terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

I'm not sure but I recall some abortion are completed by the doctor inserting a needle in the vagina area


Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Partial-Birth Abortion require something is stuck in the vagina area.

Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Partial-Birth Abortion require something is stuck in the vagina area.

"Partial birth" abortions are illegal, right?

Suction would be done by syringe or machine, I'd guess. When you said "needle", I thought you meant a needle. Sharp, pointy things are my life.

shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

Ah, another leftist whacko who can't be bothered with facts...all he's interested in what people "think". Not what they "do".
Murder is an unlawful act; abortion is legal under some circumstances and within those parameters it cannot be rationally called murder.

The act of placing a bomb or shooting unarmed health care providers and killing them, or others in the vicinity, is murder; murder in the first degree due to malice of forethought - characteristic of such is is deliberate or premeditated taking of a human life; it is punished by death or life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Maybe it's time for the SYG law to be explained to abortion doctors and their aides.
Where's the evidence these were Christians?

All we have here is the usual assumption and religious bigotry from the left as "evidence."

Nice try. Not even going to bother with the rest of this thread, it is such a fail.

Not worth my time.

Where's the evidence these were Christians?

All we have here is the usual assumption and religious bigotry from the left as "evidence."

Nice try. Not even going to bother with the rest of this thread, it is such a fail.

Not worth my time.

There is no evidence about who did this.

Based on past bombings and violence toward those involved in abortion, there is a good indication where to start looking.

But, there is no evidence, according to the report.


Since she isn't taking private or visitor messages, I guess I have to respond here:

Sunshine said:
Hi, you have received -243 reputation points from Sunshine.
Reputation was given for this post.

yeah. YOU are a fucking idiot.


Note: This is an automated message.

Funny, I didn't mention your name in that post :lol:

Thanks for the rep. Have a great night !

(this from the same person who positive-rep'd me for the bullrun video ... and then demanded I positive-rep her in return LOL)

I make no 'demands' for rep. All I do is suggest someone might throw some back when they aren't getting the picture which you were not. Now, before the day is over, I'm going to go find my PM to you and report it to staff to prove you are an abject liar AND that you are attempting to post the content of PMs, though you are actually lying about that content. CIAO.

Edited to add: That is done. Since you violated the rule and posted content of PMs which you made up, I am pleased to clarify to staff EXACTLY what I said in my PM, but which will remain unposted by me because it is against the rules.
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denotates .

Did you mean denotate

1590s, from pp. stem of denotare (see denote).

de·note   [dih-noht] Show IPA
verb (used with object), -not·ed, -not·ing.
to be a mark or sign of; indicate: A fever often denotes an infection.
to be a name or designation for; mean.
to represent by a symbol; stand as a symbol for.


That actually does make some sense.
I make no 'demands' for rep. All I do is suggest someone might throw some back when they aren't getting the picture which you were not. Now, before the day is over, I'm going to go find my PM to you and report it to staff to prove you are an abject liar AND that you are attempting to post the content of PMs, though you are actually lying about that content. CIAO.

Edited to add: That is done. Since you violated the rule and posted content of rules which you made up, I am pleased to clarify EXACTLY what I said in my PM, but which will remain unposted by me because it is against the rules.

If you weren't such a coward by sending me a pm but refusing to accept a response, I wouldn't have posted my response here.

Yeah, you said to throw some back at you :lol:

Pretty pathetic. I don't think I've had anyone else demand rep in return.
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I make no 'demands' for rep. All I do is suggest someone might throw some back when they aren't getting the picture which you were not. Now, before the day is over, I'm going to go find my PM to you and report it to staff to prove you are an abject liar AND that you are attempting to post the content of PMs, though you are actually lying about that content. CIAO.

Edited to add: That is done. Since you violated the rule and posted content of rules which you made up, I am pleased to clarify EXACTLY what I said in my PM, but which will remain unposted by me because it is against the rules.

If you weren't such a coward by sending me a pm but refusing to accept a response, I wouldn't have posted my response here.

