Terrorist Attack In Paris: "This is For Syria"

Our country has been having this stupid conversation for literally centuries. I've said many times Trump should have re-formed the Know Nothings. He has lifted his entire political platform from them.

Instead of picking on the Irish and the Catholics and the Germans and the Italians and the French, and everyone else who wasn't Anglo-Saxon, the new Know Nothings pick on Muslims and Mexicans.

They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

If the leftist had run an electable candidate you wouldn't be all butt hurt.

At this point try and be a man and suck it up sugar.
I'm not butt hurt Trump defeated Clinton, retard. I'm butt hurt the pseudocon tards chose a fake Republican bigot over several real conservatives.
Notre Dame hammer attack suspect yelled 'This is for Syria'; terror investigation launched

"A man with a hammer cried "This is for Syria" before bashing a police officer in the head outside Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Tuesday, a top official revealed, as a terror investigation was under way."

So the attack has nothing to do with us...

It has everything to do with us. We're all infidels in their eyes. They are at war with all of Western culture.
Our country has been having this stupid conversation for literally centuries. I've said many times Trump should have re-formed the Know Nothings. He has lifted his entire political platform from them.

Instead of picking on the Irish and the Catholics and the Germans and the Italians and the French, and everyone else who wasn't Anglo-Saxon, the new Know Nothings pick on Muslims and Mexicans.

They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

If the leftist had run an electable candidate you wouldn't be all butt hurt.

At this point try and be a man and suck it up sugar.
I'm not butt hurt Trump defeated Clinton, retard. I'm butt hurt the pseudocon tards chose a fake Republican bigot over several real conservatives.

water under the bridge brahj - deal.
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Gs ass is still on fire :lol:
Whats really funny is the democrats he calls "true conservatives"
About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country,

That means 60% of our scientists, etc., are native. And of the 40 who do immigrate, they do so legally to seek greater opportunity. If they were not here, they would be replaced with other Americans. But I'm talking about the ones who only come here for a handout, the vast majority.
Guy shoots up his workplace in Florida , killing 6. Not a peep from the gun not cons .

Guy wh a hammer in France "let me run to the internet ! We must stop the terror !! "
If you don't like the thread topic and have nothing worthwhile to say, aside from attempting to divert the focus off the topic, feel free to STFU, leave, and don't come back / comment anymore. Thanks. Have a nice day.

I'm pointing out righty hypocrisy on the subject.

But I'll play . How is attqcking the police an act of terror?

a random attack is terrorism-----unless the cop was his brother
Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.

Two can play at that game cupcakes:

Imagine if Hillary the Hag had won.

Endless allegations, investigations and leaks out the whaazo!

But I imagine we'd still be the leader of the free world. instead of the butt end of it.
Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.

Two can play at that game cupcakes:

Imagine if Hillary the Hag had won.
I don't have to imagine. We experienced eight years of thrashing about, manufactured bullshit, whining, screaming, threats, cries for secession, non-stop demands for impeachment, and general hold-my-breath-til-I-turn-blue wailing and gnashing of teeth during the Obama years.

If Fox News devoted as much time to highlighting Christians Behaving Badly as they do to Muslims Behaving Badly and Negroes Behaving Badly, you tards would be burning down their station.

"Christianity is not a religion of peace!"
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.


There's nothing wrong with being a bigot against Nazis, is there?

Trump is a bigot against Islamists, which are the same thing as Nazis, you're just too dumb to realize it.
[cue doom music]

EEK! A Muslim!

EEK! A homo!

EEK! A Negro!

EEK! A Mexican!

Your propaganda outlets have you tards shitting your pants full time. I should buy stock in Immodium! :lol:
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.


There's nothing wrong with being a bigot against Nazis, is there?

Trump is a bigot against Islamists, which are the same thing as Nazis, you're just too dumb to realize it.
No, Trump is a bigot against Muslims. So the more apt analogy is being a bigot against all Germans.

Or, because of the KKK, being a bigot against all Christians.
Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.

Two can play at that game cupcakes:

Imagine if Hillary the Hag had won.

You mean Hillary the first US Presidential candidate to be running while under FBI investigation for everything from misusing her office for personal gain, selling out favors and national secrets, to destruction of government records to cover her tracks while manipulating the election so she would be the nominee, even to the point of getting advance warning of debate questions she still couldn't answer well?

Do you mean Hillary the candidate who could never stop coughing long enough to save her life, was always fainting, falling over and collapsing under vans having to be held up and carried? Who skipped campaigning in several states altogether because she simply wasn't up the physical strain ultimately costing her the election, not Russia? Can you imagine her at a Saudi or NATO marathon summit?

Or do you mean Hillary the candidate that had she succeeded in stealing the election would be today under yet another criminal investigation for corruption in Bangladesh barely 6 months into the office?
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Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.

Two can play at that game cupcakes:

Imagine if Hillary the Hag had won.
I don't have to imagine. We experienced eight years of thrashing about, manufactured bullshit, whining, screaming, threats, cries for secession, non-stop demands for impeachment, and general hold-my-breath-til-I-turn-blue wailing and gnashing of teeth during the Obama years.

If Fox News devoted as much time to highlighting Christians Behaving Badly as they do to Muslims Behaving Badly and Negroes Behaving Badly, you tards would be burning down their station.

"Christianity is not a religion of peace!"

Can't the legacy media = CNN, MSNBC, et. al. do that
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.


There's nothing wrong with being a bigot against Nazis, is there?

Trump is a bigot against Islamists, which are the same thing as Nazis, you're just too dumb to realize it.
No, Trump is a bigot against Muslims. So the more apt analogy is being a bigot against all Germans.

Or, because of the KKK, being a bigot against all Christians.

Muslims aren't a nationality moron, and being German isn't a chosen ideology.

Failed analogy.
We saw this same thing with the Know Nothings.

Italians Behaving Badly.

Germans Behaving Badly.

Irish Behaving Badly.

Catholicis Behaving Badly.

I can even show you their editorial cartoons which make the anti-Muslim bullshit you tards sling around look tame.
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.


There's nothing wrong with being a bigot against Nazis, is there?

Trump is a bigot against Islamists, which are the same thing as Nazis, you're just too dumb to realize it.
No, Trump is a bigot against Muslims. So the more apt analogy is being a bigot against all Germans.

Or, because of the KKK, being a bigot against all Christians.

Muslims aren't a nationality moron, and being German isn't a chosen ideology.

Failed analogy.
It was YOUR analogy, retard! :lol:

And stereotypes are not bound to a race. They can apply to a nationality or a creed or any kind of group.

I FIXED your analogy and you are just too retarded to get it. :lol:

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