Terrific speech by Netanyahu to Congress

I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !
You win. They'll never get the chance because they won't know what hit them.
Our military under Obama aren't gonna cooperate with the strike, and I believe they have already stopped Israel from hitting these targets..............

To me, like a post I heard you say earlier, this is a speech in prep for a military strike.
Note: Last summer Israel cut a deal to use Azerbaijan as a jumping off point.
Well, one thing is for sure....if Iran does manufacture a nuke, folks like Bibi will have to think twice before bulldozing Palestinian houses to build settlements....

now that's some serious NUCLEAR action right there ^^^^^^^^^^


Shows how much you know about our own Navy..............As all of our Carriers are Nuclear powered and I can still to this day only tell you, I can neither confirm nor deny the presence of Nuclear Weapons on our ships............

This is Iran training to sink one of our Aircraft carriers..................

They tried this speed boat trick before in the Gulf during Iran Iraq War.............along with mines in a place called the Kuwaiti Mine Fields..................None of their suicide boats ever got close...........They were blown out of the water with airpower long before they could even attempt to hit one of the escort ships let alone the Carriers there......................and in the Straits..............Iran has Silk Worm missiles lining the coast for such an attack.............

Either way, this is Iran spending a lot of money to use it as propaganda...................Showing how they will fight us..................If they try, they will be destroyed..............like 3 of their Frigates who got a taste of a harpoon missile back then.............They ran them out towards us.............It didn't end well for them.
Well, one thing is for sure....if Iran does manufacture a nuke, folks like Bibi will have to think twice before bulldozing Palestinian houses to build settlements....
Those houses hide terrorist's and their weapons. What would you do?
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !
You win. They'll never get the chance because they won't know what hit them.
Our military under Obama aren't gonna cooperate with the strike, and I believe they have already stopped Israel from hitting these targets..............

To me, like a post I heard you say earlier, this is a speech in prep for a military strike.
Note: Last summer Israel cut a deal to use Azerbaijan as a jumping off point.
DIdn't know that.................Thanks..............Thats close enough to do what they are getting ready to do.
I'll bet $10,000.00 Iran doesn't NUCLEAR bomb Israel !

Odds are that the Iranian Nuke will fly into Israel within the belly of a Boeing 777.

Fir which every single Leftist, progressive (fascist) on this site and throughout the world will be personally responsible for, given their advocacies which promoted it, thus which made it possible.

read up on Israeli air security ... those odds are pretty damn slim.

Yeah, I'm familiar with them. And a legitimately flagged, legitimately scheduled airliner, flying into Tel Aviv, will have no problem approaching Tel Aviv... .

See the problem?

Now, I'd only ask that the reader recognize that I made this clear, the night of the Indonesian 777 came up 'missing'. As there is no other plausible explanation for such. The 'the pilot was a Muslim' ruse is absurd. Such a pilot intent upon the murder of 300 passengers could easily accomplish that and much more, by simply flying his aircraft into any of the city-scapes he flew into on a daily basis.

So, the aircraft disappeared because it will be used again... in such a way that just having access to it is not enough. And fitting such with filters to cloak it's nuclear payload, is one seriously strong reason that it had to be 'hidden' and once that's done... , it will resume flights, boarding passengers destined for Tel Aviv... where it will fly over the point that science says will do the most damage to the means of Israel to defend itself from the following attack. For which every Leftist on earth will be PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE.
This was nothing more than a campaign speech for his election in Israel in a couple of weeks.
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

So you want to drop negotiations and go directly to war? That is what the alternative is.
Fifteen minutes before little bulldog posted this, Netanyahu said that some people would tell us that the only alternative to the present course, was war. But, he said, that is NOT the only alternative. The alternative is A BETTER DEAL.

One that the mewling liberals think is impossible... mostly because they don't think. They merely tremble and cry.

Netanyahu saw people like little bulldog coming a mile away.

I heard what he said, and his claim of a better deal is one where Iran capitulates everything. That isn't going to happen. Sure, we need the best deal possible, and without certain assurances, it will never be signed, but it is unreasonable for Netanyahu to expect the agreement to only go one way. The deal he demands is impossible. Having said that, the only alternative is war. I don't want that.
Iran was intractable prior to sanctions against them. It was the sanctions that forced them to even consider going to the negotiation table.

Rejecting this deal and proposing one in which they [Iran] can have a national energy program that does not include the development of nuclear weapons is the only viable alternative. If they refuse to negotiate on those terms or refuse to continue talks, then you double down on the sanctions. Squeeze them economically to the point that their economy collapes, and then squeeze them some more.

There is no need for a hot war.
There's no leadership in putting together an intl unity of countries supporting sanctions that lead to an agreement spanning ten years of inspections, with the agreement subject to review then? That seems to be the worst case scenario emerging.
It is not subject to review. It sunsets. Period.

The entire 10 years is without monitoring as well. So Iran can misbehave the entire 10 years and then become unfettered after that.

How convenient that it happens on someone else's watch. Obama doesn't have to worry about it after 2 more years, but the world will be stuck with the radioactive fallout for 100k years or more.
Obama will send an American carrier to the gulf if there is confirmation that Iran has a nuke ready to test.

