Terrorist released 10 months after murder parents and baby by burning them alive

At the least, his family home should be demolished as it would be if he were a Palestinian

Under what racist laws would that be the case, or cant you understand the Geneva conventions either ?

What crime had he committed against Israel and the Geneva conventions that would mean his home was to be demolished ?
Lol "racist" laws

Yes exactly RACIST LAWS a you want to apply non existent laws for crimes that never happened on people just because they are JEWS.

Next you will be demanding that international laws that supportand defend Israel's actions should be rescinded or changed so the Jews can not be covered.
What happens to a Palestinian when they firebomb a building and murder 2 parents and their infant child?

The thing is, this particular person, however loathsome his ideology might be, did NOT kill anyone according to the evidence. He was held in administrative detention, which is what they also do with Palestinians suspected of crimes but not provable.

People are demanding conviction and execution in absence of sufficient evidence. How is that just?

Now if you want to argue the injustice of administrative detention, or why the homes of the convicted ones haven't been bulldozed...

Why when there is no legal redress to demolish the homes, the only reason you want it is because the people are Jews and you see some sort of collusion taking place.

So we failed to educate you n the differences between the occupied territories rule of law and Israel's rule of law. And how the rule of law in the occupied territories is overseen by the Geneva conventions. Only a complete moron would not be able to understand the differences, and they should be relegated to the under 8's section of the message boards.
israel makes their own rules. they can do or not do as they please with respect to their own citizens and apparently the Palestinians as well.

there is no geneva convention requiring the destruction of homes and no convention that prevents that type of punishment for israeli citizens


The laws of the occupied territories are those of Jordan as they were the people in charge in 1967. This is laid down in the Geneva conventions and Israel is working within the framework of the conventions. The conventions state that any structure used for a military/militia purpose can be destroyed to stop it from being used in the same manner again.

So for it to apply to an Israeli they must have breached the terms of the Geneva conventions and/or committed a crime against Israel for their property to be demolished.

Yoyr Jew hatred and Nazi teachings have clouded your ability to read and understand the international laws applicable. OR ARE YOU ANOTHER OF THESE MORONS THAT THINK NO INTERNATIONAL LAW SHOULD EXIST THAT SUPPORTS AND DEENDS ISREAL AND ITS ACTIONS
can be. there is no reason it must be other than israel wants to, and no reason israel doesn't destroy the homes of israeli terrorists other than israel doesn't want to.

Splitting hairs. And if Israel DID destroy the Jewish terrorists' homes, besides throwing them in jail like they already do, you guys would find something else to complain about.
No its not splitting hairs, it's about justice and punishing innocent people.

Having ones home destroyed is no small thing. Unless it's a Palestinian home I guess.

And you don't want justice do you, you want revenge and there is the problem. You cant look at the whole affair objectively and in an unbiased manner, you just want to see the Jews bashed and hit for no other reason than you are anti semitic. You have had the reasons behind the difference in justice explained countless times and still you cant get your head round the fact that the Geneva conventions is the law in the occupied territories inn regards to the Palestinians, and Israel in reagards to the Israeli citizens.
At the least, his family home should be demolished as it would be if he were a Palestinian

Under what racist laws would that be the case, or cant you understand the Geneva conventions either ?

What crime had he committed against Israel and the Geneva conventions that would mean his home was to be demolished ?
Lol "racist" laws

Yes exactly RACIST LAWS a you want to apply non existent laws for crimes that never happened on people just because they are JEWS.

Next you will be demanding that international laws that supportand defend Israel's actions should be rescinded or changed so the Jews can not be covered.
What happens to a Palestinian when they firebomb a building and murder 2 parents and their infant child?

The thing is, this particular person, however loathsome his ideology might be, did NOT kill anyone according to the evidence. He was held in administrative detention, which is what they also do with Palestinians suspected of crimes but not provable.

People are demanding conviction and execution in absence of sufficient evidence. How is that just?

Now if you want to argue the injustice of administrative detention, or why the homes of the convicted ones haven't been bulldozed...
Thank you that clears things up
does he have a house to go home to? where does his family live?

I have to admit, that is one glaring inconsistency....

