Terrorist plots and other acts of deadly violence committed by the radical right

The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

Evidence supplied by a leftwing bullshit organization?
See post #3

There's a reason for the old saying "consider the source"
I'm sure you'd call an ISIS spokesman credible....
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

Evidence supplied by a leftwing bullshit organization?
See post #3

There's a reason for the old saying "consider the source"
I'm sure you'd call an ISIS spokesman credible....
I don't think it's credible to compare ISIS with the Southern Poverty Law Center. But, maybe you do.

There's a reason for the old saying "consider the source"
I'm sure you'd call an ISIS spokesman credible....
I don't think it's credible to compare ISIS with the Southern Poverty Law Center. But, maybe you do.

In respect to their penchant for lying for a cause they're exactly the same.
But you knew that.
I don't know if I would go as far as comparing SPLC to ISIS, but the fact that the Libs will try to use them as a source proves that the Democrats are equal-opportunity racists!!!!!
I will say though, that with the actions of the left, none of us should be surprised if there are some attacks from the right. I've never seen so many people fed up as there are right now, and when you have one side that constantly works to silence the other side, there is no longer a safety valve if people are afraid to talk.
Once this happens, then violence becomes the likely outcome.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
Attacking the messenger and ignoring the evidence in a left handed stab at making a defense for Right Wing extremist violence is, in fact, a subtle endorsement of that violence.
WHAT evidence?
SPLC s Intelligence Report Radical-right violence continues to plague U.S. as number of extremist groups declines Southern Poverty Law Center

Evidence supplied by a leftwing bullshit organization?
See post #3
That is not evidence. The SPLC is rendering its opinion. Advocacy groups with a political agenda cannot be trusted. The SPLC is an advocacy group that has a far left wing political agenda.
Southern Poverty Law Center isn't a source.


More recently, however, it is the SPLC that has found itself on the defensive. Critics from across the political spectrum charge the Center with betraying its professed commitment to advancing civil rights. The SPLC levels accusations of racism unjustly, branding as “bigoted” many groups and individuals whose only crime lies in their refusal to embrace the SPLC’s leftwing agenda. Some accuse the SPLC of pursuing revenue rather than justice, by orchestrating fundraising campaigns that exaggerate the prevalence of racism to ensure a steady stream of donations from the Center’s alarmed supporters. The SPLC consistently claims to detect evidence of white racism infesting virtually every crevice of American society. The Center states, for instance, “Like most of the southeastern U.S., Georgia has seen an explosion in Hispanic immigration in recent years — over a half million since 1990 alone. As hate groups exploit the racial tension stemming from the area’s growth, locals have launched violent attacks against immigrant workers.”

The SPLC’s ideological biases are evident in its map of Active U.S. Hate Groups. Although the SPLC denounces extremist religious groups like the Jewish Defense League and Westboro Baptist Church, no mention is made of even a single extremist Muslim group. Similarly, while far-right groups like the Council of Conservative Citizens are tagged as hate groups, the SPLC withholds judgment on extremist leftwing groups. The aforementioned Intelligence Project, an SPLC initiative that monitors hate and extremist groups around the United States, is conspicuously selective in its scrutiny. Whereas rightwing groups are routinely the subjects of Intelligence Project reports, the political left, as evidenced by the dearth of critical literature, is above suspicion. In 2003, for instance, the SPLC hosted a forum called “Right-Wing Extremism in a Transatlantic Perspective,” which, as one SPLC report noted, sought to develop strategies to combat “the radical right.” Of the radical left, no mention was made.

As part of its transparently one-sided approach to outing alleged hate groups, the SPLC is not above flinging fictional charges against its ideological adversaries. One particularly egregious example was a 2003 article called “Into the Mainstream,” featured in the SPLC’s quarterly magazine, Intelligence Report. Authored by fringe leftist Chip Berlet, this tendentious report deliberately mangled quotes and omitted context, to make the case that “right-wing foundations and think tanks support efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable.” Among the groups that came in for the SPLC’s scorn was the Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and its founder, David Horowitz. After wresting, out of context, several of his quotes on the subjects of African Americans and slavery, the report charged Horowitz with a “selective rewriting of history”—a distortion so patently dishonest that it prompted Horowitz to pen an open letter to SPLC co-founder Morris Dees, wherein he answered the attack and called on Dees to apologize and remove the report from the SPLC’s Web site. Dees complied on neither count.

In support of the charge that the SPLC unfairly targets groups that do not share its politics, critics point to the Center’s comparatively charitable treatment of leftwing groups. Radical organizations like United for Peace and Justice, for instance, are hailed as “social justice groups,” a designation that also extends to feminist groups like Equality Now, a number of gay rights groups, Human Rights First, Amnesty International, and Jesse Jackson’s National Rainbow/PUSH Coalition.
As with most left wing groups, the SPLC is comfortable in labeling ALL non liberal or not liberal compliant groups and individuals as "hate groups" and haters.....Instead of debating the issues and striking up a meaningful dialog, these left wing radical groups such as the SPLC thrive in divisiveness and distrust. If certain groups of people are not at each other's throats, liberalism has no reason to have a public voice.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
SPLC is a racist Israeli terrorist group. They should be electrified IMO.
LOL.....You mean electrocuted?...........
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
SPLC is a racist Israeli terrorist group. They should be electrified IMO.
LOL.....You mean electrocuted?...........
The Southern Poverty Law Center is so far left they're off the map, and no rational person considers them to be a credible source.

But in a way, they may have a point..... Those lone wolf black Democrats sure have a high murder rate!!!!!
SPLC is a racist Israeli terrorist group. They should be electrified IMO.
LOL.....You mean electrocuted?...........

There's a reason for the old saying "consider the source"
I'm sure you'd call an ISIS spokesman credible....
I don't think it's credible to compare ISIS with the Southern Poverty Law Center. But, maybe you do.
Nobody cares what you think.
A group does not have to commit acts of physical violence to be compared to a terror group.
These left wing fringe groups are responsible for such outrages as the $135k fine slapped on a baker in Oregon ( the person who levied the fine is a committed advocate for the LBGT community and makes no bones about it) not as a remedy for justice, but simply to put them out of business.
The backlash is incredible as more than one go fund me pages have been set up to pay the legal fees for what will prove to be a very strong appeal and rebuke of the State.
That's just one example of how these left wing fringe groups control the narrative by instilling fear into anyone who dares defy the left wing agenda and any politically correct protected class or member thereof.

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