terrible perceptions of what the parties promote based on extremism on the internet

Agreed. After seeing the constant barage of hate on here it's made me more aware of my own occasional extremism. Gives me some perspective. WhileI ddon't discount everyone's opinion just because they seem extreme I do look a bit harder at what they say.

And that's the freakin' beauty of the freakin' First freakin' Amendment.

Let the crazies say what they're thinking, loud and clear. I want to know what they're thinking and who agrees with them. And I'm going to trust that the more clear-thinking among us will recognize that the crazies are, uh, crazy.

Ultimately, the crazies will end up where they belong, marginalized.


Ya know s9metimes even the crazies get it right. On several occasions I have thanked a known wacko poster for their contribution onlt to be roundly mocked as a crazy simply because I thanked them. Or I get negged for being rational.

This has been my first experience with "social media" and it's been an eye opener. To be honest it will probably be my last. This shit just isn't my thing. Im here cause I got to know a lot of you and I enjoy the interaction. Wont do it again though.

Yes, even a blind hog occasionally finds an acorn and, because of that, every statement should be examined, researched and refuted when it's called for.

The problem for the Nutter right is that even when their lies are revealed, they just go right on spreading hate and discontent as if the truth didn't exist. We've seen it happen on the boards hundreds of times and it's still happening right now.

We just don't see that much in extreme leftist threads. In fact, there really aren't that many left leaning threads which could be defined as extremist. The left simply doesn't have the organized propaganda machine that the right does, so the extremist lies don't spread as quickly or as far.

For instance, do a Google search of any claim made about the President (such as he's a closet Muslim) and you'll usually find 15 or 16 pages of websites regurgitating the same story, often word for word. Do the same for any extremist claim by the left and you might not find one full page.

Once upon a time, back in the 60's and 70's, the left was as radically extreme as the right is today, but they didn't have the internet to spread their lies. So the rhetoric was pretty much limited to those involved in the underground revolutionary movement. It did not enter the mainstream. That's why back then revolution was in the air, but never developed.

That might not be the case today because the extremist rhetoric of the modern-day right has not only entered the mainstream, but has been adopted by what appears to be a majority of Republican voters.
As long as people like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are revered by Republicans the Republican party is doomed.
Really, only half the right are racist, and only a quarter proud of it. Same 26% who think Obama is the Anti-Christ, or not sure....that's today's big poll. lol

Dems are racist because they hate whites, Wind? All that bs and "Dem hate" comes from the Pub Propaganda machine. That's how you get the RW fringe and US Nazis....now dying off...WAKE UP!

I don't see Dem hate, just disgust and fear...hoping for your recovery. The Dem hate is a Pub figment the rest of the world doesn't see reported....Where are the Dem lies and hate like my sig pp 3? Only bs from the PPM...

its only half now?.....what happened Frankie....did you change the Channel?.....
I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Riiiight. Individual freedom is just so...disastrous. :doubt:

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles,

No, libertarians don't think people must be forced to serve anything or any principal. Just don't ask us to pay for your poor choices. It's progressives that want to force everyone to serve their principals. Libertarians believe in voluntary, practically a bad word among central planner types like yourself.

whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society

Ah yes, the "I know what's best for everyone else" argument.


Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

Dante: 1 said:
Libertarians think people and society must serve principles
eflatminor reply: 1 said:
No, libertarians don't think people must be forced to serve anything or any principal.
Yes they do.

most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles, whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society
If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Riiiight. Individual freedom is just so...disastrous. :doubt:

No, libertarians don't think people must be forced to serve anything or any principal. Just don't ask us to pay for your poor choices. It's progressives that want to force everyone to serve their principals. Libertarians believe in voluntary, practically a bad word among central planner types like yourself.

Ah yes, the "I know what's best for everyone else" argument.


Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

Yes they do.

I agree with that.

At the risk of sounding self congratulatory, I think there's an incredible amount of consistency among libertarians. I'm not saying we always agree on everything, but I don't see the wide range of policy positions among libertarians like I do among Rs and Ds. We all pretty much advocate the same basic ideology, at least in my experience. So, while some may think all libertarians are extreme, we are, at least, consistent.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles, whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society

Then feel free to demonstrate what individual freedom supported by libertarians is so extreme, it's dangerous to society.

After that, go ahead and demonstrate where libertarians believe people should be forced by government to serve a principal.

Be specific now...
Riiiight. Individual freedom is just so...disastrous. :doubt:

No, libertarians don't think people must be forced to serve anything or any principal. Just don't ask us to pay for your poor choices. It's progressives that want to force everyone to serve their principals. Libertarians believe in voluntary, practically a bad word among central planner types like yourself.

Ah yes, the "I know what's best for everyone else" argument.


Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

Yes they do.

If by consistency you mean libertarians demanding society follow a principle to its logical end no matter the disastrous consequences, you have a point.

Libertarians think people and society must serve principles, whereas sane people are aware of something called pragmatism which dictates principles serve society

Then feel free to demonstrate what individual freedom supported by libertarians is so extreme, it's dangerous to society.

After that, go ahead and demonstrate where libertarians believe people should be forced by government to serve a principal.

Be specific now...
Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

back on this later
So, some examples then LOL? For RW extremist BS, see half their threads on here.

Ok, Chicago Union Dems would include some racists, maybe labor union Dems in general. They aren't on message boards, not big thinkers- that's why labor unions are losing power and members have become Reagan Dems...

I have ALWAYS said only half the GOP are racists- but Dem whites only 10-20%, and fighting it, policy wise.
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Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

Libertarianism is the philosophy of the surly teenager, screaming "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" as he stomps off to slam the door. Grownups understand that you don't always get to do what you want, and it doesn't make you an oppressed victim when that happens. I am sometimes the boss of you, you are sometimes the boss of me, and that's cool.

And libertarians aren't that consistent. Here's a list of various types. Does this qualify as an example of terrible perceptions of a party pushed by the internet?

I am sometimes the boss of you, you are sometimes the boss of me,

Outside of a voluntary relationship between employer and employee, I call bullshit. But please, give us an example. I'll keep an open mind.
Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

Yes they do.

Then feel free to demonstrate what individual freedom supported by libertarians is so extreme, it's dangerous to society.

After that, go ahead and demonstrate where libertarians believe people should be forced by government to serve a principal.

Be specific now...
Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

back on this later

Ayn Rand's followers and the American Libertarian movement. People with libertarian leanings say things and then people like shout 'they are not libertarians!' so the circle jerk goes
Then feel free to demonstrate what individual freedom supported by libertarians is so extreme, it's dangerous to society.

After that, go ahead and demonstrate where libertarians believe people should be forced by government to serve a principal.

Be specific now...
Individual freedom taken to the extreme is dangerous to any society.

back on this later

Ayn Rand's followers and the American Libertarian movement. People with libertarian leanings say things and then people like shout 'they are not libertarians!' so the circle jerk goes

What to try again?

Then feel free to demonstrate what individual freedom supported by libertarians is so extreme, it's dangerous to society.

After that, go ahead and demonstrate where libertarians believe people should be forced by government to serve a principal.

Be specific now...
terrible perceptions of what the parties promote based on extremism on the internet

Most of the threads on here including some of mine portray the extremes of both sides and do not accurately represent the mainstream of either party imo. You nuts all just fuel each other in your own little bubbles.

ie: most republicans aren't racist and most dems aren't socialists

....And, Libertarians (after all) DO bend-over.....

....for the high-roller$/1%ers!!!

"Libertarians argue that these crackdowns could be a bad thing."

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