So we failed to educate you n the differences between the occupied territories rule of law and Israel's rule of law. And how the rule of law in the occupied territories is overseen by the Geneva conventions. Only a complete moron would not be able to understand the differences, and they should be relegated to the under 8's section of the message boards.
israel makes their own rules. they can do or not do as they please with respect to their own citizens and apparently the Palestinians as well.

there is no geneva convention requiring the destruction of homes and no convention that prevents that type of punishment for israeli citizens


The laws of the occupied territories are those of Jordan as they were the people in charge in 1967. This is laid down in the Geneva conventions and Israel is working within the framework of the conventions. The conventions state that any structure used for a military/militia purpose can be destroyed to stop it from being used in the same manner again.

So for it to apply to an Israeli they must have breached the terms of the Geneva conventions and/or committed a crime against Israel for their property to be demolished.

Yoyr Jew hatred and Nazi teachings have clouded your ability to read and understand the international laws applicable. OR ARE YOU ANOTHER OF THESE MORONS THAT THINK NO INTERNATIONAL LAW SHOULD EXIST THAT SUPPORTS AND DEENDS ISREAL AND ITS ACTIONS

So what you are saying is;

"If a region is occupied, to go against the occupation is a crime by Geneva Conv... therefore you get expelled from that region for doing so..."

That means any country can simply occupy any other, and just claim it.

I think you are stretching too thin there....
I have to admit, that is one glaring inconsistency....

So we failed to educate you n the differences between the occupied territories rule of law and Israel's rule of law. And how the rule of law in the occupied territories is overseen by the Geneva conventions. Only a complete moron would not be able to understand the differences, and they should be relegated to the under 8's section of the message boards.
israel makes their own rules. they can do or not do as they please with respect to their own citizens and apparently the Palestinians as well.

there is no geneva convention requiring the destruction of homes and no convention that prevents that type of punishment for israeli citizens


The laws of the occupied territories are those of Jordan as they were the people in charge in 1967. This is laid down in the Geneva conventions and Israel is working within the framework of the conventions. The conventions state that any structure used for a military/militia purpose can be destroyed to stop it from being used in the same manner again.

So for it to apply to an Israeli they must have breached the terms of the Geneva conventions and/or committed a crime against Israel for their property to be demolished.

Yoyr Jew hatred and Nazi teachings have clouded your ability to read and understand the international laws applicable. OR ARE YOU ANOTHER OF THESE MORONS THAT THINK NO INTERNATIONAL LAW SHOULD EXIST THAT SUPPORTS AND DEENDS ISREAL AND ITS ACTIONS
can be. there is no reason it must be other than israel wants to, and no reason israel doesn't destroy the homes of israeli terrorists other than israel doesn't want to.

WRONG it is all down to LAWS, and Israel does not have a law to allow for the demolition of Israeli housing because someone living there committed a terrorist offence.
But the Geneva conventions does have a law that says property can be demolished if it has been used for military/militia purposes.

Read all 4 and a half Geneva conventions and cross reference them so you know what is allowed and what isn't.
does something other than israel make israel's laws? that there is no law allowing for it just shows that israel chooses not to demolish the home of israeli criminals while choosing to demolish the homes of Palestinians.

and because the geneva conventions allow for something (i think you'd find plenty of people that disagree with the idea that it allows for the destruction of homes) does not obligate israel to do it.

why can't you accept that the demolition of Palestinian homes and not that of israeli'sis done by israel's choice?
Alright, someone on the pro-Israel side has to say so I pick me.

Treatment of terrorism-- regardless on which side it is being conducted -- should be fair and equal. Thus the demolishing of the homes of terrorists only if they are Palestinist in morally wrong.

Personally, I think the practice makes little sense. If Israel believes the destruction of Palestinian homes is a deterrent they are sadly mistaken. Rather, I think it has the opposite effect -- it entrenches the Palestinian mentality of victimhood and unfair persecution. Further, it supports this mentality in the eyes of the international community.

Thus it serves to support the root cause of the conflict (which is the Palestinian entitlement not to have to share with the Jewish people) rather then alleviating it.
Alright, someone on the pro-Israel side has to say so I pick me.

Treatment of terrorism-- regardless on which side it is being conducted -- should be fair and equal. Thus the demolishing of the homes of terrorists only if they are Palestinist in morally wrong.

Personally, I think the practice makes little sense. If Israel believes the destruction of Palestinian homes is a deterrent they are sadly mistaken. Rather, I think it has the opposite effect -- it entrenches the Palestinian mentality of victimhood and unfair persecution. Further, it supports this mentality in the eyes of the international community.

