Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

This is an American film, not ours, and it depicts different view on history Americans had once.
There were others too. Why did you not watch them?

Here is one for you to watch. I’m sure most of the people in it are already doing hard labor in your awesome country.

Here is one for you to watch. I’m sure most of the people in it are already doing hard labor in your awesome country.

Should I be sorry for them? The only thing I'm sorry for is that they must have been released the same day. I think I told you what to do with your diversity seekers, shame we don't have enough crocodiles to feed them to.
Should I be sorry for them? The only thing I'm sorry for is that they must have been released the same day. I think I told you what to do with your diversity seekers, shame we don't have enough crocodiles to feed them to.

You see. When the propaganda is shown to be false, the truth comes out. You aren’t posting about how the Russians are fighting Fascist. Everyone knows that is a lie. You are admitting that the Russians are totalitarian thugs who need to be stopped. You are declaring it proudly.

Thank you Tovarich. It’s nice to know that the Russians haven’t changed in thirty years. I can see how galling it is. The degenerate West who managed to so easily bury the old Soviets. The degenerate West who came in with smiles to help the Russians climb out of the pit that they had dug themselves into.

I can understand the humiliation. It is said you can learn more from a defeat than a victory. It is a shame the Russians didn’t learn.
How it is done in the wild West:
"Barton Gellman, a staff writer for the Washington Post, writing soon after the 1991 conflict, observed that: “Some targets, especially later in the war, were bombed primarily to create postwar leverage over Iraq, not to influence the course of the conflict itself.” Gellman quoted Colonel John A Warden, deputy director of Air Force strategy, doctrine and plans: “One purpose of destroying Iraq’s electrical grid was that you have imposed a long-term problem on the leadership that it has to deal with sometime.” Gellman added: “It gives us long-term leverage.”"

At least the Russian Federation struck after the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge, months of shelling of villages near the border and threats to destroy Russians as a nation, dividing them into parts, and the United States did it just so as to give leverage in the future.
In democratic and free Ukraine, Ukrainian militants are pasting such inscriptions in Kherson:
"Learn Ukrainian, otherwise the war will end, but the habit of killing Russians will remain"

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