Terrorist attack in Ohio

Funny how yesterday there was not one word about this prick being named Muhammed and as a Somali background.
Right from the get go it was apparent that this was an attack that wasn't perpetrated by Billy Bob a devout Christian who flew the rebel flag, belonged to the NRA, was a Tea Party member and had a Trump sticker on the back of his pickup. Or the media would have linked him to Cliven Bundy too.


It's just so bloody obvious these days.
I've been stating for years that importing Muslims is choosing to increase antisemitic violence.
Right from the get go it was apparent that this was an attack that wasn't perpetrated by Billy Bob a devout Christian who flew the rebel flag, belonged to the NRA, was a Tea Party member and had a Trump sticker on the back of his pickup. Or the media would have linked him to Cliven Bundy too.


It's just so bloody obvious these days.
His fully automatic .50 jammed in the truck while he tried to lock and load then he reached for his trusty never jamming machete...
Right from the get go it was apparent that this was an attack that wasn't perpetrated by Billy Bob a devout Christian who flew the rebel flag, belonged to the NRA, was a Tea Party member and had a Trump sticker on the back of his pickup. Or the media would have linked him to Cliven Bundy too.


It's just so bloody obvious these days.
His fully automatic .50 jammed in the truck while he tried to lock and load then he reached for his trusty never jamming machete...

Right from the get go it was apparent that this was an attack that wasn't perpetrated by Billy Bob a devout Christian who flew the rebel flag, belonged to the NRA, was a Tea Party member and had a Trump sticker on the back of his pickup. Or the media would have linked him to Cliven Bundy too.


It's just so bloody obvious these days.
His fully automatic .50 jammed in the truck while he tried to lock and load then he reached for his trusty never jamming machete...

...sarcasm.... in reply to Tiny's post. Cool?
Right from the get go it was apparent that this was an attack that wasn't perpetrated by Billy Bob a devout Christian who flew the rebel flag, belonged to the NRA, was a Tea Party member and had a Trump sticker on the back of his pickup. Or the media would have linked him to Cliven Bundy too.


It's just so bloody obvious these days.
His fully automatic .50 jammed in the truck while he tried to lock and load then he reached for his trusty never jamming machete...

...sarcasm.... in reply to Tiny's post. Cool?

Sorry, I typed in "sarcasm" and still can't find the link.

Funny how yesterday there was not one word about this prick being named Muhammed and as a Somali background.

For future reference, anytime you hear the word "machete" in a news article you pretty much know what happened, by who, and why.
Time to shut the immigration door on Somalia...

Ohio State attack echoes Islamic State group's brutal calls
November 29, 2016 — In chillingly detailed articles in a slick online magazine, Islamic State extremists exhorted English-language readers this fall to carry out attacks with knives and vehicles.
Using those very methods, Somali-born student Abdul Razak Ali Artan injured 11 people Monday at Ohio State University, authorities say. It isn't clear whether Artan ever saw or heard about the magazine's instructions, but in a Facebook post made before the attack, he said that if the U.S. wanted Muslims to stop carrying out "lone wolf attacks," it should make peace with the Islamic State group. The posts were recounted by a law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation but wasn't authorized to discuss it publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

The group has for a few years urged sympathizers to strike out alone with any weapons available. But it has reinvigorated that message in recent weeks in its new propaganda magazine and a video, according to the SITE Intelligence Group, a U.S. monitoring service that tracks militant postings. "In recent months, ISIS media has shown a shift in focus toward attack instructions, offering detailed guides for performing knife attacks, vehicular attacks and other acts," said SITE Intelligence's executive director, Rita Katz. Monday's attack in Ohio "consists of the recent instructions from ISIS on what tools should be used for lone-wolf attacks in the West."

With professional-looking design and graphics and editions in multiple languages, the new magazine, Rumiyah, emerged in September with a call to kill "non-believers" in Australia, including at the Sydney Opera House, according to SITE Intelligence. It keeps copies of the magazine for monitoring. Days later, an 18-year-old man told security guards at the opera house that he was under the Islamic State group's instructions to carry out an attack, police said. The teenager, who was carrying canisters of automotive fluid, was charged with threatening to destroy property. A few days after that, a 22-year-old was charged with committing a terrorist act after authorities said he stabbed and critically wounded a man walking through a Sydney park in an attack inspired by IS. In both cases, the young men had shown signs of mental problems, according to their lawyers or police.

Subsequent issues of Rumiyah include articles devoted to terrorist tactics. October's was a primer on the features of various knives and where on the body to aim them to kill. November's topic was using vehicles as tools of terror, with an approving nod to the truck attack that killed more than 80 people in a holiday crowd in Nice, France, in July. The article expounded on the features an attack truck should have and suggested crowded streets and outdoor gatherings as targets, calling the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade an "excellent" choice. New York police stepped up security in response to the article and the Nice attack, partly by stationing sand-filled dump trucks near the route as barriers.