Thus it serves to support the root cause of the conflict (which is the Palestinian entitlement not to have to share with the Jewish people) rather then alleviating it.
logically there are two options:

1. israel believes the destruction of homes is a deterrent but does not destroy israeli terrorists' homes. this means they are not interested in deterring israeli terrorism

2. israel does not believe destroying homes to be a deterrent so they do not destroy israeli homes. this means they are just assholes
1. israel believes the destruction of homes is a deterrent but does not destroy israeli terrorists' homes. this means they are not interested in deterring israeli terrorism

2. israel does not believe destroying homes to be a deterrent so they do not destroy israeli homes. this means they are just assholes

Its more the first than the second, imo. I don't think Israel is in any way encouraging Israeli terrorism -- it simply reflects badly on Israel to do so. I do believe Israel wants to discourage Israeli terrorism. However, that said -- they don't want to punish "innocent" people (as in people who may not actually be terrorists, despite living with one). But that is exactly the reason they shouldn't do it with the Palestinians either. If its good for one -- it should be equivalent for the other. Only moral solution.
Excuse me, but, WHAT?

Meir Ettinger was never blamed for burning ANYONE alive. He was arrested months ago due to a "supposed" plan he had to create an inner cell in order to bring down Israel's security system.

He was falsly arrested and was release because they had nothing on him.

I cannot even blame YOU for being a liar, since it's RT and their very active imagination.
Out of curiosity, what do you think the appropriate length of time would be for this sort of crime? And why?

This length of sentence is in line with similar crimes in the US and Canada.
Murderers in the US get 10 months? I know that's not true.

Let's put a face to this hero of our local Zionists:


God bless his family.
Alright, someone on the pro-Israel side has to say so I pick me.

Treatment of terrorism-- regardless on which side it is being conducted -- should be fair and equal. Thus the demolishing of the homes of terrorists only if they are Palestinist in morally wrong.

Personally, I think the practice makes little sense. If Israel believes the destruction of Palestinian homes is a deterrent they are sadly mistaken. Rather, I think it has the opposite effect -- it entrenches the Palestinian mentality of victimhood and unfair persecution. Further, it supports this mentality in the eyes of the international community.

Thus it serves to support the root cause of the conflict (which is the Palestinian entitlement not to have to share with the Jewish people) rather then alleviating it.

There is little evidence it actually makes a difference as a deterent - it's punishing innocent people, and it comes across as an act of vengeance not justice.

The root cause of the conflict is far more complicated then that.
Out of curiosity, what do you think the appropriate length of time would be for this sort of crime? And why?

This length of sentence is in line with similar crimes in the US and Canada.
Murderers in the US get 10 months? I know that's not true.

Let's put a face to this hero of our local Zionists:


God bless his family.


Why not?
Out of curiosity, what do you think the appropriate length of time would be for this sort of crime? And why?

This length of sentence is in line with similar crimes in the US and Canada.
Murderers in the US get 10 months? I know that's not true.

Let's put a face to this hero of our local Zionists:


God bless his family.


Why not?

Would you be saying that if it was a Palestinian extremist's family?
Murderers in the US get 10 months? I know that's not true.

Let's put a face to this hero of our local Zionists:


God bless his family.


Why not?

Would you be saying that if it was a Palestinian extremist's family?

What a silly question. Palestinian extremists are my enemies.

Meir Ettinger is not. He may have crazy ideas to which I highly object, but he was jailed due to nothing but his mental illness and because of that his family suffered. so I wish them no more suffering. And since It's also a happy Jewish holiday, let them be blessed for simply being brothers.
Let's put a face to this hero of our local Zionists:


God bless his family.


Why not?

Would you be saying that if it was a Palestinian extremist's family?

What a silly question. Palestinian extremists are my enemies.

Meir Ettinger is not. He may have crazy ideas to which I highly object, but he was jailed due to nothing but his mental illness and because of that his family suffered. so I wish them no more suffering. And since It's also a happy Jewish holiday, let them be blessed for simply being brothers.

Not a silly question at all. He's a religious extremist, involved with Jewish extremist groups. Amazing you would excuse him.

Who is Meir Ettinger, the Shin Bet’s No.1 alleged Jewish nationalist?
Ettinger is considered a radical member and leader of Israel’s “hilltop youth,” young people from religiously observant families who move to settlement outposts, resist soldiers’ attempts to evacuate them, and intermittently carry out “price tag” hate crime attacks on Palestinian, Christian and Israeli targets.

