Terrorist Attack In Paris: "This is For Syria"

How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"

that's right------it is a muzzie acting out the muzzie religion which is -----KILL
NON- muzzies. Family members have been killing each other since Cain
knocked his brother off. Muzzies killing for allah is fairly recent ----it has
been going on only for 1400 years. People have begun to notice that it happens
when there are muzzies around. There is not much to do about brothers
and husbands (and wives) I live very close to muzzies in the USA and have
seen some of the results of their presence. Crimes which are MURDER FOR A "god"
tend to happen in spurts and spread like a popular fad and they even have a HOLIDAY
for it. ---------the holiday was celebrated in Tel Aviv today------four dead. My son
just happens to be in that town ------with the US embassy. At least one of the four
was an American kid-----mid twenties. I grew up in an area of the USA that harbored
MAFIA------I saw some of the results of that too-------but it did not touch me at all-----
mafia does not kill randomly-----they kill their friends and business associates.
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

We already have way more people than jobs, retard jackass bunghole! If you weren't so fucking stupid, so blindingly fucked up with your brainwashed liberal bullshit, you'd know you can smell yourself a mile away you retard, liberal jackass, pustule! Immigrants don't CREATE jobs you moron, brain-dead, jacked-off pervert, they FILL THEM. Anymore, they mainly take jobs from other americans and only serve to lower the living standard of others, imbecile!
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Guy shoots up his workplace in Florida , killing 6. Not a peep from the gun not cons .

Guy wh a hammer in France "let me run to the internet ! We must stop the terror !! "
Guy shoots up his workplace in Florida , killing 6. Not a peep from the gun not cons .

Guy wh a hammer in France "let me run to the internet ! We must stop the terror !! "
If you don't like the thread topic and have nothing worthwhile to say, aside from attempting to divert the focus off the topic, feel free to STFU, leave, and don't come back / comment anymore. Thanks. Have a nice day.
Guy shoots up his workplace in Florida , killing 6. Not a peep from the gun not cons .

Guy wh a hammer in France "let me run to the internet ! We must stop the terror !! "
If you don't like the thread topic and have nothing worthwhile to say, aside from attempting to divert the focus off the topic, feel free to STFU, leave, and don't come back / comment anymore. Thanks. Have a nice day.

I'm pointing out righty hypocrisy on the subject.

But I'll play . How is attqcking the police an act of terror?
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

We already have way more people than jobs, retard jackass bunghole! If you weren't so fucking stupid, so blindingly fucked up with your brainwashed liberal bullshit, you'd know you can smell yourself a mile away you retard, liberal jackass, pustule! Immigrants don't CREATE jobs you moron, brain-dead, jacked-off pervert, they FILL THEM.
Triggered! :lol:

We have full employment, retard. ALL HAIL TRUMP!

And now some facts to destroy your overwrought, emotional, entirely baseless outburst:

About 40 percent of our Ph.D. scientists and engineers were born in another country, Orrenius writes. People tend to focus on illegal or low-skilled immigration when discussing immigrants and often do not recognize the tremendous contribution of high-skilled immigrants.

Dallas Federal Reserve

A new study, released last week, throws new information into the debate over foreign workers who arrive in the U.S. on such specialty visas.

The report, based on telephone surveys with 2,054 companies and projections by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley and Duke University, says about 25 percent of the technology and engineering companies launched in the U.S. in the past decade had at least one foreign-born founder.

Immigrants Become Founding Fathers

These immigrant founders tended to be highly educated-96 percent held bachelor's degrees and 74 percent held graduate or postgraduate degrees, with 75 percent of these degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics-related fields. The vast majority of these company founders didn't come to the United States as entrepreneurs 52 percent came to study, 40 percent came to work, and 5.5 percent came for family reasons. Only 1.6 percent came to start companies in America.

Even though these founders immigrated for other purposes initially, they typically started their companies just 13.25 years after arriving in the United States. And, rather than settling in well-established immigrant gateways, such as New York or Los Angeles, they moved to a diverse group of tech centers across the country and helped fuel their growth.


While 23 percent of the nation's cooks and 20 percent of its janitors were immigrants in 2000, 27 percent of new computer-software engineers were also immigrants, according to a recent Migration Policy Institute study.

Indeed, the more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it. While the foreign born make up 15 percent of the overall workforce, according to the 2000 census, they constitute approximately 17 percent of those with a bachelor's degree in science and engineering occupations, 29 percent of those with a master's degree, and 39 percent of those with a doctoral degree.

As US nears milestone, a rising mix of immigrants - CSMonitor.com

"[T]he more technically educated the group, the more likely immigrants are to be overrepresented in it."
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How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

Where did he say "All" cup cake?
If he meant just Muslims, then he was reinforcing my point about bigoted assholes for me, retard!

But yet again you do not know - yet you have a hissy fit and lash out with purse swings.

Sad really.
Even banning just Muslims is self-defeating.

You see, the bigoted tards conflate the VICTIMS of terrorism (refugees) with the terrorists. That's just how dumb they are. They are incapable of bleeving that other races or creeds can have bad and good just like there are bad and good Americans. This concept is completely beyond them.