Save 'em having to deliver it halfway around the world......

And that, boys and gurls, is liberal logic on parade.
Netanyahu pointed out what Iran has been doing to promote chaos and death across the globe. And these are just the RECENT ones:

"Just last week, near Hormuz, Iran carried out a military exercise blowing up a mock U.S. aircraft carrier. That's just last week, while they're having nuclear talks with the United States. But unfortunately, for the last 36 years, Iran's attacks against the United States have been anything but mock. And the targets have been all too real.

"Iran took dozens of Americans hostage in Tehran, murdered hundreds of American soldiers, Marines, in Beirut, and was responsible for killing and maiming thousands of American service men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Beyond the Middle East, Iran attacks America and its allies through its global terror network. It blew up the Jewish community center and the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires. It helped Al Qaida bomb U.S. embassies in Africa. It even attempted to assassinate the Saudi ambassador, right here in Washington, D.C.

"In the Middle East, Iran now dominates four Arab capitals, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Sanaa. And if Iran's aggression is left unchecked, more will surely follow.

"So, at a time when many hope that Iran will join the community of nations, Iran is busy gobbling up the nations."

And here in the U.S., the liberals keep insisting Iran has no aggressive intent, they are no threat to us. :rolleyes-41:
all this Netanyahu crap isn't doing a very good job deflecting the Republicans ass whippin' they gave themselves today when the caved like little girls over the HS bill ...
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

What exactly is their agenda?
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Well, one thing is for sure....if Iran does manufacture a nuke, folks like Bibi will have to think twice before bulldozing Palestinian houses to build settlements....
Those houses hide terrorist's and their weapons. What would you do?
Well, I'm sure that when a Palestine house is bulldozed and an Israeli family builds on the same exact spot, folks like you would shrug and say..."well, that's just a coincidence..."
all this Netanyahu crap isn't doing a very good job deflecting the Republicans ass whippin' they gave themselves today when the caved like little girls over the HS bill ...
Wow. These liberals are STILL trying to pretend that Iran getting the Bomb will be no big deal, and that nothing more than petty partisan politics is involved.

What is the matter with these mewling liberals? Don't they see what's right in front of their faces???

What exactly is their agenda?

What is OUR agenda????? Had you paid attention you might have noticed that our agenda is to negotiate some sane alternative to your ilk's "bomb, bomb, Iran"........Of course, when Israel lobbied for us.....the US....to invade Iraq, you ALSO thought that it was a great idea....and obviously history has proven it.....right????
Israel has bullied us to bomb Iraq and Syria (tail wagging the dog??) and for that little privilege, Israel also demands a subsidy of $4 billion of our taxed income.....Sweet deal, isn't it???
Iran will surely do with a nuclear weapon the very same things every other nation that has promised to wipe another country off the face of the earth.

Oh, wait, no other country has made a promise like that.......

One does not have to be a historian or political scientist to instinctively know that the claim Iran is the only country which has threatened an adversary with destruction is a fundamentally ridiculous proposition.

I am not kidding when I say it would take an IQ south of 80 to manufacture such a claim. You would have to literally be retarded to believe such a thing.
Tehran s Genocidal Incitement against Israel Middle East Quarterly

Person Statement and Actions
Dec. 15, 2000 Khamane'i Iran's position, first expressed by the imam, and stated several times by those responsible, is that the cancerous tumor called Israel must be uprooted from the region

Jan. 15, 2001 Khamane'i "the perpetual subject of Iran is the elimination of Israel from the region" translated by journalist Kasra Naji: "mission of IRI is to erase Israel from the map of the region."

Dec. 14, 2001 Rafsanjani "If one day … the Islamic world will be equipped with weapons available to Israel now … the employment of even one atomic bomb inside Israel will wipe it off the face of the earth but would only do damage to the Islamic world."

Sept. 22, 2003 Banner on Shihab 3 missile (photo) "Israel must be uprooted and wiped from history."

Oct. 2005 Iranian regime Iranian publishers display English edition of Protocols of Zion at a Frankfurt book fair

Apr. 2005 Ayatollah Nouri-Hamedani "One should fight the Jews and vanquish them so that the conditions for the advent of the Hidden Imam will be met."

Oct. 26, 2005 Ahmadinejad "Our dear Imam [Khomeini] ordered that this Jerusalem occupying regime must be erased from the page of time. This was a very wise statement." "Soon this stain of disgrace will be cleaned from the garment of the world of Islam, and this is attainable."

Oct. 27, 2005 Ahmadinejad "Anybody who recognizes Israel will burn in the fire of the Islamic nation's fury." Any Islamic leader "who recognizes the Zionist regime means he is acknowledging the surrender and defeat of the Islamic world."

Oct. 30, 2005 Hossein Shariatmadari "We will be satisfied with nothing less than the complete obliteration of the Zionist regime from the political map of the world."

Apr. 14, 2006 Ahmadinejad "Israel heading towards annihilation." "a dried, rotten tree that will collapse with a single storm."

