Putin Needs To Be Stopped In His Terror Campaign In Ukraine!

Of course there is abundant evidence and I have provided some of it, but for you, the psychopath who argued that Russia should nuke the UK because Putin wasn't invited to the Queen's funeral, nothing would be enough.
No, you have provided no evidence that Russia has the intent on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. I had not heard that he intended on nuking the UK because he was not invited to the Queen's funeral! We are not Ukrainians and whether he ever says this or our media just says it remains to be found out. We do have the issue about this 'dirty bomb'. I was listening to people talk about it and in their assessment one of the things they said was about someone who may have agreed what was just the patter of our media, but not the truth. As I have heard before more than once that Russia or Putin did not say they were thinking of using nukes I am waiting till I have further information. I do believe we are playing with nuclear war but not because that is seen as a way to carry out an intent on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine.

If you take your thinking about his attack on water and electricity or indeed any other attack the western press always makes a big call about claiming that he is deliberately attacking civilians. I hear that all the time. Sadly civilians do get killed in war. Where people are objective and as you can see this is almost certainly not true. You have provided no evidence of Russia's wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. You have provided evidence where you see that being done to other people or it being done in a different time but no evidence that Russia is intent on wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine.
The first clue is that Putin is trying to do that right now. The Russian missile attacks are exclusively against Ukrainian civilian targets that have no military value, like the civilian power grid and water supplies as the beginning of winter that can have no other purpose than to cause massive casualties among Ukrainian civilians during the winter.

This is very reminiscent of Stalin's slaughter of millions of Ukrainians during the Holodomor, when Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death, and Putin is doing it for the same reasons as Stalin, to try to put down a Ukrainian independence movement.

Of course we saw the same thing when Putin invaded Chechnya after a peace treaty had been signed and won that war not by defeating the Chechen military but by slaughtering Chechen civilians; estimates of Chechen dead rum from 10% of the population to 25% of the population. And this was done, for the same reason that Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death to put down a Ukrainian independence movement and as Putin's current atrocities against Ukrainian civilians, to try to put down a Ukrainian independence movement.

But none of this should come as a surprise to anyone who follows the news since in 2019 Putin announced that Russia was withdrawing from those sections of the Geneva Conventions dealing with the protection of civilians; under Russian law, there is no reason not to slaughter civilians.
No, you have provided no evidence that Russia has the intent on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. I had not heard that he intended on nuking the UK because he was not invited to the Queen's funeral! We are not Ukrainians and whether he ever says this or our media just says it remains to be found out. We do have the issue about this 'dirty bomb'. I was listening to people talk about it and in their assessment one of the things they said was about someone who may have agreed what was just the patter of our media, but not the truth. As I have heard before more than once that Russia or Putin did not say they were thinking of using nukes I am waiting till I have further information. I do believe we are playing with nuclear war but not because that is seen as a way to carry out an intent on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine.

If you take your thinking about his attack on water and electricity or indeed any other attack the western press always makes a big call about claiming that he is deliberately attacking civilians. I hear that all the time. Sadly civilians do get killed in war. Where people are objective and as you can see this is almost certainly not true. You have provided no evidence of Russia's wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine. You have provided evidence where you see that being done to other people or it being done in a different time but no evidence that Russia is intent on wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine.
There are only two possibilities here: either you are unable to comprehend the connection between bombing civilian targets and attempting to deny Ukrainian civilians heat and electricity during the winter and causing mass civilian casualties or you simply approve of this action by Putin.
There are only two possibilities here: either you are unable to comprehend the connection between bombing civilian targets and attempting to deny Ukrainian civilians heat and electricity during the winter and causing mass civilian casualties or you simply approve of this action by Putin.
I showed you how none of your claims about Russia being intent on basically genocide were true except in your mind. When you say Russia's intent is on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine and can provide no evidence except the content on your mind, then that is what we are dealing with. I have wasted too much time on the contents of your mind. I noticed you said in another thread that the US killing in Vietnam was just Collateral damage. This lets me know you assess things by what you want them to be not by truth. My interest is the truth. You have provided no evidence for claim that Russia is intent on the wholesale slaughter civilians except your imagination.
There are only two possibilities here: either you are unable to comprehend the connection between bombing civilian targets and attempting to deny Ukrainian civilians heat and electricity during the winter and causing mass civilian casualties or you simply approve of this action by Putin.
Let me ask you a sanity test question: how many genders are there?
Putin should be praised for the humanitarian special military operation he used to liberate the ethnic Russian people in the Donbas region and expose Zelensky's criminal government.