“They suspect him of incitement, conspiracy, being behind the arson of the Church of Loaves and Fishes and they’re also connecting him to the event in Duma,” said Zemer.

Ettinger has had previous run-ins with the authorities. He was imprisoned for six months in the “spy affair” of 2012, for collecting intelligence about the IDF’s plans to evacuate settlements. In January 2014, he was held captive by Palestinian villagers for more than two hours, along with several other settlers who had been with him at the time of an alleged attempted “price tag” attack. He has been living in Safed for the last six months after authorities ordered him to stay away from the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In the last few days a document has emerged that Ettinger allegedly wrote outlining an action plan for overthrowing the state of Israel.

According to media reports, Ettinger wrote that “it’s a lot cheaper and faster to destroy the State of Israel and rebuild than to repair it.”

Meir Ettinger: The face of Jewish terrorism
The Shin Bet describes him as a central figure in Jewish terrorism, 'a violent and dangerous ideological criminal,' while his friends tell of a quiet and pleasant young man who became a leader merely because of his writing skills; somewhere on the way, between the outposts he's been living in since he was 15, to his administrative detention following the Duma murders, Rabbi Meir Kahane's grandson has formed a radical and anti-Zionist ideology.

Would you be saying that if it was a Palestinian extremist's family?

What a silly question. Palestinian extremists are my enemies.

Meir Ettinger is not. He may have crazy ideas to which I highly object, but he was jailed due to nothing but his mental illness and because of that his family suffered. so I wish them no more suffering. And since It's also a happy Jewish holiday, let them be blessed for simply being brothers.

Not a silly question at all. He's a religious extremist, involved with Jewish extremist groups. Amazing you would excuse him.

Who is Meir Ettinger, the Shin Bet’s No.1 alleged Jewish nationalist?
Ettinger is considered a radical member and leader of Israel’s “hilltop youth,” young people from religiously observant families who move to settlement outposts, resist soldiers’ attempts to evacuate them, and intermittently carry out “price tag” hate crime attacks on Palestinian, Christian and Israeli targets.

“They suspect him of incitement, conspiracy, being behind the arson of the Church of Loaves and Fishes and they’re also connecting him to the event in Duma,” said Zemer.

Ettinger has had previous run-ins with the authorities. He was imprisoned for six months in the “spy affair” of 2012, for collecting intelligence about the IDF’s plans to evacuate settlements. In January 2014, he was held captive by Palestinian villagers for more than two hours, along with several other settlers who had been with him at the time of an alleged attempted “price tag” attack. He has been living in Safed for the last six months after authorities ordered him to stay away from the West Bank and Jerusalem.

In the last few days a document has emerged that Ettinger allegedly wrote outlining an action plan for overthrowing the state of Israel.

According to media reports, Ettinger wrote that “it’s a lot cheaper and faster to destroy the State of Israel and rebuild than to repair it.”

Meir Ettinger: The face of Jewish terrorism
The Shin Bet describes him as a central figure in Jewish terrorism, 'a violent and dangerous ideological criminal,' while his friends tell of a quiet and pleasant young man who became a leader merely because of his writing skills; somewhere on the way, between the outposts he's been living in since he was 15, to his administrative detention following the Duma murders, Rabbi Meir Kahane's grandson has formed a radical and anti-Zionist ideology.

They had nothing on him, yet they held him 6 months for no reason. So coming to conclusion he's no real risk to anyone, they set him free.

More than extremist, this guy is mental. He has dreams God sent him to turn this state into a religious state. I cannot hold anything against people who are mental. He never took anyone's life, so I can excuse him. Religious extremist? yep, not an attractive character, but we have much worse going loose without anyone doing anything to them. The guy spent 6 months in prison because of crazy ideas. He has a newborn son he doesn't know. And since justice said he has to be sat free, all i have left is wishing his family strength, and for him to finally contact reality and to keep him and his family sane and safe instead of investing himself in hate and crazy dreams.

I have nothing against this guy in general, and I wish him nothing but a happy life with his wife and son.
BTW, this article was originally about him burning people alive. Is RT turning into a laughing stock? They said the terror attack in Tel Aviv was by religious Jews.

I'd say they're liars and ignorant.

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