Terry McAuliffe mocks Jade Helm conspiracy theorists


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
Poor, poor Texas. It's now come to this:

Terry McAuliffe mocks Jade Helm conspiracy theorists - Nick Gass - POLITICO

(Video at the link)

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe on Thursday slammed “foolishness” surrounding the upcoming Operation Jade Helm 15, calling the mobilization of the Texas State Guard in response to the military exercise “one of the dumbest things I have ever heard” in an interview with Washington D.C.’s NewsChannel 8.,,,

...“We’re too busy for that foolishness,” McAuliffe added.

Virginia loves the military, the governor said...

In September 2015, after the manuevers are over with, every nutbag who has been spreading this bullshit about Jade 15 somehow being a hostile takeover of Texas in order to install martial law - is going to running for the hills, claiming he never said it.

Those nutbags really ARE that stupid.

whatever, everybody in the country mock him and people who acts likes him.

so he really should grow up and act like an adult, and should be worried his city is mocked for being MURDER capital of the United States or just continue being a horses ass.

which is all of the Democrat party. nasty and petty...

but it was sweet they mocked themselves into the Minority in Congress after only six years of that other horses ass, Obama. so hey, you go. President elections coming soon...

little ole Kos kid is on a roll. stupid
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whatever, everybody in the country mock him and people who acts likes him.

so he really should grow up and act like an adult or just continue being a horses ass.

which is all of the Democrat party. nasty and petty...

but it was sweet they mocked themselves into the Minority in Congress after only six years of that other horses ass, Obama. so hey, you go. President elections coming soon...

Waidaminnut, Staph Infection: do you think that Jade 15 is a secret military operation to take over Texas? Really?
The Military has plenty of Bases large enough to practice maneuvers inside the gates. They don't need to go, nor should they ever go, outside their boundaries. I've seen them do live fire exercises on 29 Palms in California.

Oh but they're practicing for overseas? What overseas area looks like Texas and the Southwest US? Note Texas is marked as "Hostile".

US Army Jade Helm 15 Illustration:

You know what the problem is? Too many Americans are too scared to ask questions. Like the Liberals in this thread,

Thanks Never Ending War on Terror!
In September 2015, after the manuevers are over with, every nutbag who has been spreading this bullshit about Jade 15 somehow being a hostile takeover of Texas in order to install martial law - is going to running for the hills, claiming he never said it.

Those nutbags really ARE that stupid.


Actually, what they'll say is that it would have happened, if it hadn't been for them getting the word out on the internet, saving the day like the brave heroes they are.
The Military has plenty of Bases large enough to practice maneuvers inside the gates. They don't need to go, nor should they ever go, outside their boundaries. I've seen them do live fire exercises on 29 Palms in California.

Oh but they're practicing for overseas? What overseas area looks like Texas and the Southwest US? Note Texas is marked as "Hostile".

US Army Jade Helm 15 Illustration:

View attachment 40935

Why shouldn't they practice outside bases?

As for what overseas area looks like the Southwest in the middle of the summer - how about most of the Middle East?
Read up on Alinsky folks

the Democrat/progressive/commie party has it down to a tee.

Time to ignore them and question everything this government does.

ESPECIALLY under this man Obama.
whatever, everybody in the country mock him and people who acts likes him.

so he really should grow up and act like an adult, and should be worried his city is mocked for being MURDER capital of the United States or just continue being a horses ass.

which is all of the Democrat party. nasty and petty...

but it was sweet they mocked themselves into the Minority in Congress after only six years of that other horses ass, Obama. so hey, you go. President elections coming soon...

little ole Kos kid is on a roll. stupid
Do you say that like Mephistopheles?
Virginia....Texas? The former DNC chairman has enough on his plate in Virginia with 21 republican majority to 19 democrats in the senate and a whopping 67 to 32 republican majority in the House of Delegates but true to form as a former DNC political hack he lashes out at other (republican) Governors to mask his own incompetence and the lack of support from his own state.
Half the GOP lives on another planet...the rest of the world is horrified- look for a landslide against them in 2016. I hope the greedy idiot GOP megarich have stolen enough from the US because hard times a-comin'....
i wonder how all the people who claimed GWB would install martial law and not step down from the presidency feel....

They should feel pretty stupid. Just as the people who say that about Obama should feel pretty stupid. The problem with the stupid is that they normally are too stupid to realize the should feel stupid.
The difference of course is that 50% of GOPers believe that's possible, as opposed to almost no Dems, just a couple numbskulls Fox Noise scared up...
About 36% of congressional democrats supported Bush's use of boots on the ground in Iraq. This is real math instead of junk accusations from a former DNC chair. Multiply the constituents of the 36% of democrats supporting the Iraq mission and you get a real poll from real Americans. The problem of course is that the %36 of congressional democrats were directed by the DNC to withdraw their support for the Military mission and become traitors. They get away with it because the mainstream media is an arm of the democrat party.
Stupidest war ever, based on BS. Great job, Pubbies!
If you are about 15 years old and educated by pop-culture blogs and dumb assed democrats you might think that the Iraq War was the "stupidest yada yada". You can excuse foreign born anti-Americans and ignorant pop-culture Americans from the argument but Bill Clinton's splendid little war in Bosnia was probably the stupedist war in American history. The most criminal enterprise disguised as a military mission was Harry Truman's executive order that sent Troops to Korea and virtually abandoned them to a marginal incompetent senior citizen former WW1 officer like General MacArthur. For the short term memory liberals it's ....Bush -Congressional authorization ...Clinton -zero and Truman zero.

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