terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

As long as everybody insists on making absurd speculations without having ANY facts to know who or why somebody put a small bomb in a Planned Parenthood facility, why not look at Planned Parenthood itself? It has a huge image problem and has not had a lot of good press lately. What better way to generate sympathy and support from its base than a hateful attack? That could explain why so little damage was done and no person was at risk, yes?
nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

It is you and the OP doing the assuming, making up unsubstantiated Allegations, and building on them. What Jackasses. You give Morons a bad name.

no i am going off history that typically these situations come from terrorist christians.

They must be those liberal Christians that want to change what it means to be a Christian and how a Christian is supposed to live.
and you would be running arround screaming about the evils of the Muslim religion.

Just as you are about the Christian religion!

Far Right, religious terrorism is far right religious terrorism - no matter what "God" they claim to be serving.

And Atheists who lead nations are mostly tyrannical dictators with no respect for human rights. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or even many Atheists are ruthless tyrants.

And neighborhoods without active churches and religious organizations tend to be more run down and violent than those that do have active churches and religious organizations. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or more than a tiny few of people who do not attend church or participate in religious activities are poor and/or violent.

Many black neighborhoods in the cities have higher than normal gun violence, muggings, assault and battery, rape, and burglaries than the city population as a whole. That does not translate to a conclusion that all or most or many black people are violent or lawless.

Some environmentalist block commerce, frighten people, spike trees putting loggers and lumbermill workes at great risk, but that does not translate into all or most or many environmentalists being lawless or destructive or willing to maim or kill people.

Whenever we look for somebody to accuse, blame, or demonize based on some trait or a religion or a race or an ideology, for some isolated event, we are going to get it wrong almost every single time.
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nope i am not, but thank you for assuming.

Actually It does and has for plenty of years. See here is what i observed with the killing in Kansas. See people publicly condemned the shooting but said the Doctor deserved what he got, or didnt shed any tears. That was their "public" face, where behind the curtain they loved the fact and totally agreed with the outcome and how it happened.

Are these people Main stream, no, never said they where. Are they Christians? Yes, yes they are, and no amount of whining will separate that fact.

That's odd. How on earth would you know what they were thinking behind the curtains?



Make that a load of bullshit.

You want to know what that shooting in Kansas City cost? It put the efforts to significantly reduce the number of abortions back by another 500,000 lives. Everytime some jackass kills an abortion doctor the two sides get further and further apart and the chance of something good happening becomes less and less.

Well, I guess that is not completely accurate because I suppose we have two major hurdles to get over before those efforts will ever come to fruition. We must get over the hurdle of the two parties that want to divide us and the hurdle of some pro-choice people (based upon observation) who don't want to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, they prefer to increase the number of abortions in order to eliminate certain "undesireables".

Odd because you have yet to prove that i dont know what i am talking about.

Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO
Have you proven these people consider themselves Christians? No
Have you proven these actions are not terrorist acts? No
Have you proven that people are happy with these people and their actions privately? No, but thats just harder because its my personal opinion, not a fact.

No you just came in here and trolled me with a few insults.

No, i know plenty about the topic.

You have it backwards you lying sack of monkey spunk... Why don't you prove they do? That's the way this works. You can't throw out any insane lie and demand that it be disproved.

why you do it all the time shithead.

You cant prove me wrong,trust me you can't
You're a moron.

And, since you can't prove me wrong, you remain a moron.

(I wonder if you can get it.....)
Odd because you have yet to prove that i dont know what i am talking about.

Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO
Have you proven these people consider themselves Christians? No
Have you proven these actions are not terrorist acts? No
Have you proven that people are happy with these people and their actions privately? No, but thats just harder because its my personal opinion, not a fact.

No you just came in here and trolled me with a few insults.

No, i know plenty about the topic.

You have it backwards you lying sack of monkey spunk... Why don't you prove they do? That's the way this works. You can't throw out any insane lie and demand that it be disproved.

why you do it all the time shithead.

You cant prove me wrong,trust me you can't

Seriously, if you believe that proving a negative shit, you are dumber than truthdoesntmatter...

Go be a gay poofter somewhere else, pole smoker...
I don't understand why people are proud of being retarded. I don't get the mindset that refuses to learn, and doesn't care if everybody knows it.

What's with that?
and you would be running arround screaming about the evils of the Muslim religion.

