Terrorists kill 450 Kurdish civilians in Syrian Kurdistan


Kurdistan is my homeland
Oct 13, 2012
The unconfirmed report that 450 Kurds which include 120 children were killed by al-Qaeda-linked rebels has precipitated international concern.

Jabhat al-Nusra Front attacked Tal Abyad town near the Turkish border on Monday killing 330 women and elderly and 120 children, according to Iranian Al-Alam TV channel. The gruesome uncensored footage which can’t be verified at the moment is being aired by the channel.

Increased fighting has been taking place in the area according to several Kurdish interviewees, but the report was not confirmed by the opposition or the Syrian government.

Clashes between the Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG) and the al-Qaeda-affiliated Jahbat al-Nusra erupted in the city of Ras al-Ain, in the northern province of Hasakeh on July 16, home to some 50,000 people including Arabs, Christians, Kurds, and Yezidis, a Kurdish religious minority.

Al-Nusra Front seeking to create an Islamist state and claim the territories encompassing parts of Iraq and Syria surrounded the village and enter every house killing men and taking women and children hostage.

The Geneva UN Human Rights office regard this incident as a war crime and seeks to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Russia called on the UN Security Council to condemn acts of terrorism in Syria in unambiguous terms.

“We saw before some Security Council members reluctant to condemn terror attacks in Syria on the grounds that – as cynical as it sounds – those attacks are being carried out by people fighting against an obsolete regime,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. “This position is absolutely unacceptable. No double standards can be applied to terrorism.”

The Al-Qaeda attack to the Kurdish villages started on the 19th of July where many Kurds who tried not to take part on the civil conflict were kidnapped.

The Kurds currently living in the bordering territories of Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran are the largest ethnic group. They don’t have their own state and were denied some rights in the pre-war Syria. Their idea to form an independent state gained several supporters from countries opposed to secessionism. President Bashar Assad’s government grant citizenship to thousands and a number of concessions, in the early months of the conflict.

Since then, Kurds formed militias to defend their territory and separate themselves from the civil war without supporting any side. The recent months attacks of the Kurdish towns by the anti-Assad groups gave them reason to take sides with the Syrian government.

Kurdish militia declared mobilization against al-Qaeda militants in the north-eastern Syria on July 30 after the assassination of Kurdish opposition leader Isa Huso.

As revenge on the Kurds, Kurdish prisoners were executed. Report has it that the 200 civilian hostages are from the families of Kurdish Brigades soldiers abducted by al-Nusra militants one week ago.

UN estimates over 100,000 casualties and approximately 8 million displaced since the Syrian Civil War broke out in 2011.

Western countries and their regional allies which include Qatar, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia have spoken support for the less-radical anti-Assad forces.

Written by: Janet Grace Ortigas

Source: http://guardianlv.com/2013/08/450-k...ria-precipitates-international-concern-video/
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Kurd4evah-----please explain to me how KURDISH aims bother
AL QAEIDA???? why would al qaeida--want to attack kurds?
Has it done so previously?
Kurd4evah-----please explain to me how KURDISH aims bother
AL QAEIDA???? why would al qaeida--want to attack kurds?
Has it done so previously?

The Kurds are friends with Israel and the US, thats a good enough reason as any.
Kurd4evah-----please explain to me how KURDISH aims bother
AL QAEIDA???? why would al qaeida--want to attack kurds?
Has it done so previously?

The Kurds are friends with Israel and the US, thats a good enough reason as any.

UHM ----if only...... Salaadin was a kurd----true he did like MAIMONIDES-----
but his agenda was not entirely ZIONISTIC I agree that kurds SEEM
to not be quite as antagonistic to jews as -----the rest of the sunni world is---
but I doubt the actual "friends" thing-----there must be more to the issue
than that-----Kurds do not seem to be signing up to join the IDF

There are some kurdish jews---(or were) They cook very well----
a friend----long ago-----was a kurdish--jew---iranian Her cooking
was not specifically IRANIAN------more like-----hardcore middle east
with something like Lebanese thrown in
Kurd4evah-----please explain to me how KURDISH aims bother
AL QAEIDA???? why would al qaeida--want to attack kurds?
Has it done so previously?

The Kurds are friends with Israel and the US, thats a good enough reason as any.

