terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

Republicans state mandated rape in Texas

A woman is forced to endure a medical procedure likened to rape. No, it's not Egypt, where army doctors are accused of subjecting protesters to grotesque "virginity tests".
Instead it's Texas, where a controversial law, signed last year by failed Republican presidential candidate Governor Rick Perry, took effect in February.
Aimed at women who seek abortions, a legal right since 1973, the "Sonogram Bill" compels doctors to describe, and patients to listen to, a description of the fetus revealed by an ultrasound.
"A patient must make two visits," explains Rochelle Tafolla, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.
"During the first visit the doctor who is going to perform the abortion must perform the ultrasound. The doctor must display the ultrasound image to the woman. She can look away but the doctor must describe the image. If there is cardiac activity that suggests a heartbeat the doctor is required to turn up the audio so the woman can hear it."
This invasive procedure involves inserting an ultrasound device, or "wand", into the vagina to get a clear image of the fetus and detect any heartbeat in the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, when most American women seek abortions.

Where is the link chris?

Under the law, in addition to receiving written materials about the risks of abortion, women must undergo a sonogram. The vast majority for women in their first trimester of pregnancy will be done by vaginal probe. External ultrasounds done over the abdomen are not useful for a clear fetal image early in a pregnancy.

Texas sonogram law can go forward, federal appeals court says | Texas Legislature News - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News

Vaginal ultrasounds are quite common and are the only way to get a good look at the ovaries to rule out ovarian cancer. i havd had two of them, thank God were both negative, and there was nothing "invasive" about it in the least. I see nothing wrong with doing an ultrasound before an abortion to see just how large the fetus us so they know what it is going to entail. A little gal who plays in our community band is just about 15 weeks pregnant with her second baby and they could not get a heart beat on the abdominal ultrasound, so they did a vaginal and thank goodness everything is okay. It allows the doctor to see things more closely. Some women don't show very much even when six months along, and some look like they are six months when they are 3 months, so the ultrasound is see exactly what the deal is before proceeding.

If a women can't stand to hear a description of the fetus she is killing then maybe she doesn't really want an abortion after all. Why are libs so against this? why are they against her possibly changing her mind? It's HER body, that's always been their argument. The doctor is actually covering his own butt I would think, making sure this is really what she wants, so she doesn't come back and sue him claiming he forced or coerced her into getting an abortion when she really didn't want one.
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Sorry, but the definition is still the same. I'm not acknowledging it because it is illogical and insane. If they are opposing this due to Bible references, isn't there a Commandment against murder? Does it state it's ok under certain circumstance? No.

The lack of logic is "the Bible says murder is a no on, but in this case it's ok".

Sorry...This ain't Burger King, you can't have it your way...

There was no murder.

There was no injury.

Not so much as a broken finger nail.

95% chance this was one of the abortionists looking for publicity and seeking to rally the drones.

This ain't the Olbermann show, you can't just make shit up and declare it the ultimate truth.
Crying shame. Don't people realize that most aborted babies come from libtards and thus would have likely inherited the libtard gene too?

Abortions should be free for all that think it best to flush any nuts that might drop from their branches of the humanity tree, LOL.

Vaginal ultrasounds are quite common and are the only way to get a good look at the ovaries to rule out ovarian cancer. i havd had two of them, thank God were both negative, and there was nothing "invasive" about it in the least. I see nothing wrong with doing an ultrasound before an abortion to see just how large the fetus us so they know what it is going to entail. A little gal who plays in our community band is just about 15 weeks pregnant with her second baby and they could not get a heart beat on the abdominal ultrasound, so they did a vaginal and thank goodness everything is okay. It allows the doctor to see things more closely. Some women don't show very much even when six months along, and some look like they are six months when they are 3 months, so the ultrasound is see exactly what the deal is before proceeding.

If a women can't stand to hear a description of the fetus she is killing then maybe she doesn't really want an abortion after all. Why are libs so against this? why are they against her possibly changing her mind? It's HER body, that's always been their argument. The doctor is actually covering his own butt I would think, making sure this is really what she wants, so she doesn't come back and sue him claiming he forced or coerced her into getting an abortion when she really didn't want one.

Of course it's invasive.

What bothers me about this isn't necessarily related to abortion itself. Even if the procedure includes inserting a syringe or vacuum into the vagina, that is something the patient has consented to have done. Requiring a vaginal u/s does not give the patient the right to refuse. I also have an issue with physicians being forced to be a mouthpiece for the State.
and you would be running arround screaming about the evils of the Muslim religion.
I can't wait :lol:

Will you willingly suffer the gulag for the privilege of inflicting misery on your fellow man?