Are you suggesting that starting a war and killing thousands of people, not only your own troops, but of Ukrainians too, is less criminals the what you supposedly think Zelensky was doing?
Вy the way, why does "progressive humanity" not help Russia with weapons in this conflict with the ukrainian fascists? Besides the fact that the average european believes that russians are dangerous subhuman savages, who need to be destroyed, the answer comes to mind - But the russians attacked!
But in this case, why did all the prostitutes and lackeys of the USA joyfully support all the US aggressions (and there were simply no others, the last war in which the USA was subjected to aggression was WWII)?
whenever you see the new thing to support decided by all lib media you know theres something truly evil there. Putin is the good guy in all this exposing the evil there in ukraine funded by democrats.
I showed you how none of your claims about Russia being intent on basically genocide were true except in your mind. When you say Russia's intent is on the wholesale slaughter of civilians in Ukraine and can provide no evidence except the content on your mind, then that is what we are dealing with. I have wasted too much time on the contents of your mind. I noticed you said in another thread that the US killing in Vietnam was just Collateral damage. This lets me know you assess things by what you want them to be not by truth. My interest is the truth. You have provided no evidence for claim that Russia is intent on the wholesale slaughter civilians except your imagination.
Once again the only thing you have established with your bizarre posts is that you are either unable to comprehend that connection between bombing civilians and attempting to deny them heat and electricity during the winter and massive civilian casualties or you approve of Putin's efforts to slaughter Ukrainian civilians.
Once again the only thing you have established with your bizarre posts is that you are either unable to comprehend that connection between bombing civilians and attempting to deny them heat and electricity during the winter and massive civilian casualties or you approve of Putin's efforts to slaughter Ukrainian civilians.
There has been no mass bombing of civilians. This is a war. Attacking the infrastructure including people's ability to get water and heat is not genocide. Killing all the people is. The people have plenty of options. Black outs seems to be one and while not the nicest of situations can still allow people to have sufficient heat, light and ability to cook. Millions of people left before things had even begun to become Refugees and after the bombing of this infrastructure I heard some had. If it became so bad that people really were in danger they could talk to Russia about ending the war but aI think that is highly unlikely. This can be fixed.

You said that Russia is intent on the wholesale slaughter civilians and you have been unable to show that. This is a war. Bombing of Infrastructure happens. It is not genocide. It may make people more uncomfortable but they are alive not dead and they have options on how they deal with that. Quit the ad homs.
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There has been no mass bombing of civilians. This is a war. Attacking the infrastructure including people's ability to get water and heat is not genocide. Killing all the people is. The people have plenty of options. Black outs seems to be one and while not the nicest of situations can still allow people to have sufficient heat, light and ability to cook. Millions of people left before things had even begun to become Refugees and after the bombing of this infrastructure I heard some had. If it became so bad that people really were in danger they could talk to Russia about ending the war but aI think that is highly unlikely. This can be fixed.

You said that Russia is intent on the wholesale slaughter civilians and you have been unable to show that. This is a war. Bombing of Infrastructure happens. It is not genocide. It may make people more uncomfortable but they are alive not dead and they have options on how they deal with that. Quit the ad homs.
Ok, so now you admit you approve of Putin's efforts to slaughter large numbers of Ukrainian civilians while noting that he has not yet been successful at it, and judging by his glaring incompetence in this war so far, probably will fail in this effort, too.

It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Putin's Russia is so depraved after he withdrew Russia from the sections of the Geneva Conventions on the protection of civilians in 2019 and after Putin's slaughter of Cheven civilians and after Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor.
Ok, so now you admit you approve of Putin's efforts to slaughter large numbers of Ukrainian civilians

That is really bad. Nothing. I never said that. I simply pointed out that what you called an example of Russia's intent to mass slaughter Ukrainians was not so. Quit telling lies.

So what do you think of the US shock and awe though we can go a lot deeper and find a lot worse in this very same war.

