Terror attacks bring Egypt’s tourist industry to its knees


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Egypt certainly has lost a lot of its income because of this. So many Egyptians worked in the tourist industry.


Policemen take their positions during the visit of Russian State Duma speaker Sergey Naryshkin inside the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, last month. — Reuters

SAID RAMADAN has lost count of how much he’s borrowed just to stay afloat while other vendors at Giza’s pyramids have already lost hope, as militant attacks bring Egypt’s tourist industry to its knees.

“I have no money to buy clothes for my children … I hardly make any money as so few tourists are coming,” Ramadan, 42, said at his dilapidated one-story brick house near the world heritage site.

Since Egypt’s then army chief and now President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi ousted Islamist leader Mohamed Morsi in 2013, a deadly insurgency led by Daesh (the so-called IS) group has kept away millions of tourists.

Tourism in Egypt was dealt a body blow when a Russian airliner blew up mid-air over the Sinai Peninsula on Oct. 31, killing all 224 people on board, mostly Russian tourists.

Daesh claimed it downed the jet with a bomb on board.

Tourist arrivals, already dwindling since the turmoil triggered by the 2011 ouster of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak, plummeted after the plane crash. The thousands of foreigners who used to jostle shoulder-to-shoulder while passing through the metal detectors of the famed pyramids and Great Sphinx complex each day have simply vanished.

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Terror attacks bring Egypt’s tourist industry to its knees - Saudi Gazette?
Well our leaders demanded the removal of Mubarak so that we could install the Muslim Brotherhood and this is the result of our meddling. I pity the poor Egyptian people. I truly do.
Well our leaders demanded the removal of Mubarak so that we could install the Muslim Brotherhood and this is the result of our meddling. I pity the poor Egyptian people. I truly do.

However, if you have been following it, the people like General Al Sisi.
Well our leaders demanded the removal of Mubarak so that we could install the Muslim Brotherhood and this is the result of our meddling. I pity the poor Egyptian people. I truly do.

We installed the muslim brotherhood?----who is "we"? In fact that US did absolutely nothing to assist that coup--------despite the fact that the COPTIC
(Coptic Christians told me---long long ago
Our leaders approved the coup against the democratically elected government in Egypt. The first one ever. That the Muslim Brotherhood won the democratic elections, means the majority of Egyptians supported the Muslim Brotherhood. Now there is an unelected military dictatorship.

It is a bummer, Jackson, when so many of these people are so poor and depend on the tourist industry for some kind of a paycheck.
Welcome to Alaska, post-oil boom. The second biggest industry here is tourism, too, ever since the Fed murdered mineral extraction of all sorts in favor of tourist draws. Some of us will survive the increased taxes and withdrawal of the annual PFD, others will move South to better climates when the welfare compensation no longer makes up for the Arctic climate. (Thank the powers-that-be for small favors!)
Our leaders approved the coup against the democratically elected government in Egypt. The first one ever. That the Muslim Brotherhood won the democratic elections, means the majority of Egyptians supported the Muslim Brotherhood. Now there is an unelected military dictatorship.

they did it for US?

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