terrorist denotates explosive at Planned Parenthood office

I'm not sure but I recall some abortion are completed by the doctor inserting a needle in the vagina area


Only reason I could think to do that would be for local anesthesia, like a cervical block. But again, don't keep up with this stuff. Doesn't concern me, really.

Suction Aspiration, Dilation and Curettage, Partial-Birth Abortion require something is stuck in the vagina area.

"Partial birth" abortions are illegal, right?

Suction would be done by syringe or machine, I'd guess. When you said "needle", I thought you meant a needle. Sharp, pointy things are my life.
Plasmaballs is confusing Christian ideology with Islam again.

No wonder he hates us.

Is Plasma on the Watchlist? No Flylist?

No. I don't thnk he is a Christian actually, so probably wouldn't be.

But after reading the last several pages of this thread I am now convinced:


I'll be doggone if I am going to thank TM for anything... thank you very much.

I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

Homeland security needs to be monitoring those groups and waterboarding a few.
I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

Homeland security needs to be monitoring those groups and waterboarding a few.

Agreed they are nuttier than Fruitcakes. :) The act disqualifies them from Christian Leadership at the least. Even when No One gets harmed, it is still too risky, and not excusable.
It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

Homeland security needs to be monitoring those groups and waterboarding a few.

Agreed they are nuttier than Fruitcakes. :) The act disqualifies them from Christian Leadership at the least. Even when No One gets harmed, it is still too risky, and not excusable.

Terrorism is terrorism. (period)
Still zero evidence of any Christian terrorist.
I don't belive we will know for awhile...WE are being treated to alot of diversions as the elections grow closer...and it's going to get worse.
I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

I wasn't trying to make Intense look uneducated, that wasn't my intention at all. I hope he didn't take it that way. We get along ok. At least from my perspective :)
I guess you have it all figured out and do not even need an Investigation or a Trial. What is it you are projecting here. Is there even an honest bone in your body??? Is there nothing your kind ever doesn't misreport or jump to conclusions on??? Bombing clinics is not a Christian act. It is considered contrary to Christianity, in principle. I know you being very weak on original thought, have a hard time with this concept, but I do have Faith that you will snap out of this altered state you cling to.

It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.
Oh good God.

He truly is good. It simply amazing to understand that He loves every single one of us. Even when we say and do incredibly stupid things. And sadly a majority of humanity does stupid things all the time.

Can you imagine what would happen if we all truly did follow the counsels of the Lord and served one another in truth and charity? If we chose to be humble rather than proud. If we chose to be honest rather than spin, lie, mislead, decieve, etc?

Humanity has an amazing potential for Good because of God's great blessings. And what's truly amazing about it all is we reach it when individuals exercise their God given rights to voluntarily fulfill their God given responsibilities. When our hearts are truly changed by Christ, we can accomplish all things, we can even change our very nature.

God is incredibly good:)
Still zero evidence of any Christian terrorist.
I don't belive we will know for awhile...WE are being treated to alot of diversions as the elections grow closer...and it's going to get worse.

shut up drunk

Wow... you're always spot on with the infantile remarks. And yes, here comes the part where you throw out "liar".

You're quite the one trick pony... no substance, just off topic, juvenile retorts.
It's contrary to my beliefs as well, but these are extremists who do consider themselves Christians, taking an extremely literal (and in my opinion, often skewed) interpretation of scripture. But they do believe in Christ as the Son of God, and all the mainstream tenets of Christianity as far as that goes. They're just fuckin' nuts.

Army of God (USA) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Lambs of Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who claim Christian motivations or goals for their actions. As with other forms of religious terrorism, Christian terrorists have relied on idiosyncratic or literal interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case, the Bible. Such groups have used Old Testament and New Testament scriptures to justify violence and killing or to seek to bring about the "end times" described in the New Testament,[1] while others have hoped to bring about a Christian theocracy.[2][3]

shhhhhhhhh you are going to make intense look uneducated......Oh no wait thats totally cool....

sadly like ive said before they have a whole social network in and out of prison, and celebrate when stuff like this happens.

You are confusing Splinter Groups with Main Stream Christianity, which is disingenuous at best. Christianity does not condone Terrorism. We will try to Educate you, reason with you, even pray for you. You personally, need allot of help PlasmaRecall.

Christ didn't condone it...and cautioned the zealots as Barrabas not to take the path...
Can you imagine what would happen if we all truly did follow the counsels of the Lord and served one another in truth and charity? If we chose to be humble rather than proud. If we chose to be honest rather than spin, lie, mislead, decieve, etc?

Matthew 25:34-46

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