Just as you are about the Christian religion!

Far Right, religious terrorism is far right religious terrorism - no matter what "God" they claim to be serving.

Exactly!!! But so is far left religious terrorism. Terrorism comes from the entire spectrum of politics as it does religion. You know, like the environmental left wing nut jobs who bomb mink farms and release the minks into the wild, minks who have never LIVED in the wild so all died of exposure and starvation anyway.
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why you do it all the time shithead.

You cant prove me wrong,trust me you can't

Seriously, if you believe that proving a negative shit, you are dumber than truthdoesntmatter...

Go be a gay poofter somewhere else, pole smoker...

but they are not negatives, they are simple facts..Well besides the last one which i stated was my personal opinion.

Your words, genius:
Have you proven they don't have a social network? NO

You know less than nothing aboput the topic...

Now fuck off...

Make that a load of bullshit.

You want to know what that shooting in Kansas City cost? It put the efforts to significantly reduce the number of abortions back by another 500,000 lives. Everytime some jackass kills an abortion doctor the two sides get further and further apart and the chance of something good happening becomes less and less.

Well, I guess that is not completely accurate because I suppose we have two major hurdles to get over before those efforts will ever come to fruition. We must get over the hurdle of the two parties that want to divide us and the hurdle of some pro-choice people (based upon observation) who don't want to reduce the number of abortions. In fact, they prefer to increase the number of abortions in order to eliminate certain "undesireables".


ok um all i said was observation, and nothing more.
I never gave an opinion on the cause and affect, just what some people saw it as.

You forgot the people on the pro-life side who want to totally control a womans body....But hey why be totally fair in your opinion right?

Actually, you gave your opinion of what people did behind the scenes in the post I questioned.

And now you give your opinion on what people on the pro-life side want to do which in my observations is completely incorrect, but you are, of course, welcome to your opinion.

Vaginal ultrasounds are quite common and are the only way to get a good look at the ovaries to rule out ovarian cancer. i havd had two of them, thank God were both negative, and there was nothing "invasive" about it in the least. I see nothing wrong with doing an ultrasound before an abortion to see just how large the fetus us so they know what it is going to entail. A little gal who plays in our community band is just about 15 weeks pregnant with her second baby and they could not get a heart beat on the abdominal ultrasound, so they did a vaginal and thank goodness everything is okay. It allows the doctor to see things more closely. Some women don't show very much even when six months along, and some look like they are six months when they are 3 months, so the ultrasound is see exactly what the deal is before proceeding.

If a women can't stand to hear a description of the fetus she is killing then maybe she doesn't really want an abortion after all. Why are libs so against this? why are they against her possibly changing her mind? It's HER body, that's always been their argument. The doctor is actually covering his own butt I would think, making sure this is really what she wants, so she doesn't come back and sue him claiming he forced or coerced her into getting an abortion when she really didn't want one.

Of course it's invasive.

What bothers me about this isn't necessarily related to abortion itself. Even if the procedure includes inserting a syringe or vacuum into the vagina, that is something the patient has consented to have done. Requiring a vaginal u/s does not give the patient the right to refuse. I also have an issue with physicians being forced to be a mouthpiece for the State.
If the state puts a gestational limit on elective abortions being done, it is in the physician's best interest (liability and criminal legal issues) to do one, rather than depend on the patient's estimate of the gestational age.

And, these sorts of laws where a state does have a gestational age limit for elective abortions are not uncommon. Most states do have gestational age limits - 12 weeks is the most common. And, abortions are rarely done before 8 weeks. That leaves a four week window for a legal elective abortion. The physician will want to ensure s/he is operating within the law.

Yep, you're right. And most of these young nitwits have no idea when their last period was, with whom or when they had sex, so the only way to accurately determine the gestational age of the fetus IS through ultrasound and as early as the abortion is performed, usually the vaginal ultrasound is the most accurate. If libs don't LIKE this, tough! Take the free contraceptives then.
As long as everybody insists on making absurd speculations without having ANY facts to know who or why somebody put a small bomb in a Planned Parenthood facility, why not look at Planned Parenthood itself? It has a huge image problem and has not had a lot of good press lately. What better way to generate sympathy and support from its base than a hateful attack? That could explain why so little damage was done and no person was at risk, yes?

Well, as long as we're not making absurd speculations without having any facts. :banghead:

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