Terrorist Attack In Paris: "This is For Syria"

Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.

Two can play at that game cupcakes:

Imagine if Hillary the Hag had won.

You mean Hillary the first US Presidential candidate to be running while under FBI investigation for everything from misusing her office for personal gain, selling out favors and national secrets, to destruction of government records to cover her tracks while manipulating the election so she would be the nominee, even to the point of getting advance warning of debate questions she still couldn't answer well?

Or do you mean Hillary the candidate that had she succeeded in stealing the election would be under yet another investigation for corruption in Bangladesh barely 6 months into office?

This is the Hillary the Hag from the Clinton Crime Family Foundation that shuddered to a halt once the enticement of pay to play influence ended.

This is the Hillary the Hag that Slick Willie will not touch.
At least one American has killed another American since this topic was started.

"B-b-b-but Muslims!"
All those Obama years, the pseudocons kept whining they had lost because the GOP never nominated a real conservative.

What they REALLY wanted was a bigot.

What they picked was Trump. A cut and run Democrat.

A New York limousine liberal.

This is who the tards voted for. A guy who stood for EVERYTHING they opposed. A guy who defended Clinton against his women accusers. The tards elected someone who said Bill Clinton was a great President. The tards elected someone who said there were never any WMDs in Iraq, even though they have insisted for 14 years there were. The tards elected someone who said he liked Nancy Pelosi and wished she would impeach Bush, which he felt would be a "wonderful thing". The tards elected someone who never once promised to lower the debt, and independent analysis has shown he would run it up another ten trillion dollars. The tards elected someone who was, in his own words, "very pro-choice". The tards elected someone who demands single payer healthcare in all his interviews up to 2015, and in his book. The tards elected someone who wants an assault weapons ban. The tards elected someone who was a registered Democrat for the ten years prior to 2011. The tards elected someone who screamed for us to cut-and-run from Iraq.


There's nothing wrong with being a bigot against Nazis, is there?

Trump is a bigot against Islamists, which are the same thing as Nazis, you're just too dumb to realize it.
No, Trump is a bigot against Muslims. So the more apt analogy is being a bigot against all Germans.

Or, because of the KKK, being a bigot against all Christians.

Muslims aren't a nationality moron, and being German isn't a chosen ideology.

Failed analogy.
It was YOUR analogy, retard! :lol:

And stereotypes are not bound to a race. They can apply to a nationality or a creed or any kind of group.

I FIXED your analogy and you are just too retarded to get it. :lol:

My analogy used two ideologies. Keep trying sparky.
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Hip to Your Hypocrisy

All that done against the will of the majority, which the Right-Wing snobs call a "mob."
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

Who ever said no immigrants? Most of us are immigrants.
The Melting Pot Has Had Its Inevitable Meltdown

Immigration stopped being necessary a long time ago. A tradition is only healthy for so long. The dumb savages had left the continent practically undeveloped, so originally there was a great need for immigrants to come help develop it. Don't think the way the ruling-class traitors tell us we must think.
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

Who ever said no immigrants? Most of us are immigrants.
The Melting Pot Has Had Its Inevitable Meltdown

Immigration stopped being necessary a long time ago. A tradition is only healthy for so long. The dumb savages had left the continent practically undeveloped, so originally there was a great need for immigrants to come help develop it. Don't think the way the ruling-class traitors tell us we must think.

I am sure this was a very nice place before Europeans trashed it.

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