terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

but they are not negatives, they are simple facts..Well besides the last one which i stated was my personal opinion.

Your words, genius:
Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO

You know less than nothing aboput the topic...

Now fuck off...

Prove that they dont. They talk with each other through letters and emails, Phone calls etc.

But you keep on delaying this by avoiding it, saying i know nothing.

Abortion clinic was firebombed by an unknown person In Wisconsin. Motives unknown, person unknown, police are looking into it...

Those are the facts of the case so far. Now typically these acts have been done by White christians. I have history and evidence too support my case.
You have....well nothing...

Keep trying hack

Look, just because YOU probably exchange a lot of stupidty with other folks via e-mails and message boards and such--that probably explains how you know so much that is utterly untrue--if it was possible to show some grand conspiraciy through e-mails and letters or whatever, don't you think you would be able to post the proof? What do you think it logical to ask somebody to prove the opposite of something you can't prove?
ok um all i said was observation, and nothing more.
I never gave an opinion on the cause and affect, just what some people saw it as.

You forgot the people on the pro-life side who want to totally control a womans body....But hey why be totally fair in your opinion right?

Actually, you gave your opinion of what people did behind the scenes in the post I questioned.

And now you give your opinion on what people on the pro-life side want to do which in my observations is completely incorrect, but you are, of course, welcome to your opinion.


right, yet your extreme opinion about the pro-choice people is totally correct. Dont be so full of yourself.

Are you trying to say that there are not some pro-choice people that don't believe in Eugenics and who would promote their beliefs in order to eliminate "undesireables"? At least I limited my observations to some people and didn't indict all of you.

Maybe it is you who should not be so full of himself?

Prove that they dont. They talk with each other through letters and emails, Phone calls etc.

But you keep on delaying this by avoiding it, saying i know nothing.

Abortion clinic was firebombed by an unknown person In Wisconsin. Motives unknown, person unknown, police are looking into it...

Those are the facts of the case so far. Now typically these acts have been done by White christians. I have history and evidence too support my case.
You have....well nothing...

Keep trying hack

Look, just because YOU probably exchange a lot of stupidty with other folks via e-mails and message boards and such--that probably explains how you know so much that is utterly untrue--if it was possible to show some grand conspiraciy through e-mails and letters or whatever, don't you think you would be able to post the proof? What do you think it logical to ask somebody to prove the opposite of something you can't prove?

hehe its amusing watching you guys get all annoyed when you ask for proof.
Don't like being played at your own game huh?
Grand? hardly some grand movement going on, its more like a smaller social network if anything.

Feel free to provide evidence that they dont exist..

"An unknown person with a small explosive device" is translated by the radical hate filled bigoted left to "a Christian terrorist".
The next thing you know, some dimwitted civil rights "leaders" will be instigating mobs based upon their mindless assumptions.......................
right, yet your extreme opinion about the pro-choice people is totally correct. Dont be so full of yourself.

Are you trying to say that there are not some pro-choice people that don't believe in Eugenics and who would promote their beliefs in order to eliminate "undesireables"? At least I limited my observations to some people and didn't indict all of you.

Maybe it is you who should not be so full of himself?


I said Some want control, not all.....Try reading what i wrote and then we can move on from there.

No you didn't!

Here's the quote that I took and you did not say "some". Try again!

shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

I said some because I realize that all pro-choicers are not eugenicists at heart. You on the other hand, promoted your BS observations insinuating that all people who are pro-life secretly celebrated the death of the abortionist.

Now, do you really want to move on or just cast more dispersions on people you don't agree with?

We better round up the conservatives...just to be safe.

I would warn against that. You don't exactly want to be killed by someone defending his personal liberty do you?

Or are you planning to have someone else do the rounding up?
awe defending your boyfriend how cute..

What's to defend... You know absolutely nothing about the topic (as usual) and are just trolling the thread...

There's a reason even the other libs here think you are a fuckstain....

Odd because you have yet to prove that i dont know what i am talking about.

Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO
Have you proven these people consider themselves Christians? No
Have you proven these actions are not terrorist acts? No
Have you proven that people are happy with these people and their actions privately? No, but thats just harder because its my personal opinion, not a fact.

No you just came in here and trolled me with a few insults.

No, i know plenty about the topic.

So not only is this unknown person a Christian, but he is also part of a social network and that everyone secretly aproves of. You seriously have issues with the truth.
Bullshit. On so many levels. It's pro choice. And, I am not pro eugenics.


It's pro-abortion. The issue isn't choice. Most pro-abortion advocates oppose choice in education and most issues. Those who support and promote abortion are pro-abortion.

Seriously, if being honest about what it is your support makes you so squeamish that you have to use disingenuous terms to mask what you promote, maybe you should rethink your position.

I'm just sayin...

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