Terrorism Fears Grow Over Cuts in Refugee Screening

You're joking right? You do realize that it is a federal crime to try and register to vote if you are not a legal citizen... The ID has nothing to do with it. I have a drivers license for Spain but I cant go over there and vote... Do some homework before you present this kind of nonsense
"Crime" ? HA HA. Illegal aliens commit crimes when they cross the Mexican border illegally. They commit crimes when they knowingly hire other illegal aliens to jobs. They commit crimes when they drive cars without licenses and registrations. Crime is a way of life to them. Law is an unknown thing.

You think these Syrian refugees are going to care about the law ? They live by a creed (Islam) which is composed of scores of "crimes" under US law (murder, rape, sex discrimination, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, etc) You think they are going to pay attention to what is legal ? I don't need to do homework. You just need to show common sense. Millions of votes have been cast in presidential elections ILLEGALLY in recent years. You don't know ?
No I don't know because you are completely full of shit. Have fun on your rant but don't fool yourself into think that any of it carries weight
But by your thinking Requirement to BUY A GUN would be ALL GREY then.....No Documents required to buy a GUN
My "thinking" ? What are you talking about ? WHAT "thinking" ?
Christ you make it hard......see your Map and the Grey Areas say
But by your thinking Requirement to BUY A GUN would be ALL GREY then.....No Documents required to buy a GUN
My "thinking" ? What are you talking about ? WHAT "thinking" ?

Gee you make it Bloody Hard,get with the programme........in your Map the Grey Areas say NO DOCUMENTATION TO VOTE,yes...so I merely attributed the Same for Idiots who Buy a GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO GET A GUN,AND NO BACK GROUND CHECKS!!!!!!!!
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You guys have tried to convince Americans to embrace fear for years, you should be happy. Why are you such a coward? You're letting them shred your Constitution in the name of fear.
Go tel the families of the 9-11 victims, the families of 14 people killed in San Bernardino, the families of 13 soldiers killed in Fort Hood TX, and 35 other s wounded, Boston Marathon, LAX shooter, Beltway Sniper, etc etc that they are cowards. Stop talking stupid. There is a WAR going on, you idiot. It is the international jihad vs the West. would you tell 1941 Americans that they should not embrace fear ? Get real.

What does it take for you to perceive reality ? A nuclear bomb bouncing off your head ?
But Americans trained most of these people 9/11 To Fly....Soldier at Fort Hood......etc., so what responsibility do you hold ??????moreover you left a Schism in Iraq when you left between the Sunnis and Shias.....a void which ISIS filled quick smart.......so what responsibility do you hold........I think the N.C.Bomb has already hit your head.
You're joking right? You do realize that it is a federal crime to try and register to vote if you are not a legal citizen... The ID has nothing to do with it. I have a drivers license for Spain but I cant go over there and vote... Do some homework before you present this kind of nonsense
"Crime" ? HA HA. Illegal aliens commit crimes when they cross the Mexican border illegally. They commit crimes when they knowingly hire other illegal aliens to jobs. They commit crimes when they drive cars without licenses and registrations. Crime is a way of life to them. Law is an unknown thing.

You think these Syrian refugees are going to care about the law ? They live by a creed (Islam) which is composed of scores of "crimes" under US law (murder, rape, sex discrimination, wife-beating, pedophilia, slavery, etc) You think they are going to pay attention to what is legal ? I don't need to do homework. You just need to show common sense. Millions of votes have been cast in presidential elections ILLEGALLY in recent years. You don't know ?
And Americans don't do these sorts of things, hey Pro-Bro...!!!!!!!!!!!!!Silly Pro????????? Wasn't it You that made Lynching an Art-Form,how silly you are Pro,and what a Short,Myopic Memory You HAVE
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
We are a Liberal Country,Indeed we ARE......BUT NOT THAT LIBERAL,just sayin
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
But I doubt if your president hates your country and defends terrorists.
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
But I doubt if your president hates your country and defends terrorists.
We all love our Country and each other..........the Australian way..steve
Over the past 7 years, Obama has gone off the deep end in a number of things, often as a move to gather up votes. He's done it again. There is no end to this man's insanity. The administration is reportedly forging ahead with a "dangerously flawed" plan to expedite the vetting of an expected 10,000 Syrian refugees this year, paring down the usual 18-24 month process to just three months.