Civilian casualties and destruction of infrastructure[edit]​

Although Ullman and Wade claim that the need to "[m]inimize civilian casualties, loss of life, and collateral damage" is a "political sensitivity [which needs] to be understood up front", their doctrine of rapid dominance requires the capability to disrupt "means of communication, transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects of infrastructure",[8] and, in practice, "the appropriate balance of Shock and Awe must cause ... the threat and fear of action that may shut down all or part of the adversary's society or render his ability to fight useless short of complete physical destruction."[9]

Using as an example a theoretical invasion of Iraq 20 years after Operation Desert Storm, the authors claimed, "Shutting the country down would entail both the physical destruction of appropriate infrastructure and the shutdown and control of the flow of all vital information and associated commerce so rapidly as to achieve a level of national shock akin to the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Japanese."[10]
while noting that he has not yet been successful at it,

Again lies. I mentioned a variety of means people could deal with it. Bombing Infrastructure rather belongs to the US's shock and awe doctrine. It is not deliberate killing. You are now having to resort to repeated lies as you cannot present evidence of Russia's intent to of mass slaughtering the Ukranian people. You have provided no evidence to your claim that Russia is intent on mass slaughtering the citizens of Ukraine and you have taken to not only ad homs but now lying. This conversation is over.
That is really bad. Nothing. I never said that. I simply pointed out that what you called an example of Russia's intent to mass slaughter Ukrainians was not so. Quit telling lies.

So what do you think of the US shock and awe though we can go a lot deeper and find a lot worse in this very same war.

Again lies. I mentioned a variety of means people could deal with it. Bombing Infrastructure rather belongs to the US's shock and awe doctrine. It is not deliberate killing. You are now having to resort to repeated lies as you cannot present evidence of Russia's intent to of mass slaughtering the Ukranian people. You have provided no evidence to your claim that Russia is intent on mass slaughtering the citizens of Ukraine and you have taken to not only ad homs but now lying. This conversation is over.
First you assert that you see nothing wrong with Russia targeting Ukrainian civilians or trying to destroy Ukraine's power grid to deny Ukrainian civilians heat and electricity during the winter, and then you claim you can see absolutely no connection between these actions and Putin's intentions to cause mass civilian casualties in Ukraine. Nearly everywhere in the civilized world, targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are war crimes, except in Russia since 2019 and apparently in your home.
The Free World has to do more to stop Vladimir Putin and the Russian army’s campaign against civilian and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine. What is currently going on in Ukraine is like one would see in a science fiction movie with aliens invading earth and just indiscriminately killing civilians. It is a bad normal that the Free World is allowing to be established here. The standard is being set that in war it is okay to use terror to kill civilians and this should be alarming because future wars that is future conventional wars will become more lethal the norm will be the use of high speed missiles, Russia used them a couple of times in this war, and these missiles traveling eight hundred plus miles per hour simple physics indicate will have a more destructive effect than today's missiles. On Monday October 10th 2022 the Russian military fired over eighty missiles into Ukraine per CNN killing at least fourteen people and wounding ninety-seven. Almost every day now Russia is using these Iranian drones in Ukraine enabling Russia to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure; Russia is intending to acquire another two thousand two hundred of these drones from Iran, how much Ukrainian civilian lives and infrastructure will be lost from Russia use of these weapons. Another important aspect of this issue not focused on in the media beside the immoral taking of human life is the long-term infrastructure damage in Ukraine! The stark reality is that the world will only be able to give Ukraine so much concrete, steel, workman, etc. per year to rebuild their country; as of today it will take decades to rebuild Ukraine from an infrastructure standpoint. Practically every two months that goes by in this war with Russia’s heavy bombing of civilian infrastructure means that Ukraine’s recovery from this war from an infrastructure standpoint will be extended out like a year, the Free World should not let this go on!

Besides the moral and international security implications of allowing this extreme terror to go on at Russia hands the Free World should step up and stop this because any rationale for this being allowed to continue is gone. The consensus of military exports is that the trajectory of this war is that Russia loses and it is not possible for Russia to reverse this because Russia needs to rebuild its army to reverse this trajectory and it neither has the time or resources to accomplish this task. Retired General David Petraeus America’s most accomplished living General, having won the Iraq war for America and its allies, recently said exactly this! The point being if Russia militarily doesn’t have the capacity to win this war and with its heretofore terror campaign against Ukrainian civilians which has been so severe it will take at least twenty plus years for the Ukrainians to rebuild and this terror campaign has not broken the will of the Ukrainian people to repel the Russian invasion and fight for their country there is no legitimate argument Russia can make to continue this terror campaign.

