Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

Bibi is nailing it. Democrats who boycotted it look like idiots.
He was a condescending prick. You think he said anything new, that he hasn't said before and that Congress doesn't already know?

It was an election stunt, pure and simple. And he used our Congress as his unwitting dupes.

That's original.........parroting Pelosi's talking point...........you gonna cry too? :crybaby:
I'm glad she agrees with me. I watched the speech today and was pissed.

Bitter loony lefties are always pissed. You guys have serious hate issues.

repeat after me .. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
You can't be this retarded. You can't possibly be so stupid as to believe no other countries have threatened their enemies with annihilation.

Problem. Iran is actually going through with it. You can't possibly believe Iran is going to comply with our demands. If they can go through with slaughtering protesters for speaking out against them, then imagine what they will do to Israel when they get a bomb. One Nuclear strike on Israel and the country will literally be annihilated. So, they are--or will be-- fully capable of doing just that.

Please tell me this was all a joke and that you aren't really this stupid.

And just how many times are you going to call people stupid?

You are parroting a meme in a vacuum. You heard somewhere that Iran threatened to wipe Israel off the map, and yet it never occurred to you that this kind of threat is not unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

In this case, when all you need is one bomb that could literally wipe a country the size of New Jersey off the map, the threats are specific and unique to Iranian-Israeli relations.

You have allowed hyperbolic panic to overtake you and lead you to believe Iran can't wait to get a nuke so it can use it against Israel six minutes later.

When they are removing conventional warheads from their missiles, they can have one streaking towards Israel in less than 24 hours:


Iran isn't going to nuke anybody. The consequences would mean the end of their country and that's counter productive ... kill a few Jews and be wiped off the face of the earth ....Iran isn't Republican.

You give the Iranians credit for rationality that they don't actually possess. The only way to assure they will nuke no one is to deny them the bomb. What you propose isn't fact but rather just wishful thinking.

you tell me ... what would Iran gain by blowing Israel off the planet? somewhere they couldn't live for 50 years without glowing in the dark, or being nuked themselves 30 seconds after they nuked Israel?

It won't be them, it will be their terrorists friends.
They will hand them the bomb and then it won't look like it's them.
They are more than willing to waite that long or longer, just so Jews do not live there.
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !
I've only seen part of the overall speech, but that part was Great............

This speech was against the deal Obama is currently making with Iran, and a prelude to an Israeli strike on these facilities........................

We are in the way currently, as we are in bombing campaigns..............He can't go the route without informing our military who are engaged in the area................So the strike has to be coordinated with us...................

The only reason the IDF hasn't taken these sites out already is us.................

His speech makes me think he will launch the strike soon, quite possibly with or without or support.

Anyway, BRAVO ZULU BIBBI............
Ongoing now. Tune it in.

He is describing the history of people trying to annihilate Jews, reciting quotes from Iran's recent leaders saying they want to do exactly that, pointing out example after example of Iran and other dictators reneging on their word to play nice and restrict their nuclear research... all in the last ten years.

He stated flatly that the greatest threat to the United STATES and Israel, and the rest of the world, is a marriage between a fanatic militant Jihadi state, and nuclear weapons.

Pointed out that just because Iran is helping us fight ISIS, that doesn't mean they are our friend. They and ISIS are competing for the title of Supreme Islamic Jihadi State. "If you defeat ISIS but let Iran get the Bomb, you win the battle but lose the war."

And he hasn't said a word about attacking Iran or any offensive military operations by the West.

Tune it in.

Why can't Western leaders be this cognizant and frank?

Yes, He nailed it.

The US is presently lead by evil and we're on the precipice of understanding why that's ALWAYS a BAD IDEA!
all this Netanyahu crap isn't doing a very good job deflecting the Republicans ass whippin' they gave themselves today when the caved like little girls over the HS bill ...

oh yeah ..


This image taken from Iranian state TV, shows damage to a mock U.S. aircraft carrier during large-scale naval and air defense drills by Iran's Revolutionary Guard, near the Strait of Hormuz, Iran, Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015. The drill, named Great...

Fake US Aircraft Carrier the Target in Latest Iranian Drills - ABC News

ranian live-fire war games are not uncommon. But by simulating for the first time an attack on the ultimate symbol of American naval power, hard-liners hoped to send a message that Iran has no intention of backing down to the U.S. — whichever way talks over its contested nuclear program go.

"American aircraft carriers are very big ammunition depots housing a lot of missiles, rockets, torpedoes and everything else," the Guard's navy chief, Adm. Ali Fadavi, said on state television. A direct hit by a missile could set off a large secondary explosion, he added.
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !

Odds are that the Iranian Nuke will fly into Israel within the belly of a Boeing 777.

Fir which every single Leftist, progressive (fascist) on this site and throughout the world will be personally responsible for, given their advocacies which promoted it, thus which made it possible.
This is the first I'd heard of the Iranian military drills. Training to take out an American Aircraft Carrier.........

I heard this from Bibbi.............

Why the F are we even talking with these ass hats..................

And yes, Iran helped kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan..................
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !
You win. They'll never get the chance because they won't know what hit them.
Our military under Obama aren't gonna cooperate with the strike, and I believe they have already stopped Israel from hitting these targets..............

To me, like a post I heard you say earlier, this is a speech in prep for a military strike.

now that's some serious NUCLEAR action right there ^^^^^^^^^^


This is the first I'd heard of the Iranian military drills. Training to take out an American Aircraft Carrier.........

I heard this from Bibbi.............

Why the F are we even talking with these ass hats..................

And yes, Iran helped kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan..................
This is the first I'd heard of the Iranian military drills. Training to take out an American Aircraft Carrier.........

I heard this from Bibbi.............

Why the F are we even talking with these ass hats..................

And yes, Iran helped kill Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan..................

Because it's all about Obama, it always has been his ideology and his legacy
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !

Odds are that the Iranian Nuke will fly into Israel within the belly of a Boeing 777.

Fir which every single Leftist, progressive (fascist) on this site and throughout the world will be personally responsible for, given their advocacies which promoted it, thus which made it possible.

read up on Israeli air security ... those odds are pretty damn slim.

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