Yeah, you said to throw some back at you :lol:

Pretty pathetic. I don't think I've had anyone else demand rep in return.

I have to cut my PMs off due to the abuse some people delight in heaping upon others. And BTW getting a PM for rep is an automated board feature over which I have no control. But if your head ever clears of the meth there is a way to cut that off as well. I'll just let you find it. Now you are free to return to fucking your little dog. Actually, early on, in an effort to show me how to build rep, someone did suggest to me that you get more rep if you return rep. I should have saved myself the trouble with you because you are too stupid, even now, to get the picture! And I forwarded the PM where I told you that you get rep by giving. So go piss up a rope. You are too stupid to be posting on forums.
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"It's still all the Christians' fault if somebody does something hateful or stupid. "

Explain or give details. As a person with a strong Christian belief I simply dont see this. Who is out there blaming Christians? Sounds like Fox Spews.

By the same token... Is it all Muslims' fault when some of THEIR radical RIGHT WING do something hateful or stupid?

I haven't been on the board for a while(busy helping to plan my son's wedding in May), so I don't know anything about this piece of news. But it seems to me that plenty of you on the right are so ambitious to assign blame to an entire religion for the acts of a relatively small percentage of the whole.

Perhaps this thread isn't to slam Christianity(which I am one of), but to point out the bigotry of those that do the same damned thing to Muslims.

I have no particular love of Muslims, or Islam in general... But everyone has the God Given right to worship as they see fit.

For an example.... I noticed a person bring up the guy that shot Gabby Giffords. When that happened those on the right went to the Nth degree to make the situation less than what it was....and the left tried to demonize him as the face of the Tea Party.

But months earlier.... there was a Psychiatrist who worked with returning Veterans who repeatedly told him the horror stories of their experiences while in combat and the guy snapped and went on a killing rampage in Ft. Hood Texas. That guy was immediately deemed a terrorist from the right....because he was Muslim and contacted an Imam from Yemen(I think). No one knows what that contact was about, no one knows what was said...but he's still a terrorist in many of your minds.

Neither of those two people deserve the labels that were assigned them. Loughner and the Ft. Hood Shooter are insane.

The guy that did this? Is probably insane too. But when people are bombarded with propaganda 24/7/365 days a year....Crazy shit can and will happen.

Just one more reason that we have to stop this nonsense of Hating one another for political reasons. It's just adding fuel to the fire in regards to the unstable people on the fringes of our society.

Hating one another isn't very Christian.... I won't have any part in it. Oh... I'll still argue with you folk on the right.... You'll still get me to shout, scream, cuss and name call.... But make no mistake... You are all my fellow Countrymen first, and right wing lunatics second:D

I don't "hate" you... I just disagree with you.
I make no 'demands' for rep. All I do is suggest someone might throw some back when they aren't getting the picture which you were not. Now, before the day is over, I'm going to go find my PM to you and report it to staff to prove you are an abject liar AND that you are attempting to post the content of PMs, though you are actually lying about that content. CIAO.

Edited to add: That is done. Since you violated the rule and posted content of rules which you made up, I am pleased to clarify EXACTLY what I said in my PM, but which will remain unposted by me because it is against the rules.

If you weren't such a coward by sending me a pm but refusing to accept a response, I wouldn't have posted my response here.

Yeah, you said to throw some back at you :lol:

Pretty pathetic. I don't think I've had anyone else demand rep in return.

I have to cut my PMs off due to the abuse some people delight in heaping upon others. And BTW getting a PM for rep is an automated board feature over which I have no control. But if your head ever clears of the meth there is a way to cut that off as well. I'll just let you find it. Now you are free to return to fucking your little dog. Actually, early on, in an effort to show me how to build rep, someone did suggest to me that you get more rep if you return rep. I should have saved myself the trouble with you because you are too stupid, even now, to get the picture! And I forwarded the PM where I told you that you get rep by giving. So go piss up a rope. You are too stupid to be posting on forums.

I'm aware how it works, and that they are automated. I only attempted to respond to your snarky comments.