Therefore Nato, the European Union and the G7 should come out and say to Vladimir Putin that if you don't stop this deliberate targeting of civilian, nonmilitary targets in this Russian Invasion of Ukraine War we as a collective body will not rest until you are prosecuted for War crimes. This includes even after the war non only keeping key sanctions that block you from purchasing weapons but also stop the import of dual use products that would be of key help for Russia in building weapons and security capacity including microchips, manufacturing equipment, camera technology, etc.. Not only will the sanctions leverage be used but it will be pursued removing the Russian Federation from the Security Council of the Untied Nation until Vladimir Putin is no longer in power in Russia and is turned over to the Hague for prosecution of war crimes have this seat on the Security Council filled by the General Assembly the same way they fill the non-permanent seats on the Security Council. The United States should come out to Putin and say unless you stop your campaign to kill civilians and destroy civilian infrastructure we are going to give the Ukrainian government the long range missiles and drones to target the bases inside Russia that are responsible for launching these weapons targeting civilian and civilian infrastructure.

Another danger in this war in Ukraine is that the country of Belarus seems to be contemplating getting into it on the side of Putin to help Russian forces, this would be a disaster for Ukraine and the Free World for this could bring forty thousand plus fresh Putin troops into the war and could again threaten Kyiv! The United States should tell Alexander Lukashenko President of Belarus that if he invades Ukraine to help Putin the United states will give 200 mile range missiles to the Ukrainian government and allow those and the fifty mile missiles already supplied to Ukraine to be fired into Belarus with the request and promise to President Volodymyr Zelensky to target key Belarusian infrastructure like the Belarus President's offices and the Belarus Capitol building and that those fired missiles will be replenished quickly! Further, the United States should tell the Belarussian President if he invades Ukraine the United States will not instigate an insurgency in Belarus “but” if any insurgency does rise up America's Foreign Intelligence service the CIA will provide “outstanding” help to that insurgency!

Furthermore, Belarus President Lukashenko has been waving around the threat of using nuclear weapons if his country is attacked and if Belarus does invade Ukraine understandably Ukraine would fire weapons into Belarus to take out weapon depots, command centers and to disrupt Belarussian supply lines which raises the question whether Belarus President Lukashenko would consider this a violation of his set forth condition triggering Belarus to use nuclear weapons. The United States should tell the Belarus President Lukashenko that if he crosses this line, the line on the use of nuclear weapons, which only a leader not in his right mind would cross, the United States will immediately commence and air bombing campaign that will be daily and go on for months that will not only destroy every military base in Belarus and target every significant size Belarus military unit it can find in Belarus but it will also target and destroy every significant and important government building in Belarus including for security and finance ministries. Further, the United States will push hard to see that Mr. Lukashenko is taken into custody and tried for war crimes over this use of a nuclear weapon including offering a $200 million reward for that individual or individuals that bring about his apprehension and his turning over to international authorities for prosecution of war crimes. Further if Belarus fires the nuclear missile into a Nato country the United States will be pushing for NATO to send in ground troops into Belarus and permanently remove the Lukashenko government from power!
Hate to break the news to yiu but I putin is not Hitler,zelensky is and nato which is funding him is the third reich.zelensky with the blessing of commie Biden and Obama,is the terrorist not putin.
There has been no mass bombing of civilians. This is a war. Attacking the infrastructure including people's ability to get water and heat is not genocide. Killing all the people is. The people have plenty of options. Black outs seems to be one and while not the nicest of situations can still allow people to have sufficient heat, light and ability to cook. Millions of people left before things had even begun to become Refugees and after the bombing of this infrastructure I heard some had. If it became so bad that people really were in danger they could talk to Russia about ending the war but aI think that is highly unlikely. This can be fixed.

You said that Russia is intent on the wholesale slaughter civilians and you have been unable to show that. This is a war. Bombing of Infrastructure happens. It is not genocide. It may make people more uncomfortable but they are alive not dead and they have options on how they deal with that. Quit the ad homs.
You nailed it,well done alexa :thankusmile:
you are going for comedy there right?:auiqs.jpg:
A communist is a supporter of the ideas of communism, or a member of the Communist Party. Moreover, a member of the Communist Party is not necessarily a supporter of the ideas of communism. He may just be a careerist if the Communist Party is in power. So communists can be considered primarily a person who is a supporter of the ideas of communism.
Now we need to define what communism is. Communism in short is an economic and social system in which the main ideas are social equality and public ownership of the means of production.

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