terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

If you support abortion, you support eugenics.

It's all about limiting *undesirable* births.
Bullshit. On so many levels. It's pro choice. And, I am not pro eugenics.


It's pro-abortion. The issue isn't choice. Most pro-abortion advocates oppose choice in education and most issues. Those who support and promote abortion are pro-abortion.

Seriously, if being honest about what it is your support makes you so squeamish that you have to use disingenuous terms to mask what you promote, maybe you should rethink your position.

I'm just sayin...
Where are and who are these "pro-abortion" posters/groups/persons?

Are any posting here?
Where are and who are these "pro-abortion" posters/groups/persons?

Are any posting here?

Look, you're not promoting another flavor of ice cream, expanding to Baskin Robbins 32 flavors.

You promote abortion, that is the fact. PP doesn't build places to go choose what to watch on TV, they build abortion clinics.

You ARE pro-abortion. The question is why you couch it in deceptive terms?
shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

Nobody is whining Dick Head. Christianity teaches against such actions. I know it's complicated for you, harder even than your Toilet Training. Don't let the truth stand in the way of your lying rants though, Pussy. Your whole argument is rooted in speculation, a house of cards, you know, Bullshit. Surprising Anyone at all finds you credible, Hack. You and your lies, supposition, and false claims are a waste of bandwidth.
If you support abortion, you support eugenics.

It's all about limiting *undesirable* births.

There is more to eugenics than that, though.

Most pro-abortion advocates are not seeking the eradication of a particular group or race, as eugenicists do.

bullshit. They are seeking to eradicate poor children, specifically black poor children. Also imperfect children.

That is eugenics. The whole concept of killing (abortion) and controlling breeding (birth control) to strengthen a specific population...
Where are and who are these "pro-abortion" posters/groups/persons?

Are any posting here?

Look, you're not promoting another flavor of ice cream, expanding to Baskin Robbins 32 flavors.

You promote abortion, that is the fact. PP doesn't build places to go choose what to watch on TV, they build abortion clinics.

You ARE pro-abortion. The question is why you couch it in deceptive terms?
OK. We're back to my original point. Now, as I am the foremost authority and an expert above all on what MY views are, I am not pro abortion.

I am pro choice.

I do not support eugenics.

Thus, back to square one, the claim that we do is bullshit.

If you support the use of abortion to promote the *increased health* of the population, you're a eugenecist.
If you support abortion, you support eugenics.

It's all about limiting *undesirable* births.

There is more to eugenics than that, though.

Most pro-abortion advocates are not seeking the eradication of a particular group or race, as eugenicists do.

bullshit. They are seeking to eradicate poor children, specifically black poor children. Also imperfect children.

That is eugenics. The whole concept of killing (abortion) and controlling breeding (birth control) to strengthen a specific population...

Just wait until the Statist Parasites start claiming that they can regulate sex and procreation under the Commerce Clause. :D At Four Corners, you can actually have sex in 4 different States at the same time. That's going on my Bucket List. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
OK. We're back to my original point. Now, as I am the foremost authority and an expert above all on what MY views are, I am not pro abortion.

I am pro choice.

You're not promoting a choice, you are promoting abortion.

I do not support eugenics.

And I defended you on that.

But you do support abortion.

Thus, back to square one, the claim that we do is bullshit.


If you send money to the NRA, you aren't supporting choice, you've supporting gun rights. If you send money money to the IRA, you're not supporting choice, you're supporting the war against the UK in Northern Ireland.

What you support is abortion. The fact that you find what you support so repulsive that you need to employ deceptive terminology should give you a hint.
OK. We're back to my original point. Now, as I am the foremost authority and an expert above all on what MY views are, I am not pro abortion.

I am pro choice.

You're not promoting a choice, you are promoting abortion.

I do not support eugenics.

And I defended you on that.

But you do support abortion.

Thus, back to square one, the claim that we do is bullshit.


If you send money to the NRA, you aren't supporting choice, you've supporting gun rights. If you send money money to the IRA, you're not supporting choice, you're supporting the war against the UK in Northern Ireland.

What you support is abortion. The fact that you find what you support so repulsive that you need to employ deceptive terminology should give you a hint.
Well, tell me more about myself, as you seem to think I am not an expert on the topic of myself.

All pro abortionists are eugenecists at heart.

Correct. But they won't admit it.

That's not true in my case. I am basically conservative, but it is none of my business if a woman wants to get an abortion. I am all for it in the case of rape and incest, especially of a girl in her young teens. We complain about liberals wanting to tell US what to do: what to eat, what to drive, etc, yet they are being told they absolutely HAVE to give birth to a baby that don't want. Granted, I would not want an abortion, but the decision to have one is one that must be made by the woman who is pregnant, not any of us. If a woman has the choice to prevent a conception, she should have the choice to stop the pregnancy. I think that if all of us, liberals and conservatives alike would just live our own lives and quit trying to mold others to what we think they should be, we'd get along a lot better. Just my opinion.
That's not true in my case. I am basically conservative, but it is none of my business if a woman wants to get an abortion. I am all for it in the case of rape and incest, especially of a girl in her young teens. We complain about liberals wanting to tell US what to do: what to eat, what to drive, etc, yet they are being told they absolutely HAVE to give birth to a baby that don't want. Granted, I would not want an abortion, but the decision to have one is one that must be made by the woman who is pregnant, not any of us. If a woman has the choice to prevent a conception, she should have the choice to stop the pregnancy. I think that if all of us, liberals and conservatives alike would just live our own lives and quit trying to mold others to what we think they should be, we'd get along a lot better. Just my opinion.

I'm a Libertarian, so I operate on the old Harry Browne ideal - "Your right to swing your arm ends at the tip of my nose."

The problem with abortion, is that you take the life of someone else. There is no greater right that you can infringe than taking someone's life.

You can claim "it's just a choice like watching a sitcom" to soothe your conscience, but someone else loses their life.

It's abortion, and it ends a life. That makes it a serious issue that can't be swept under the rug with deceptive terminology.
Just as you are about the Christian religion!

Far Right, religious terrorism is far right religious terrorism - no matter what "God" they claim to be serving.

And Atheists who lead nations are mostly tyrannical dictators with no respect for human rights. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or even many Atheists are ruthless tyrants.

And neighborhoods without active churches and religious organizations tend to be more run down and violent than those that do have active churches and religious organizations. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or more than a tiny few of people who do not attend church or participate in religious activities are poor and/or violent.

Many black neighborhoods in the cities have higher than normal gun violence, muggings, assault and battery, rape, and burglaries than the city population as a whole. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or many black people are violent or lawless.

Some environmentalist block commerce, frighten people, spike trees putting loggers and lumbermill workes at great risk, but that does not translate into all or most or many environmentalists being lawless or destructive or willing to maim or kill people.

Whenever we look for somebody to accuse, blame, or demonize based on some trait or a religion or a race or an ideology, for some isolated event, we are going to get it wrong almost every single time.

Careful there! So much common sense will leave them confused and disoriented! :D
An abortion. And, only in the mind of an idiot does that translate to being pro abortion.


Right, If I go get an Ice Cream, it's obviously a choice parlor.

Why do you fear being honest about what you support and promote?

If abortion is the wonderful thing you imagine it to be, why the fear of naming it for what it is?
An abortion. And, only in the mind of an idiot does that translate to being pro abortion.


Right, If I go get an Ice Cream, it's obviously a choice parlor.

Why do you fear being honest about what you support and promote?

If abortion is the wonderful thing you imagine it to be, why the fear of naming it for what it is?
Why are you lying?

(Don't try that shit with me.)

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