.

For instance, I am far less enamored with gun control laws than I was before I read so many credible arguments pointing to the fact that gun laws already in place would have made no difference to outcomes in the various GUN SPREE events of late.

So some of you HAVE changed my mind somewhat.

And believe me when I tell you, that ain't EASY, folks.
What I see on a daily basis is vitriol filled democrats who carry their hatred on their sleeves. They attack anyone and anything that disagrees with them, and are the most hate-filled, racist people I have ever met.

Pretty much what I see in the republicans on this board.
These places do have some effect.

For instance, I am far less enamored with gun control laws than I was before I read so many credible arguments pointing to the fact that gun laws already in place would have made no difference to outcomes in the various GUN SPREE events of late.

So some of you HAVE changed my mind somewhat.

And believe me when I tell you, that ain't EASY, folks.

Agreed. After seeing the constant barage of hate on here it's made me more aware of my own occasional extremism. Gives me some perspective. WhileI ddon't discount everyone's opinion just because they seem extreme I do look a bit harder at what they say.
These places do have some effect.

For instance, I am far less enamored with gun control laws than I was before I read so many credible arguments pointing to the fact that gun laws already in place would have made no difference to outcomes in the various GUN SPREE events of late.

So some of you HAVE changed my mind somewhat.

And believe me when I tell you, that ain't EASY, folks.

Agreed. After seeing the constant barage of hate on here it's made me more aware of my own occasional extremism. Gives me some perspective. WhileI ddon't discount everyone's opinion just because they seem extreme I do look a bit harder at what they say.

And that's the freakin' beauty of the freakin' First freakin' Amendment.

Let the crazies say what they're thinking, loud and clear. I want to know what they're thinking and who agrees with them. And I'm going to trust that the more clear-thinking among us will recognize that the crazies are, uh, crazy.

Ultimately, the crazies will end up where they belong, marginalized.

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These places do have some effect.

For instance, I am far less enamored with gun control laws than I was before I read so many credible arguments pointing to the fact that gun laws already in place would have made no difference to outcomes in the various GUN SPREE events of late.

So some of you HAVE changed my mind somewhat.

And believe me when I tell you, that ain't EASY, folks.

Agreed. After seeing the constant barage of hate on here it's made me more aware of my own occasional extremism. Gives me some perspective. WhileI ddon't discount everyone's opinion just because they seem extreme I do look a bit harder at what they say.

And that's the freakin' beauty of the freakin' First freakin' Amendment.

Let the crazies say what they're thinking, loud and clear. I want to know what they're thinking and who agrees with them. And I'm going to trust that the more clear-thinking among us will recognize that the crazies are, uh, crazy.

Ultimately, the crazies will end up where they belong, marginalized.


Ya know s9metimes even the crazies get it right. On several occasions I have thanked a known wacko poster for their contribution onlt to be roundly mocked as a crazy simply because I thanked them. Or I get negged for being rational.

This has been my first experience with "social media" and it's been an eye opener. To be honest it will probably be my last. This shit just isn't my thing. Im here cause I got to know a lot of you and I enjoy the interaction. Wont do it again though.
What I see on a daily basis is vitriol filled democrats who carry their hatred on their sleeves. They attack anyone and anything that disagrees with them, and are the most hate-filled, racist people I have ever met.

Pretty much what I see in the republicans on this board.

both sides are doing it....its the latest thing.......
What I see on a daily basis is vitriol filled democrats who carry their hatred on their sleeves. They attack anyone and anything that disagrees with them, and are the most hate-filled, racist people I have ever met.

Pretty much what I see in the republicans on this board.

both sides are doing it....its the latest thing.......

Yup and obama promised to RISE ABOVE IT. I don't see this discourse changing anytime soon. I just don't see a figure in either party with enoughcharacter.
Really, only half the right are racist, and only a quarter proud of it. Same 26% who think Obama is the Anti-Christ, or not sure....that's today's big poll. lol

Dems are racist because they hate whites, Wind? All that bs and "Dem hate" comes from the Pub Propaganda machine. That's how you get the RW fringe and US Nazis....now dying off...WAKE UP!

I don't see Dem hate, just disgust and fear...hoping for your recovery. The Dem hate is a Pub figment the rest of the world doesn't see reported....Where are the Dem lies and hate like my sig pp 3? Only bs from the PPM...
Seems like most RW don't know the huge difference between the socialist and the communist ANYWAY. The few Dems who would admit to be somewhat socialist certainly do. IE, democratic (Euro style) and NOT communist in the least.
Really, only half the right are racist, and only a quarter proud of it. Same 26% who think Obama is the Anti-Christ, or not sure....that's today's big poll. lol

Dems are racist because they hate whites, Wind? All that bs and "Dem hate" comes from the Pub Propaganda machine. That's how you get the RW fringe and US Nazis....now dying off...WAKE UP!

I don't see Dem hate, just disgust and fear...hoping for your recovery. The Dem hate is a Pub figment the rest of the world doesn't see reported....Where are the Dem lies and hate like my sig pp 3? Only bs from the PPM...

While I agree with you a decent amount of the time, you are very confused on the racism issue. While the Democratic Party welcomes blacks into the party, white Democrats are just as racist as white Republicans. Some are, some aren't, and some are in between.

As an example, I lived in Chicago in the 80's when Harold Washington was mayor. In the election that he won to become mayor, he won a split primary between Jane Byrne, Richard Daley Jr., and himself. Daley and Byrne split the white vote, and Harold Washington, as the only black running, won in a very close primary. Now, keep in mind that the Republican Party is pretty much non-existent in Chicago. In any given mayoral election, the Republican candidate receives about ten percent. But in the mayoral election of 1983, when Harold Washington was the Democratic nominee, a man by the name of Bernie Epton ran on the Republican ticket. Washington won with 51.7% of the vote to Epton's 48%.

It was amazing how so many of those white Democrats voted for the white Republican against the Black Democrat. This was not surprising though. If you were to frequent any of the neighborhood bars in the white neighborhoods of Chicago, you would understand the outright hatred of blacks in that city.

Educated whites generally do not fall in that category, and it doesn't matter if they are Democrat or Republican. The racists tend to be lower income earners with less education, and it doesn't matter what their party affiliation is. While the Democratic Party supports more programs for blacks, do not believe that the entire Republican Party is just a bunch of racists. That just isn't the way it is.

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