See also:

99,726 Somali Refugees Settled in U.S. Since 9/11
November 29, 2016 – Nearly 100,000 Somali refugees have been admitted into the United States since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, including 9,020 during fiscal year 2016 and 2,279 in the last two months alone.
According to the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center database, between the al-Qaeda terror attacks in September 2001 and today, 99,726 Somali refugees have been resettled in the U.S. Of those refugees, 99.6 percent are Muslims, reflecting the religious makeup of Somalia’s population, which is almost entirely Muslim, predominantly Sunni. The largest numbers of Somali refugees arriving in the country since 9/11 have been settled in Minnesota (almost 16,000) and Ohio (more than 7,500), with sizeable communities also in Texas, New York and Arizona. Monday’s attack on the Ohio State University campus in Columbus, Ohio, was carried out by a student who, according to law enforcement officials, was a Somali refugee who came to the U.S. in 2014, after living for several years in Pakistan.

Abdul Razak Ali Artan drove his car into pedestrians before getting out and stabbing people with a butcher knife, injuring eleven people in total. A police officer shot and killed him. The terror attack comes two months after a 20-year-old college student – the U.S.-raised son of refugees from Somalia – stabbed 10 people at a Minnesota shopping mall before an off-duty police officer shot and killed him. In a campaign stop in Minnesota shortly before the November 8 election, Republican nominee Donald Trump pointed to the mall attack and accused the administration of “faulty refugee vetting.” During October alone, 1,352 Somali refugees were admitted to the U.S., where they were resettled in 38 states and the District of Columbia. The biggest groups were located in New York State (138), Minnesota (135) and Ohio (93).


Those 1,352 Somali refugees constituted 13.5 percent of the total number of refugees from around the world (9,945) admitted to the U.S. in October. They were also second largest group from any country admitted that month, behind a 2,081-strong contingent from the Democratic Republican of the Congo. Since the beginning of November, another 927 Somali refugees have arrived, settling in 33 states, with the largest groups in Minnesota (137), New York (103) and Missouri (75). The 9,020 Somali refugees admitted during FY 2016, which ended on September 30, comprised the largest annual admission of Somalis under the refugee program in a decade. Not since 2006 (10,357) has a larger group arrived. For more than 20 years Somalia was not under the control of a single national government. The eventual establishment of a central federal government in 2012 has brought neither stability nor an end to the terrorist offensive waged by al-Shabaab, an al-Qaeda affiliate.

Al-Shabaab’s deadly campaign at home has had a spillover in the Somali-American community. Over nearly a decade the FBI has recorded cases of several dozen young Somali-American men from Minneapolis-Saint Paul having traveled to Somalia to join the terrorist group. Last year nine young Somali-Americans were arrested on suspicion of plotting to join the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL). Six of them pleaded guilty and the other three were later convicted of plotting to join ISIS and commit murder abroad. Over recent months ISIS has called on supporters around the world to carry out “lone wolf” attacks in their home countries.

Terrorist ‘breeding ground’


Ohio State attacker stewed over treatment of fellow Muslims
November 29, 2016 — A Somali-born student who carried out a car-and-knife attack at Ohio State University stewed over the treatment of Muslims while apparently staying under the radar of federal law enforcement, underscoring the difficulty authorities face in identifying and stopping lone wolves bent on violence.
Abdul Razak Ali Artan was not known to FBI counterterrorism authorities before Monday's rampage, which ended with him shot to death by police and 11 people injured, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press. That's in contrast to several other recent attacks, including those in New York City; Orlando, Florida; and Garland, Texas, in which those blamed for the bloodshed had previously come to the attention of federal agents. Law enforcement officials have not identified a motive for the Ohio State violence but have suggested terrorism as a possibility. FBI agents continued to search Artan's apartment for clues, but California U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said he had seen no evidence Artan was directed by or was in communication with any overseas terror organization.

The mode of attack — plowing a car into civilians, then slashing victims with a butcher knife — was in keeping with the recommended tactics of jihadist propaganda. And Facebook posts that were apparently written shortly before the attack and came to light afterward show Artan nursed grievances against the U.S. He railed against U.S. intervention in Muslim lands and warned, "If you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make peace" with the Islamic State group. "America! Stop interfering with other countries, especially the Muslim Ummah. We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that," he wrote, using the Arabic term for the world's Muslim community. He also warned that other Muslims are in sleeper cells, "waiting for a signal. I am warning you Oh America!"

The posts were recounted by a law enforcement official who was briefed on the investigation but wasn't authorized to discuss it publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity. On Tuesday, a self-described Islamic State news agency called Artan "a soldier of the Islamic State" who "carried out the operation in response to calls to target citizens of international coalition countries." The Islamic State group has described other attackers around the world as its "soldiers" without specifically claiming to have organized the acts of violence. Artan's social media rants seemed at odds with the portrait of the young man painted by neighbors and acquaintances.

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