Terrorist Aquited on over 200 counts.

SFC Ollie

Still Marching
Oct 21, 2009
Extreme East Ohio
Another victory for the Hussein administration.

(CNN) -- Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani was acquitted Wednesday of all but one count of conspiracy-related charges, in a landmark civilian trial involving the first Guantanamo detainee to be tried in civilian court.

Ghailani was convicted by a federal jury on a charge of conspiracy to destroy buildings and U.S. property, in connection with his role in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania.

The trial had been widely considered a testing ground for the Obama administration, which has said that it could try some terrorism suspects outside military tribunals and in civilian courts.

The U.S. Justice Department responded to the verdict in a written statement, saying, "We respect the jury's verdict and are pleased that Ahmed Ghailani now faces a minimum of 20 years in prison and a potential life sentence for his role in the embassy bombings."

Landmark terror trial ends in not-guilty verdict on all but one count - CNN.com

The US put on over 40 witnesses, and defense put on none and only took 20 minutes to make their case. Judge threw out the testamony of one terrorist because he was allegedly "tortured".

At least he was found guilty on one conspiracy charge and faces 20+ years.

A pathetic defeat of Obama's claim that we can have these assholes put on trial in civilian courts.
Looks like they knew they were losing, 3 days ago:

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all? Hot Air

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all?
posted at 12:00 pm on November 14, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

The White House has apparently leaked to the Washington Post in another Friday night news dump that they no longer intend to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the lead 9/11 plotter and the man who murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, in federal court. However, they also don’t intend to try KSM in a military commission, either, despite using that venue for others detained at Guantanamo Bay. Instead, it looks like the Obama administration has responded to an avalanche of opposition from New York Democrats and the Right with the political equivalent of taking their ball and going home:

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

The administration asserts that it can hold Mohammed and other al-Qaeda operatives under the laws of war, a principle that has been upheld by the courts when Guantanamo Bay detainees have challenged their detention.​

Earlier this week, Attorney General Eric Holder said that a decision would be coming soon on KSM’s trial, which administration officials later downplayed as a habitual response to the media’s questions and not any kind of signal of an imminent announcement. Nevertheless, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and newly-elected Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo both insisted this week that New York should not be used as a venue for a federal trial. Schumer had objected before to the trial, but Cuomo had not taken a public position on the issue until now....
"Potentially life" my ass. These trials are not meant to convict anyone but the previous administration.

Wouldn't be surprised if the Hussein pardons him for the one conviction. I mean obviously he isn't a terrorist if he was not guiltyy on 284 counts.
So, lemme see if I grasp this theory of yours, theHawk. The government aka "the Hussein Administration" blew the case on purpose (cleverly concealing their real agenda by putting on over 40 witnesses) and the prosecutor is out celebrating tonight?


I am unsure what should be done with these guys from GITMO but if the US Atty did not make his case to a NEW YORK CITY jury, he was never gonna be able to make it. The defendant was found not guilty for only one reason -- he wasn't.

Please stop using all the tinfoil for hats. We'll need some next week for the turkey.
"Potentially life" my ass. These trials are not meant to convict anyone but the previous administration.

Wouldn't be surprised if the Hussein pardons him for the one conviction. I mean obviously he isn't a terrorist if he was not guiltyy on 284 counts.

You know something none of us knows? Why's it impossible there are innocent people in GITMO?
Looks like they knew they were losing, 3 days ago:

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all? Hot Air

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all?
posted at 12:00 pm on November 14, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

The White House has apparently leaked to the Washington Post in another Friday night news dump that they no longer intend to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the lead 9/11 plotter and the man who murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, in federal court. However, they also don’t intend to try KSM in a military commission, either, despite using that venue for others detained at Guantanamo Bay. Instead, it looks like the Obama administration has responded to an avalanche of opposition from New York Democrats and the Right with the political equivalent of taking their ball and going home:

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

The administration asserts that it can hold Mohammed and other al-Qaeda operatives under the laws of war, a principle that has been upheld by the courts when Guantanamo Bay detainees have challenged their detention.​

Earlier this week, Attorney General Eric Holder said that a decision would be coming soon on KSM’s trial, which administration officials later downplayed as a habitual response to the media’s questions and not any kind of signal of an imminent announcement. Nevertheless, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and newly-elected Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo both insisted this week that New York should not be used as a venue for a federal trial. Schumer had objected before to the trial, but Cuomo had not taken a public position on the issue until now....