UHM ----if only...... Salaadin was a kurd----true he did like MAIMONIDES-----
but his agenda was not entirely ZIONISTIC I agree that kurds SEEM
to not be quite as antagonistic to jews as -----the rest of the sunni world is---
but I doubt the actual "friends" thing-----there must be more to the issue
than that-----Kurds do not seem to be signing up to join the IDF

There are some kurdish jews---(or were) They cook very well----
a friend----long ago-----was a kurdish--jew---iranian Her cooking
was not specifically IRANIAN------more like-----hardcore middle east
with something like Lebanese thrown in

The Kurds are despised by the Persians, Arabs and Turks. I don't know if it was always like this historically but in their most recent history the Kurds have been really the only true friends we have in that part of the world except Israel.
The Kurds are friends with Israel and the US, thats a good enough reason as any.

UHM ----if only...... Salaadin was a kurd----true he did like MAIMONIDES-----
but his agenda was not entirely ZIONISTIC I agree that kurds SEEM
to not be quite as antagonistic to jews as -----the rest of the sunni world is---
but I doubt the actual "friends" thing-----there must be more to the issue
than that-----Kurds do not seem to be signing up to join the IDF

There are some kurdish jews---(or were) They cook very well----
a friend----long ago-----was a kurdish--jew---iranian Her cooking
was not specifically IRANIAN------more like-----hardcore middle east
with something like Lebanese thrown in

The Kurds are despised by the Persians, Arabs and Turks. I don't know if it was always like this historically but in their most recent history the Kurds have been really the only true friends we have in that part of the world except Israel.

yes----kurds are a problem TO lots of muslims in the entire area------I think---(but am
not sure) that what is called "kurd" in Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria ----
is "berber" in some other lands of north africa (??) I believe it has something
to do with their retention of aspects of their old language and culture (ie pre-islamic)

I do not know when the RIFT started------lots of people admired and liked
SALAADIN-----even King Richard----the one with the "lionheart"-----
Katherin Hepburn's and Peter O'Toole's eldest-----and much loved by
ROBIN HOOD. the best way to remember history is by going
to the movies-------the lesson for the day is that ROBIN HOOD----
was a contemporary of Katherine Hepburn and Peter O'toole and
Richard the Lionhearted, and Salaadin and Maimonides. The
focal point of this lesson is "LION IN WINTER"

There is still a synagogue in CAIRO----that was there when Maimonides
was physician to SALAADIN------sorry they will not allow hebrew
prayers in there -----at this time-------SALAADIN allowed it but
the muslim brotherhood is against it

I am not sure that all of the above information is 100% correct----
almost---but not absolutely

What I recall most clearly of the historic movie----is people ate with
their fingers-----like hindus---sorta For a Bostonian----Katherine
Hepburn played it well
Oh Irosie IDF forces have gone into Kurdistan to train the Pesh merga.

GOOD!!!! uhm ---the term "KURDISTAN" covers lots of territory---
can you narrow that down to-------a specific country?

"pesh merga" ??? -------sounds like a moroccan tagine ----Its ok
I SHALL GOOGLE~~~~!!!!!!!
Kurd4evah-----please explain to me how KURDISH aims bother
AL QAEIDA???? why would al qaeida--want to attack kurds?
Has it done so previously?

Oh they didn't just show up, i can assure you of that. Turkey is openly supporting Islamist Groups to combat the Kurds of Syria. The fact that they even claim the north and only the north (Where Kurds lives) just proves that they are being instructed by the Turkish goverment. It's an attempt to crush the liberation of another part of Kurdistan. Turkey is extremely Kurdophobic, they're afraid of us gaining any kind of power, even if it's outside of "Turkey". They want Kurds to forever remain miserable, and they have proved to do anything for that to happen. Currently wounded Al Nusra terrorists are being treated in Turkey!
The Kurds are friends with Israel and the US, thats a good enough reason as any.

UHM ----if only...... Salaadin was a kurd----true he did like MAIMONIDES-----
but his agenda was not entirely ZIONISTIC I agree that kurds SEEM
to not be quite as antagonistic to jews as -----the rest of the sunni world is---
but I doubt the actual "friends" thing-----there must be more to the issue
than that-----Kurds do not seem to be signing up to join the IDF

There are some kurdish jews---(or were) They cook very well----
a friend----long ago-----was a kurdish--jew---iranian Her cooking
was not specifically IRANIAN------more like-----hardcore middle east
with something like Lebanese thrown in

The Kurds are despised by the Persians, Arabs and Turks. I don't know if it was always like this historically but in their most recent history the Kurds have been really the only true friends we have in that part of the world except Israel.

The Turks and Arabs started getting extremely hateful by the early 20th century. I think the Persians have been after us for much longer though (Important not to generalize)
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