I swear that this is the motive foundation of the left. So deep is the hatred of life and those who embrace life, that the leftist will suffer any hardship to visit suffering and misery on the living.
Vaginal ultrasounds are quite common and are the only way to get a good look at the ovaries to rule out ovarian cancer. i havd had two of them, thank God were both negative, and there was nothing "invasive" about it in the least. I see nothing wrong with doing an ultrasound before an abortion to see just how large the fetus us so they know what it is going to entail. A little gal who plays in our community band is just about 15 weeks pregnant with her second baby and they could not get a heart beat on the abdominal ultrasound, so they did a vaginal and thank goodness everything is okay. It allows the doctor to see things more closely. Some women don't show very much even when six months along, and some look like they are six months when they are 3 months, so the ultrasound is see exactly what the deal is before proceeding.

If a women can't stand to hear a description of the fetus she is killing then maybe she doesn't really want an abortion after all. Why are libs so against this? why are they against her possibly changing her mind? It's HER body, that's always been their argument. The doctor is actually covering his own butt I would think, making sure this is really what she wants, so she doesn't come back and sue him claiming he forced or coerced her into getting an abortion when she really didn't want one.

Of course it's invasive.

What bothers me about this isn't necessarily related to abortion itself. Even if the procedure includes inserting a syringe or vacuum into the vagina, that is something the patient has consented to have done. Requiring a vaginal u/s does not give the patient the right to refuse. I also have an issue with physicians being forced to be a mouthpiece for the State.

Again, I"VE HAD ONE. It is NOT invasive. If you want to have your boobs made larger and you have diabetes, or are older than 50, you might just be required to get cardiology clearance or certainly clearance from your PCP. You just might have to have "invasive" something, tests, etc., to show you can safely withstand the breast aug.

If you find the vaginal ultrasound invasive, well here's a news flash -- it's nowhere NEAR as "invasive" as the abortion. You don't have to be anesthetized and there isn't much chance of bleeding to death with an ultrasound.
George Zimmerman is a Democrat.


well that came out of left field (right field?)

Well, he is a Democrat. So I guess that means he represents all you Democrats no? This thread is just so bleepin stupid. The OP doesn't even know who did it, yet he or she has no problem indicting all Christians for it. And even if a Christian did do it, it doesn't mean they represent all Christians in America. So get a grip for fuck's sake.
Vaginal ultrasounds are quite common and are the only way to get a good look at the ovaries to rule out ovarian cancer. i havd had two of them, thank God were both negative, and there was nothing "invasive" about it in the least. I see nothing wrong with doing an ultrasound before an abortion to see just how large the fetus us so they know what it is going to entail. A little gal who plays in our community band is just about 15 weeks pregnant with her second baby and they could not get a heart beat on the abdominal ultrasound, so they did a vaginal and thank goodness everything is okay. It allows the doctor to see things more closely. Some women don't show very much even when six months along, and some look like they are six months when they are 3 months, so the ultrasound is see exactly what the deal is before proceeding.

If a women can't stand to hear a description of the fetus she is killing then maybe she doesn't really want an abortion after all. Why are libs so against this? why are they against her possibly changing her mind? It's HER body, that's always been their argument. The doctor is actually covering his own butt I would think, making sure this is really what she wants, so she doesn't come back and sue him claiming he forced or coerced her into getting an abortion when she really didn't want one.

Of course it's invasive.

What bothers me about this isn't necessarily related to abortion itself. Even if the procedure includes inserting a syringe or vacuum into the vagina, that is something the patient has consented to have done. Requiring a vaginal u/s does not give the patient the right to refuse. I also have an issue with physicians being forced to be a mouthpiece for the State.
If the state puts a gestational limit on elective abortions being done, it is in the physician's best interest (liability and criminal legal issues) to do one, rather than depend on the patient's estimate of the gestational age.

And, these sorts of laws where a state does have a gestational age limit for elective abortions are not uncommon. Most states do have gestational age limits - 12 weeks is the most common. And, abortions are rarely done before 8 weeks. That leaves a four week window for a legal elective abortion. The physician will want to ensure s/he is operating within the law.
awe defending your boyfriend how cute..

What's to defend... You know absolutely nothing about the topic (as usual) and are just trolling the thread...

There's a reason even the other libs here think you are a fuckstain....

Odd because you have yet to prove that i dont know what i am talking about.

Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO
Have you proven these people consider themselves Christians? No
Have you proven these actions are not terrorist acts? No
Have you proven that people are happy with these people and their actions privately? No, but thats just harder because its my personal opinion, not a fact.

No you just came in here and trolled me with a few insults.

No, i know plenty about the topic.

You have it backwards you lying sack of monkey spunk... Why don't you prove they do? That's the way this works. You can't throw out any insane lie and demand that it be disproved.

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