June 9, 2006 Mohammad Ali Ramin "Among the Jews, there have always been those who killed God's prophets. ... it was said that they were the source for such deadly diseases as the plague and typhus. This is because the Jews are very filthy people. For a time, people also said that they poisoned water wells belonging to the Christians and thus killed them."

Oct. 22, 2006 Resalat (Tehran) "Great war is ahead of us, perhaps tomorrow, or in a few months, or even a few years. The nation of Muslims must prepare for the great war, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist dream, and remove this cancerous growth."

Nov. 2006 Banner on bus at military rally "Israel should be wiped off the face of the world!"

Dec. 2006 Ahmadinejad "the Zionist regime will be wiped out, and humanity will be liberated" — freed, that is, from the "acquisitive and invasive" minority.

Sept. 2007 Ahmadinejad "brutal Zionists" "Zionist regime" "Palestine and Iraq will be liberated from the domination of the occupiers, and the people of America and Europe will be free of the pressure exerted by the Zionists."

Oct. 4, 2007 Shariatmadari "Death to America and death to Israel are not only words written on paper, but … a symbolic approach that reflects the desire of all the Muslim nations."

Feb. 5, 2008 Ahmadinejad "A people falsified, invented. [Israel] will not last, they must leave the territory."

Feb. 12, 2008 Ahmad Jannati "[We have] bigger crowds, slogans more enthusiastic, 'Islamic Republic of Iran' regime getting better and better." "The blind enemies should see that the wish of these people is the death and destruction of America and Israel."

Feb. 18, 2008 Mohammad Ali Jaafari "In the near future, we will witness the destruction of the cancerous microbe Israel by the strong and capable hands of … Hezbollah."

Feb. 18, 2008 Manoucher Mottaki "even after 60 years, the Zionist regime has neither gained any legitimacy nor played any role in this region."

Feb. 23, 2008 Yahya Rahim Safavi "with God's help, the time has come for the Zionist's regime death sentence. … the death of this unclean regime will arrive soon following the revolt of the Muslims."

Feb. 23, 2008 Haddad Adel "The countdown has begun for the destruction of the Zionist regime."

Feb. 20, 2008 Ahmadinejad "they [the global powers] have created a black and filthy microbe called the Zionist regime."

Mar. 14, 2008 Ahmadinejad "the Zionist regime is on its way out [destructible]."

Apr. 17, 2008 Ahmadinejad "The region and the world are prepared for great changes and for being cleansed of Satanic enemies" [referring to the Great Satan (USA) and Little Satan (Israel)]

May 13, 2008 Ahmadinejad "global arrogance established the Zionist regime." "[which is] a stinking corpse"

May 13, 2008 Mohammad-Reza Khabbaz, member of the central committee of National Trust reformist party "Creation of Israel only served the purpose of creating a cancerous tumor in the body of Islamic society."

June 13, 2008 Ahmadinejad "terrorist and criminal state … backed by foreign powers … regime to be swept away by Palestinians."

June 14, 2008 Ahmadinejad "Israel's days are numbered … peoples of region know there is the narrowest opportunity to annihilate this false regime."

July 2, 2008 Ahmadinejad "Thanks to God, your wish will soon be realized, and this germ of corruption will be wiped off the face of the world."

July 24, 2008 Esfandiar Rahim Masha'i "Israel is a cancerous tumor." "Israel will soon disappear."

Sept. 23, 2008 Ahmadinejad "The Zionists are the eternal enemy of 'the dignity, integrity, and rights of the American and European people." "Although they are few in number, the Zionists have been dominating an important portion of the financial and monetary centers as well as the political decision-making centers of some European countries and the United States in a deceitful, complex and furtive manner." "Even some presidential or premier nominees in some big countries have to visit these people, take part in their gatherings, swear allegiance and commitment to their interests in order to attain financial or media support." Even "the great people of America and various nations of Europe" are caught in the clutches of Jewish power. They "need to obey the demands and wishes of a small number of acquisitive and invasive people. These nations are spending their dignity and resources on the crimes and occupations and the threats of the Zionist network against their will." "Today … the Zionist regime is on a definite slope to collapse. There is no way for it to get out of the cesspool created by itself and its supporters."

Sept. 25, 2008 Ahmadinejad "Zionism … is the root cause of insecurity and wars. … What commitment forces the U.S. government to victimize itself in support of a regime that is basically a criminal one?"

Nov. 26, 2008 Ahmadinejad "Iran will support Hamas until the destruction of Israel."

Dec. 25, 2008 Ahmadinejad "If Christ was on Earth today, undoubtedly he would hoist the banner of justice and love for humanity to oppose warmongers, occupiers, terrorists, and bullies the world over." [Iran hangs nine individuals before 12/24/08 bringing the yearly total to 244.]

Dec. 30, 2008 Ahmadinejad "the real Holocaust is now taking place in Gaza Strip and Palestine."
Should Bibbi be throwing them kisses for how they talk about Israel publically...................

I don't think so.............

And with these comments coming from Iranian Leaders over time....................Do you want them to get the bomb...............

Israel is gonna hit them.

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