KSM's trial should have been over long time ago. He should be worm food by now.
Looks like they knew they were losing, 3 days ago:

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all? Hot Air

Obama to detain KSM indefinitely without trial at all?
posted at 12:00 pm on November 14, 2010 by Ed Morrissey

The White House has apparently leaked to the Washington Post in another Friday night news dump that they no longer intend to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the lead 9/11 plotter and the man who murdered journalist Daniel Pearl, in federal court. However, they also don’t intend to try KSM in a military commission, either, despite using that venue for others detained at Guantanamo Bay. Instead, it looks like the Obama administration has responded to an avalanche of opposition from New York Democrats and the Right with the political equivalent of taking their ball and going home:

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

The administration asserts that it can hold Mohammed and other al-Qaeda operatives under the laws of war, a principle that has been upheld by the courts when Guantanamo Bay detainees have challenged their detention.​

Earlier this week, Attorney General Eric Holder said that a decision would be coming soon on KSM’s trial, which administration officials later downplayed as a habitual response to the media’s questions and not any kind of signal of an imminent announcement. Nevertheless, Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer and newly-elected Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo both insisted this week that New York should not be used as a venue for a federal trial. Schumer had objected before to the trial, but Cuomo had not taken a public position on the issue until now....

KSM's trial should have been over long time ago. He should be worm food by now.

No disagreement here. Yet it seems now that Obama and Holder will just let them all rot at Gitmo, no trials since their plan failed. There are no words for the incompetence.
So, lemme see if I grasp this theory of yours, theHawk. The government aka "the Hussein Administration" blew the case on purpose (cleverly concealing their real agenda by putting on over 40 witnesses) and the prosecutor is out celebrating tonight?


I am unsure what should be done with these guys from GITMO but if the US Atty did not make his case to a NEW YORK CITY jury, he was never gonna be able to make it. The defendant was found not guilty for only one reason -- he wasn't.

Please stop using all the tinfoil for hats. We'll need some next week for the turkey.

So your arguement is that the Hussein really really does believe these guys are terrorists and can be convicted in civilian courts, and they spent all these millions of dollars and put on 40+ witnesses vs a virtual no defense and STILL LOST. So he didn't intentionally blow the case, his DoJ just did it out of complete and utter incompetence. Gotcha. :eusa_whistle:

The jury had to be escorted everywhere by marshalls and names kept secret, they very well could of been scared for their lives knowing terrorists would love to find out who they are and target them.
I really wish threads would be merged.

Anyways, seems like the enlightened judgment regarding civilian trials was a bust. No surprise there. Now they are going to let the others just sit at Gitmo for the foreseeable future, no trials since their idea failed.
I am unsure what should be done with these guys from GITMO

How about let the Military Tribunals handle them, just as they have been.

But I keep forgetting you leftists hate the military and don't trust their judgement in such cases.
well annie, "There are no words for the incompetence" , true and I am wondering where the words of outrage are from the the usual suspects on the left as to this man not getting his day in court and the pres. basically saying hes locked and will stay locked up sans due process carried out to its final extent?

And what happened to "alleged" murderer?;)
There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

and the idiocy continues, they are completely adrift....unbelievable.
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Alleged Al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani acquitted of all but one charge in embassy bombing trial

The first civilian trial of a Guantanamo detainee ended in disarray Wednesday with an alleged Al Qaeda operative convicted on only a single conspiracy count the African embassy bombing trial.

Read more: Alleged Al-Qaeda terrorist Ahmed Ghailani acquitted of all but one charge in embassy bombing trial

I told you that the Military courts should handle these cases.

from the link-

The case was considered a test-run for the Obama administration's politically-charged effort to try Guantanamo Bay detainees - including Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - in civilian court.

if this was a "test run" it failed abysmally. Now what?

I'd like to see what exactly, in particular they failed to drive home what evidence they had successfully. I have to assume, they had the evidence to make the connections necessary ....why didn't they?


Judge Lewis Kaplan barred a key witness from testifying because the man's name came to light while Ghailani was held at a CIA camp where suspects were allegedly tortured.

"If this had been before a military tribunal, evidence that was blocked in this case would have been admissable," King was quick to point out.

they had to have known or suspected this would happened...unreal.
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Maddy, terrorism is a Military problem, not a civil problem. At least that's the way I see it. Remember that congress (controlled by the left) set up the Military Tribunals approved by the Supreme Court. Obama decided to change things after the trials had started. It is a miserable failure. And it's getting back to what is and is not torture. This could get very very ugly for the Obama team.
then why don't they try KSM?


I did not sit through this trial, Trajan. I dun have the transcripts, I have not spoken to the jury, and I did not watch it on tv.

But if you cannot get a NYC jury to convict on terrorism charges, the government ain't never gonna get a conviction. Absent some arcania about admissible evidence, the verdict should be no different in any other tribunal.

The man just ain't guilty.

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