terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

So this "terrorist" is Christian? And what interview was this information gleened from?

Meanwhile Obama and his bots call real terrorists "contingencies"

Op is a first class loon

The OP was quick to screw the pooch and make assumptions.
Plasmaballs is confusing Christian ideology with Islam again.

No wonder he hates us.

Is Plasma on the Watchlist? No Flylist?

No. I don't thnk he is a Christian actually, so probably wouldn't be.

But after reading the last several pages of this thread I am now convinced:


Indeed...as I said before? NO ONE knows who did it, or intent...Only it happened.
Republicans state mandated rape in Texas

A woman is forced to endure a medical procedure likened to rape. No, it's not Egypt, where army doctors are accused of subjecting protesters to grotesque "virginity tests".
Instead it's Texas, where a controversial law, signed last year by failed Republican presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry, took effect in February.
Aimed at women who seek abortions, a legal right since 1973, the "Sonogram Bill" compels doctors to describe, and patients to listen to, a description of the fetus revealed by an ultrasound.
"A patient must make two visits," explains Rochelle Tafolla, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"During the first visit the doctor who is going to perform the abortion must perform the ultrasound. The doctor must display the ultrasound image to the woman. She can look away but the doctor must describe the image. If there is cardiac activity that suggests a heartbeat the doctor is required to turn up the audio so the woman can hear it."
This invasive procedure involves inserting an ultrasound device, or "wand", into the vagina to get a clear image of the fetus and detect any heartbeat in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, when most American women seek abortions.

Where is the link chris?

Under the law, in addition to receiving written materials about the risks of abortion, women must undergo a sonogram. The vast majority for women in their first trimester of pregnancy will be done by vaginal probe. External ultrasounds done over the abdomen are not useful for a clear fetal image early in a pregnancy.

Texas sonogram law can go forward, federal appeals court says | Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Aren't some abortions completed with sticking a probe in the vaginal area?
Where is the link chris?

Under the law, in addition to receiving written materials about the risks of abortion, women must undergo a sonogram. The vast majority for women in their first trimester of pregnancy will be done by vaginal probe. External ultrasounds done over the abdomen are not useful for a clear fetal image early in a pregnancy.

Texas sonogram law can go forward, federal appeals court says | Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Aren't some abortions completed with sticking a probe in the vaginal area?

Not sure. Never assisted with one, don't keep up with the latest in abortion techniques. A D&C, yeah.
So this "terrorist" is Christian? And what interview was this information gleened from?

Meanwhile Obama and his bots call real terrorists "contingencies"

Op is a first class loon
We don't know it's a Christian. But, that is the first place I would look - some Christian activist group, especially if their rhetoric borders the violent.

I can't think of any abortion-related bombing or violence that hasn't been related to a Christian activist.

I could be wrong, though. But, I bet we can both agree that most past bombings and violent actions have been by Christian activists or Christian activist groups.

Who is a Christian activist advocating violence? Can you name a Christian activist group? The only one I can come up with is Westboro Baptist that are so much a disgrace to Christians everywhere I don't think it's fair to include them.

Why does this person have to be an activist anything? Why is this person, assuming it was somebody targeting a Planned Parenthood building, not more likely to be a mentally ill or deranged person acting impulsively and on his/her own initiative?
Under the law, in addition to receiving written materials about the risks of abortion, women must undergo a sonogram. The vast majority for women in their first trimester of pregnancy will be done by vaginal probe. External ultrasounds done over the abdomen are not useful for a clear fetal image early in a pregnancy.

Texas sonogram law can go forward, federal appeals court says | Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Aren't some abortions completed with sticking a probe in the vaginal area?

Not sure. Never assisted with one, don't keep up with the latest in abortion techniques. A D&C, yeah.

I'm not sure but I recall some abortion are completed by the doctor inserting a needle in the vagina area

From Your Link.

On Sunday April 1, 2012 at 7:41 P.M. the Grand Chute Fire Department responded to
Plannned Parenthood, 3800 N. Gíllett St for a fire alarm. While investigating the cause for
the alarm, firefighters found evidence of foul play and requested assistance from the
Grand Chute Police Department.

An unknown person placed a small homemade explosive device on an outside window
sill to the buílding. The device later exploded, causing damage to the building. A small
fire broke out at the time ofthe explosion, but it quickly burned itself out prior to the
arrival of the fire department.

The Grand Chute Police Department is investigating this incident. It is believed the
incident took place around 7:30 P.M. If anyone has about this incident,
please contact the Grand Chute Department at 920-832-1575.

Daily Kos: Planned Parenthood Firebombed in Wisconsin (Updated)

I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.
Last edited:
Aren't some abortions completed with sticking a probe in the vaginal area?

Not sure. Never assisted with one, don't keep up with the latest in abortion techniques. A D&C, yeah.

I'm not sure but I recall some abortion are completed by the doctor inserting a needle in the vagina area


Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

From Your Link.

On Sunday April 1, 2012 at 7:41 P.M. the Grand Chute Fire Department responded to
Plannned Parenthood, 3800 N. Gíllett St for a fire alarm. While investigating the cause for
the alarm, firefighters found evidence of foul play and requested assistance from the
Grand Chute Police Department.

An unknown person placed a small homemade explosive device on an outside window
sill to the buílding. The device later exploded, causing damage to the building. A small
fire broke out at the time ofthe explosion, but it quickly burned itself out prior to the
arrival of the fire department.

The Grand Chute Police Department is investigating this incident. It is believed the
incident took place around 7:30 P.M. If anyone has about this incident,
please contact the Grand Chute Department at 920-832-1575.

Daily Kos: Planned Parenthood Firebombed in Wisconsin (Updated)

I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

"unknown Person" just HAD TO BE a Christain since they have a habit of disappearing and resurrecting themselves...
The person is unknown, but you somehow know they are Christian?

No damage?

No Injuries?

In Wisconsin where the unions are waging war against the citizenry?

Anyone else get the feeling that the abortion industry might have set this themselves, for a little publicity and an opportunity to attack Walker and the Christians that the left hates so much?

Do you punch yourself in the face for attention?

Shut up
Seriously... Go fuck yourself, asshole...
Exactly. The fact that 99.9% of Christians denounce all forms of political or social violence like that doesn't count for anything with those who hate Christians. It's still all the Christians' fault if somebody does something hateful or stupid.

Seems to be the same attitude many have against Muslims. It's such a pity.
I can't believe the bat shit crazy stuff the Republicans are doing....government mandated vaginal penetration ultrasounds, defunding family planning clincs that do cancer screenings, requiring women to tell their employers if they are having sex, saying contraception itself is "wrong", opposing contraception insurance coverage for women, passing bills that require doctors to lie to their patients about breast cancer, etc....

The wheels have come off the Republican Crazy Train.
Not sure. Never assisted with one, don't keep up with the latest in abortion techniques. A D&C, yeah.

I'm not sure but I recall some abortion are completed by the doctor inserting a needle in the vagina area


Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Partial-Birth Abortion require something is stuck in the vagina area.
I can't believe the bat shit crazy stuff the Republicans are doing....government mandated vaginal penetration ultrasounds, ....
As that never happened, I'm wondering what moron told you it did.
I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]
You're talking about someone who's psychologically disturbed and is more likely part of a militia type group then a Christian Church.

What if is was both.

How much exactly is your platform based on "What If"??? Don't you see the damage that kind of irrational thinking causes. Blind Man Shooting at the World. It does not pan out. Measure twice, cut once. Stop propagating Hate.

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