terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

Small explosion, little damage, no one is hurt or close to being hurt, no suspects or leads, done in WI where liberals are losing, I smell an inside job! They want to continue the liberal dishonest campaign of the so called war on women!

Yep. Sounds just like the noose sightings that sprinkled college campuses a few years ago. All planted by the various victims.

Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Partial-Birth Abortion require something is stuck in the vagina area.

"Partial birth" abortions are illegal, right?

Suction would be done by syringe or machine, I'd guess. When you said "needle", I thought you meant a needle. Sharp, pointy things are my life.

Those procedures are still inserting something into the vagina area is this a correct statement?
We are against abortion because it's murder.

Let's go out and murder people to prove our point.


Funny...and false. You won't find us advocating for the deaths of anybody.

Unlike the baby killers, who proclaim from the rooftops that killing babies actually helps them. "Save children by killing them!" "Protect women by protecting their abusers!"
Is this the crazy train? I'm seeing some silly shit in here.

You got it. The trailer trash leftists and mama's basement dweller libtards have really dumbed down the board lately. It's continued examples of there should be an IQ requirement to vote.
It's going to get dumber and crazier from here until the election.

Then the majority of them will crawl back under their rocks and into their basements. Where they belong and prefer to dwell.
The person is unknown, but you somehow know they are Christian?

No damage?

No Injuries?

In Wisconsin where the unions are waging war against the citizenry?

Anyone else get the feeling that the abortion industry might have set this themselves, for a little publicity and an opportunity to attack Walker and the Christians that the left hates so much?

Precisely what I was thinking... :clap2:
shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

That's odd. How on earth would you know what they were thinking behind the curtains?

Abortion bombings are such rare occurences, how the heck would I know the religious affiliation of any of them?

Are you people seriously going to argue that we know anything about an unknown person?

They could turn out to be a Muslim.
shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

It is you and the OP doing the assuming, making up unsubstantiated Allegations, and building on them. What Jackasses. You give Morons a bad name.
We better round up the conservatives...just to be safe.

You joke (I think) but what worries me is that is exactly where we are headed and if it isn't the conservatives first it will be Muslims or depending on who is in charge in Washington, it might even be liberals. Our rights are being diminished by both parties. Which one takes the first step of rounding up X is anybody's guess. I'm going with which ever side wins in November.


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