They are also kept deliberately ignorant of the fact that Muslims are bearing 90 percent of the terrorist-inflicted casualties. The pants shitters panic over a hammer swinging in Paris, but cannot come close to the correct body count of the last truck bomb in Kabul last week.

Because that would totally violate their confirmation bias about ALL Muslims.

The fact is, the best source of intel on the terrorists is the refugees. But these pants shitting bigots would rather we fight the terrorists with one hand tied behind our backs.

How do you separate the undesirables form the pack?

They do not volunteer that info.

The overwhelming majority of people do not have drugs or weapons in their luggage so do we not check?
So like I said. Immigrants create jobs, you self-defeating tards.
Even banning just Muslims is self-defeating.

You see, the bigoted tards conflate the VICTIMS of terrorism (refugees) with the terrorists. That's just how dumb they are. They are incapable of bleeving that other races or creeds can have bad and good just like there are bad and good Americans. This concept is completely beyond them.

They are also kept deliberately ignorant of the fact that Muslims are bearing 90 percent of the terrorist-inflicted casualties. The pants shitters panic over a hammer swinging in Paris, but cannot come close to the correct body count of the last truck bomb in Kabul last week.

Because that would totally violate their confirmation bias about ALL Muslims.

The fact is, the best source of intel on the terrorists is the refugees. But these pants shitting bigots would rather we fight the terrorists with one hand tied behind our backs.

How do you separate the undesirables form the pack?

They do not volunteer.
Good question. How did the tards' ancestors slip through?
How many Americans were killed by Americans in the past 24 hours?

On average, 41. Many with guns. Many by friends and family.

"B-b-b-b-but there's a MUZZIE in Paris waving a hammer!"
We have our own problems, so why import more?
Thanks G! :D
So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

So we should halt all immigration, eh? How brilliantly self-defeating.

What does it defeat? We need more people? If we can't do it with 320million, 300 million of them actually legal citizens, then we won't get it done with 340 million people! Used to be we got quality people who came here to integrate, be Americans and start businesses, etc., work hard. Now we are just getting shit looking for a free handout.
Immigrants create jobs, retard. They are over-represented in our entrepreneurial businesses.

This is yet another example of you tards being so fucking stupid and self-defeating.

Who ever said no immigrants? Most of us are immigrants.
Our country has been having this stupid conversation for literally centuries. I've said many times Trump should have re-formed the Know Nothings. He has lifted his entire political platform from them.

Instead of picking on the Irish and the Catholics and the Germans and the Italians and the French, and everyone else who wasn't Anglo-Saxon, the new Know Nothings pick on Muslims and Mexicans.

They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
Now that we've moved past the "lone wolf attacker" bullshit, it is no longer just a guy with a hammer or a knife of a car, but a tolerance for what Theresa May and President Trump called Islamic extremism
Trump doesn't call it that any more. He caved, as he always has and always will.

You're going to see him calling it "Islamist terrorism".
Obviously you've been too busy shitting in your pants over this to read my post.

g5000's replies rarely, if ever, are related to what you posted. Topic change.
Even banning just Muslims is self-defeating.

You see, the bigoted tards conflate the VICTIMS of terrorism (refugees) with the terrorists. That's just how dumb they are. They are incapable of bleeving that other races or creeds can have bad and good just like there are bad and good Americans. This concept is completely beyond them.

They are also kept deliberately ignorant of the fact that Muslims are bearing 90 percent of the terrorist-inflicted casualties. The pants shitters panic over a hammer swinging in Paris, but cannot come close to the correct body count of the last truck bomb in Kabul last week.

Because that would totally violate their confirmation bias about ALL Muslims.

The fact is, the best source of intel on the terrorists is the refugees. But these pants shitting bigots would rather we fight the terrorists with one hand tied behind our backs.

How do you separate the undesirables form the pack?

They do not volunteer.
Good question. How did the tards' ancestors slip through?

Find out and report back.

chop chop
Imagine how fucking butt hurt the tards would feel if Fox News reported Catholics Acting Badly every chance they got.
Our country has been having this stupid conversation for literally centuries. I've said many times Trump should have re-formed the Know Nothings. He has lifted his entire political platform from them.

Instead of picking on the Irish and the Catholics and the Germans and the Italians and the French, and everyone else who wasn't Anglo-Saxon, the new Know Nothings pick on Muslims and Mexicans.

They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.

If the leftist had run an electable candidate you wouldn't be all butt hurt.

At this point try and be a man and suck it up sugar.
We're going to shit our pants over a guy with a hammer five thousand miles away now?
Now that we've moved past the "lone wolf attacker" bullshit, it is no longer just a guy with a hammer or a knife of a car, but a tolerance for what Theresa May and President Trump called Islamic extremism
Trump doesn't call it that any more. He caved, as he always has and always will.

You're going to see him calling it "Islamist terrorism".
Obviously you've been too busy shitting in your pants over this to read my post.
Your post was just more of the "Islam is not a religion of peace" utter bullshit.

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