Tesla charging station in california where it takes 30 to 60 minutes to charge.

Let's be fair here. Any mass adoption of electric vehicles would require billions of dollars of investment into power infrastructure.

Right now, electric vehicles even in the highest adopting state, California, are fewer than 10% of all vehicles and they are already suffering from brown-outs and huge surcharges on home charging your vehicle.

As adoption increases, so will the cost to charge them, and a decrease in your ability to do so.
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You know that have more than one charge point...

This is an infrastructure problem US has with high power chargers... Europe is busy putting in charges which can do 200kw per hour charging... This will give 200miles in about 15-20 min... You must remember that the car starts the morning with about 400miles in the tank...

So you can end up needing a charge during the day but how many times will you drive 400miles nonstop and don't want a 20 min rest...

The real question is, why is US infrasturce falling behind the Rest of the first world?

Powered by unicorn farts and incerated aborted babies?

How do you propose supplying power to these charging stations, specifically?
You know that have more than one charge point...

This is an infrastructure problem US has with high power chargers... Europe is busy putting in charges which can do 200kw per hour charging... This will give 200miles in about 15-20 min... You must remember that the car starts the morning with about 400miles in the tank...

So you can end up needing a charge during the day but how many times will you drive 400miles nonstop and don't want a 20 min rest...

The real question is, why is US infrasturce falling behind the Rest of the first world?
What has Biden built back better?
Just wait until the military unleashes their EV heavy equipment.

EV tanks, personnel carriers, planes, ships….imagine those charging stations.

How does a US military with no fossil fuels look to you left wing nutjobs? Explain specifically how that works.
How does a US military with no fossil fuels look to you left wing nutjobs?

We're going to need a lot more boots...

Lets snap our fingers and imagine that Cali has ONLY EVS.

How are you going to power the cars. Walk us through the math.

Prove that you have any idea what you are talking about.
There's already research proving that over the life of an electric vs gasoline powered vehicle (materials acquisition to crusher) that the electric vehicle produces a larger total lifetime carbon footprint. That does not even account for the damage done to the environment from mining the materials and environmental impact from collisions and leakage with fires.

If you bought an EV to "save the planet"....you've been HAD.
There's already research proving that over the life of an electric vs gasoline powered vehicle (materials acquisition to crusher) that the electric vehicle produces a larger total lifetime carbon footprint. That does not even account for the damage done to the environment from mining the materials and environmental impact from collisions and leakage with fires.

If you bought an EV to "save the planet"....you've been HAD.

EV's are extremely toxic to the environment. More than quadruple the damage to the ecosystem than conventional.
Looks like we need more charging stations

As gas stations start to lose customers, they will need to add rapid charging capabilities.

I also see more restaurants and malls adding EV charging.
Come in and shop/eat while you are waiting for your car to charge
I see where you will be dealt with at some time by your own asinine agendas. Nothing like massive inconvenience and growing poverty instituted by the grandiose state to make people venomous. This is what the founding fathers told us about in their documents. And to get those documents they still had to put a major flaw in it.
Yep, and then there's that little issue out west........lake mead and lake powell about to be a dead pool. No more hoover hydroelectric power supplying the west. Yeah, good luck with that grid.

So true.
The Left lives on pipe dreams. ONE DAY EV's might be sensible, but we're not there yet. Battery tech has a LONG way to go.
Let's be fair here. Any mass adoption of electric vehicles would require billions of dollars of investment into power infrastructure.

Right now, electric vehicles even in the highest adopting state, California, are fewer than 10% of all vehicles and they are already suffering from brown-outs and huge surcharges on home charging your vehicle.

As adoption increases, so will the cost to charge them, and a decrease in your ability to do so.

Few on the Left can see beyond the rainbows and unicorns they've been promised.
So true.
The Left lives on pipe dreams. ONE DAY EV's might be sensible, but we're not there yet. Battery tech has a LONG way to go.
Battery tech gets 200-250 miles per charge

Good place to start an$ it will get better
I look for auto manufacturers to integrate solar panels into the roof of EVs

Will allow charging all day
I look for auto manufacturers to integrate solar panels into the roof of EVs

Will allow charging all day
All progress is agreed with. Needless pain is a different matter. This is purely political and designed to weaken us enough to be processed into the Liberal World Order.
I look for auto manufacturers to integrate solar panels into the roof of EVs

Will allow charging all day

Not enough surface area.
All day in direct sunlight would only result in the gain of a mile or two. And that's near the equator.
On a large semi trailer it "might" make a small difference but only in very strong sunlight.
Divide that by 100 for northern latitudes.

The problem with Marxists and the Left is they live on or at least peddle Pipe Dreams based on Unicorn fantasies

There is no place for Reality in the Leftists constricted mind.
I look for auto manufacturers to integrate solar panels into the roof of EVs

Will allow charging all day

Even the most efficient solar panels produce around 250 to 300 Watts of power per 1.7 meter x 1 meter panel. Current is constant as long as voltage produced by the panel is over 12 volts.

The "full"* charge for a Telsla is 50 Kilowatts. Nearly twice as much as an average sized home.

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