I've never considered that these refugees could be vetted at all, but bringing these people in so quickly is an obvious move to just boost up the Democrat vote for the 2016 election. This imbecile is willing to open up the doors to the ISIS Trojan Horse, and have dozens of US cities be nuclear and biologically bombed, so that he can stuff the November ballots with (he thinks) 10,000 more Democrat voters.

There is no end to the lunacy and irresponsibiilty of this of this insane screwball.

Terrorism Fears Grow Over Cuts in Refugee Screening

Just hide under the covers. AND for god's sakes don't look under the bed !!!!!!
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
But I doubt if your president hates your country and defends terrorists.
We all love our Country and each other..........the Australian way..steve
Most of us do as well. Our current government, not so much. But we intend to change that situation in November.
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
But I doubt if your president hates your country and defends terrorists.
We all love our Country and each other..........the Australian way..steve
Most of us do as well. Our current government, not so much. But we intend to change that situation in November.
I think we have had this conversation before SJ......LOL..steve
Why would any American actually think there's nothing wrong with bringing in 10,000 Syrians, especially without screening them? I mean, even liberals should have a problem with this. Are their heads so firmly planted in Obama's ass that they're willing to put their families at risk in order to defend the worthless bastard?
I think Europe has taken in millions SJ with few if any checks.....we have 10,000 coming but we do checks indeed we do..........Some Do-gooders think we are taking too long (around 6 months so far) but as we say...Hold on this is our Country and we decide,if they are impatient they don't have to come here do they.steve
But I doubt if your president hates your country and defends terrorists.
We all love our Country and each other..........the Australian way..steve
Most of us do as well. Our current government, not so much. But we intend to change that situation in November.
I think we have had this conversation before SJ......LOL..steve
I think maybe we have. :lol:
No I don't know because you are completely full of shit. Have fun on your rant but don't fool yourself into think that any of it carries weight
No, you don't know because you're an AIRHEAD, ignorant :asshole:. If you want to refute something you need to bring something to the table that refutes it, That doesn't include worthless rhetorical hot air, which is all you've brought.
Gee you make it Bloody Hard,get with the programme........in your Map the Grey Areas say NO DOCUMENTATION TO VOTE,yes...so I merely attributed the Same for Idiots who Buy a GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NO DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO GET A GUN,AND NO BACK GROUND CHECKS!!!!!!!!
And you merely attributed two things which have nothing to do with one another, as if they did. Maybe you need to get more sleep. You think ? Documents are needed to buy a gun ,and documents should be needed to vote.odf course. So what's your problem ?

And why would somebody be any idiot to buy a gun ? (as you said) Only an idiot would NOT by one, and leave himself defenseless. Oh you're in Australia huh ? Well maybe that explains it.
Another liberal la la land.
But Americans trained most of these people 9/11 To Fly....Soldier at Fort Hood......etc., so what responsibility do you hold ??????moreover you left a Schism in Iraq when you left between the Sunnis and Shias.....a void which ISIS filled quick smart.......so what responsibility do you hold........I think the N.C.Bomb has already hit your head.
Dumbshit. We were talking "embracing fear" or walking around oblivious to the jihadist danger. Are you not capable of keeping up with the subject matter, without tutoring ?

As for the things you mention, I hold ZERO responsibility, since they were all done by the Muslim, jihadist screwball in the White House, and his Muslim jihadist aide, Valerie Jarrett, and the bunch of Muslim jihadists in his administration, and the airhead Hillary Clinton, and her Muslim jihadist aide Huma Abedin. So now an education has hit YOUR head. Be thankful you got it free of charge.

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