Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

The Bomb is a saber for rattling. That's what everyone does with it.

Saber Rattling? I remember people saying that when Bin Laden said he would take down the twin towers one day...Wow talk about a 9-10 mind set. You must be too young to remember or you were one of those that cheered that fateful day.

Yes and they said the same thing about Hitler in Europe and America.
We must take this seriously, especially when Iran wants to bring about the caliphate and their messiah.
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Problem. Iran is actually going through with it. You can't possibly believe Iran is going to comply with our demands. If they can go through with slaughtering protesters for speaking out against them, then imagine what they will do to Israel when they get a bomb. One Nuclear strike on Israel and the country will literally be annihilated. So, they are--or will be-- fully capable of doing just that.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

And just how many times are you going to call people stupid?

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

In this case, when all you need is one bomb that could literally wipe a country the size of New Jersey off the map, the threats are specific and unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

When they are removing conventional warheads from their missiles, they can have one streaking towards Israel in less than 24 hours:


Iran isn't going to nuke anybody. The consequences would mean the end of their country and that's counter productive ... kill a few Jews and be wiped off the face of the earth ....Iran isn't Republican.

You give the Iranians credit for rationality that they don't actually possess. The only way to assure they will nuke no one is to deny them the bomb. What you propose isn't fact but rather just wishful thinking.
When did you post anything other than calling people retards? I quoted Khamenei. Your shit is weak.

Go back over the topic. Real slow like. Read my posts and notice all the links and evidence I provided.

When I proved that other countries threaten each other's extermination, you do not undermine my point by repeating that Iran has threatened Israel. You only confirm you are a retard in believing Iran is the only country that has threatened another country with extermination and that a threat automatically means it will be carried out.

Everyone knows the meme about Iran wiping Israel off the map, okay? You are not informing anyone here of anything new.

But you are seriously retarded if you think a threat is the same thing as a plan to actually execute, as I have provided ample evidence it is not. Countries threaten each others extermination all the time. The USSR threatened ours on a regular basis, and yet here we are. And where are they?

They had nukes, they threatened our extermination. Here we are. Where are they?

Get it now?

Probably not. Because you are a retard who drank the piss that Iran will nuke Israel as soon as it gets one.

We have dealt with far bigger threats than a nuclear Iran.
LOL, you calling someone a retard!

I said (and posted proof) that is wasn't a mutual annihilation threat for the Iranians, it was the fact that Israel exists. You thinking is just the same stuff is just special, I never even heard that point attempted before. You're all gas, no substance.
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Problem. Iran is actually going through with it. You can't possibly believe Iran is going to comply with our demands. If they can go through with slaughtering protesters for speaking out against them, then imagine what they will do to Israel when they get a bomb. One Nuclear strike on Israel and the country will literally be annihilated. So, they are--or will be-- fully capable of doing just that.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

And just how many times are you going to call people stupid?

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

In this case, when all you need is one bomb that could literally wipe a country the size of New Jersey off the map, the threats are specific and unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

When they are removing conventional warheads from their missiles, they can have one streaking towards Israel in less than 24 hours:


Iran isn't going to nuke anybody. The consequences would mean the end of their country and that's counter productive ... kill a few Jews and be wiped off the face of the earth ....Iran isn't Republican.

You give the Iranians credit for rationality that they don't actually possess. The only way to assure they will nuke no one is to deny them the bomb. What you propose isn't fact but rather just wishful thinking.

you tell me ... what would Iran gain by blowing Israel off the planet? somewhere they couldn't live for 50 years without glowing in the dark, or being nuked themselves 30 seconds after they nuked Israel?
btw, you never answered the question: what do you think Iran plans on doing with its bomb? Picking up chicks?
I explained pages ago what Iran plans to do with a Bomb.

But I am happy to dumb it down for you as it has been necessary to dumb down everything else for you so far: Iran plans on doing with the Bomb the same thing everyone else does with it.
Seriously? You are truly the stupid of the stupid. Because everyone does not do the same thing with it.
That's true. The United States is the only country that actually dropped the bomb on someone.....................twice.

And in doing so we brought to an abrupt end a war that could have continued for years at a cost of another million (or more) lives. In your rush to castigate America you failed to post that part.
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The United States feels just as strongly about not letting Iran get the Bomb. Our two countries just have different ideas of how to achieve it.

What's more, it is not a foregone conclusion Iran would use the Bomb if they acquired one. We lived under the umbrella of a nuclear USSR, the world would not end with a nuclear Iran. Much of the pants-shitting over Iran is hyperbole.
Do you have any idea whatsoever, just how naive you sound?

The Soviet Union was run by atheist pragmatists.

Iran is a militant theocracy, tied to a belief-system which holds that those who die in defense-of, or in the advancing of, their faith, get a ticket straight to Paradise... do not pass 'Go'... do not collect 200 rials.

Probably best not to take that chance.
you tell me ... what would Iran gain by blowing Israel off the planet? somewhere they couldn't live for 50 years without glowing in the dark, or being nuked themselves 30 minutes after they nuked Israel?
Repeat after me: Middle East and Northern Africa arms race
The US maintains nukes for deterrence against Russia and China. North Korea has nukes to threaten South Korea. Pakistan has one to balance power with India, and to have an "Islamic nuke." Israel has one to deter Arab aggression.

Deterrence: "If you hurt me, I will hurt you."

Saber rattling.
That's not what we're talking about, brainchild. Iran wants Israel GONE regardless. You can't accept facts that differ from your mindset.
Bibi is nailing it. Democrats who boycotted it look like idiots.
He was a condescending prick. You think he said anything new, that he hasn't said before and that Congress doesn't already know?

It was an election stunt, pure and simple. And he used our Congress as his unwitting dupes.

That's original.........parroting Pelosi's talking point...........you gonna cry too? :crybaby:
you tell me ... what would Iran gain by blowing Israel off the planet? somewhere they couldn't live for 50 years without glowing in the dark, or being nuked themselves 30 minutes after they nuked Israel?
Repeat after me: Middle East and Northern Africa arms race

horseshit ... repeat after ME.
Where was Bibi's teleprompter? Oh yeah he doesn't need one because he is a true leader. He has no lies to pass on so he speaks from his heart. Unlike Obama!
Bibi is nailing it. Democrats who boycotted it look like idiots.
He was a condescending prick. You think he said anything new, that he hasn't said before and that Congress doesn't already know?

It was an election stunt, pure and simple. And he used our Congress as his unwitting dupes.

That's original.........parroting Pelosi's talking point...........you gonna cry too? :crybaby:
I'm glad she agrees with me. I watched the speech today and was pissed.
When did you post anything other than calling people retards? I quoted Khamenei. Your shit is weak.

Go back over the topic. Real slow like. Read my posts and notice all the links and evidence I provided...
But you are seriously retarded if you think a threat is the same thing as a plan to actually execute, as I have provided ample evidence it is not...

You have posted no evidence that Iran would not be a first use player. None. You've posted speculation and your opinion, the value of which wouldn't get you a cup of coffee at Mickey D's. The Saudis have stated a nuclear Iran would cause them to procure the same capability. Any thought as to why that would be?
you tell me ... what would Iran gain by blowing Israel off the planet? somewhere they couldn't live for 50 years without glowing in the dark, or being nuked themselves 30 minutes after they nuked Israel?
Repeat after me: Middle East and Northern Africa arms race

horseshit ... repeat after ME.
Where was Bibi's teleprompter? Oh yeah he doesn't need one because he is a true leader. He has no lies to pass on so he speaks from his heart. Unlike Obama!



Where was Bibi's teleprompter? Oh yeah he doesn't need one because he is a true leader


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