Terrorists at power


Nov 27, 2013
This is what my Lithuanian friend sent to me in answer of my "How is it going?":
youtube . com/watch?v=FsNH0lLc1hI
It is Russian telecast about Lithuanian escort call-girl who was recruited by State Security Department of Lithuania and spied for them upon Lithuanian and foreign high and mighty.
My Lithuanian friend works in some department of Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania. He says that that very State Security Department broke up telecast of this Russian TV channel right in the middle of it. So he had to seek for continue in Youtube. He also says that everyone in Lithuanian Ministries starting with President Dalia Grybauskaite is hitchy waiting for publication of the dirt on them and other high officials and politicians now when it is mentioned in the Russian telecast. It turns out that local State Security Department blackmailed entire Lithuanian Government until they've made this leakage epic fail. And what did they want using a prostitute as an agent?
My Grandfather's comment was short: "Just like Stasi in 70s". His Dad emigrated into Hamburg from Vilnius right in 1945. So he speaks Russian very well and helped me to better understand what's going in the telecast.
Couldn't imagine that modern Lithuania is such a sewer. State Security Department rules the country using the net of spying call-girls. Lithuanian Special Service is extremely corrupted and descend to any dirty things just to whitewash themselves. What a terror must prevail there!

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