You're such a kind, gentle soul.
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By the same token... Is it all Muslims' fault when some of THEIR radical RIGHT WING do something hateful or stupid?

I haven't been on the board for a while(busy helping to plan my son's wedding in May), so I don't know anything about this piece of news. But it seems to me that plenty of you on the right are so ambitious to assign blame to an entire religion for the acts of a relatively small percentage of the whole.

Perhaps this thread isn't to slam Christianity(which I am one of), but to point out the bigotry of those that do the same damned thing to Muslims.

I have no particular love of Muslims, or Islam in general... But everyone has the God Given right to worship as they see fit.

For an example.... I noticed a person bring up the guy that shot Gabby Giffords. When that happened those on the right went to the Nth degree to make the situation less than what it was....and the left tried to demonize him as the face of the Tea Party.

But months earlier.... there was a Psychiatrist who worked with returning Veterans who repeatedly told him the horror stories of their experiences while in combat and the guy snapped and went on a killing rampage in Ft. Hood Texas. That guy was immediately deemed a terrorist from the right....because he was Muslim and contacted an Imam from Yemen(I think). No one knows what that contact was about, no one knows what was said...but he's still a terrorist in many of your minds.

Neither of those two people deserve the labels that were assigned them. Loughner and the Ft. Hood Shooter are insane.

The guy that did this? Is probably insane too. But when people are bombarded with propaganda 24/7/365 days a year....Crazy shit can and will happen.

Just one more reason that we have to stop this nonsense of Hating one another for political reasons. It's just adding fuel to the fire in regards to the unstable people on the fringes of our society.

Hating one another isn't very Christian.... I won't have any part in it. Oh... I'll still argue with you folk on the right.... You'll still get me to shout, scream, cuss and name call.... But make no mistake... You are all my fellow Countrymen first, and right wing lunatics second:D

I don't "hate" you... I just disagree with you.

Good post.

I do think this particular incident can be described as domestic terrorism, no matter who is responsible.
I can't believe the bat shit crazy stuff the Republicans are doing....government mandated vaginal penetration ultrasounds, defunding family planning clincs that do cancer screenings, requiring women to tell their employers if they are having sex, saying contraception itself is "wrong", opposing contraception insurance coverage for women, passing bills that require doctors to lie to their patients about breast cancer, etc....

The wheels have come off the Republican Crazy Train.


And it's not going to be forgotten.
I can't believe the bat shit crazy stuff the Republicans are doing....government mandated vaginal penetration ultrasounds, defunding family planning clincs that do cancer screenings, requiring women to tell their employers if they are having sex, saying contraception itself is "wrong", opposing contraception insurance coverage for women, passing bills that require doctors to lie to their patients about breast cancer, etc....

The wheels have come off the Republican Crazy Train.


And it's not going to be forgotten.

Women voters in a dozen key swing states have propelled President Obama into a sizable lead in the 2012 contest — a surge that is likely fueled in part by a heated public debate over contraception coverage.

According to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, Obama has a lead of 51% to 42% over Republican front-runner Mitt Romney. This figure is up from last month when Obama was behind Romney by two percentage points.
The biggest bump came from womenhttp://todayonthetrail.today.msnbc....a-doing-well-among-women-approval-rating-wise under 50, according to the poll, among whom Romney’s favorability shrinks to 30%. Six in 10 women under 50 in those states now support Obama.


Swing States Poll: A shift by women puts Obama in lead
I've been a Christian for 74 years. I cannot condone anyone trying to do any damage to any place including planned parenthood. I dont care what party the person is from or claims to represent. This isnt about a Christian, its about a person with a warped sense of reality. Truly warped.

I always think it's a good idea to wait until we have evidence of who committed the act before I comment on who that person is. Currently, the only reference to it being a 'Christian' is from the poster who started this bullshit thread. The article makes no reference to a 'Christian' being involved.

But please... do carry on regurgitating bullshit.

You missed several posts where others were claiming it's a liberal inside job, Captain Fairness

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