Tesla financial disaster!!!

Tesla is in the process of bringing it's battery factory online, as well as starting production of the Tesla 3. It has built an international chain of super chargers, and is ramping up the solar roof business, as well. When the buildup is done, I think you will see some real action in the profit sector from Tesla.

I sure hope so. Otherwise a lot of people are going to be crying in their cups.
A pure bullshit article. Gives no reasons, posts no figures, just a lot of flap yap without any backup.

The study is firewalled but I will read it later and give a synopsis.
A pure bullshit article. Gives no reasons, posts no figures, just a lot of flap yap without any backup.

At best, I think the article does what some posters here have done. They compare the production of the batteries, as far as pollution goes, to the operation of a newer and well maintained car.
Tesla shares, selling for just over $30 in 2012, now selling for over $300. LOL What a loser. LOL And they now are selling solar roofs, grid scale batteries as well as storage batteries for residences. LOL
Right...So far Tesla is not so different from all the other Ponzi schemes. It`s been running on borrowed money and has not generated a positive balance sheet....even so Elon Musk hypes it any way he can:
To Elon Musk, Tesla Motors Inc. isn’t really a “money-losing business,” despite losing lots of money.
“When all of that’s lumped together, (it) can be confusing. And then they would think Tesla’s a money-losing company but, well, not really. Not if you’re growing at like 100% a year,” Musk said.
Elon Musk: Tesla is not really a ‘money-losing business’
Actually, Tesla is a money-losing business, really, in the fact that it brings in much less money than it spends and appears to be on that same path for the foreseeable future. It has never turned an annual profit by generally accepted accounting practices, and lost nearly $900 million by that standard last year. Even with Tesla’s adjustments to earnings, the company lost $224.8 million in the first six months of this year, and expects to boost capital expenditure spending in the second half.
Tesla continues to go into debt and sell more shares to live up to Musk’s vision, and now plans to dilute investors to add another money-losing business, SolarCity Corp. US:SCTY , to its balance sheet. To make a run at the company Musk described in his recent master plan, it seems more capital will need to be raised, perhaps much more. The question of when that capital turns Tesla into a profitable business still doesn’t seem to have an answer, beyond Musk trying to redefine “profitable” and “money-losing.”

Just like all the rest of the Liberal pet projects...they have to "redefine" profitable and money-loosing...
Good thing they got swept out of the WH. It`s not hard to imagine how they would "redefine" the whole constitution if that Clinton bitch`s election fraud would have worked
Well now, from someone that thought the Prius was going to crash and burn within two years of it's introduction, I think that prediction of impending doom for Tesla has some nice silver linings. Tesla is building several businesses at once. Always a danger of overreach in that. However, if his grid scale battery business takes off, and the Tesla 3 has the same customer ratings as does the S, then he will be out of the woods rather quickly.

Elon Musk is either going to end up as one of the richest men in the world, or dead broke. Either way, he has already made a huge difference. His cars have inspired knockoffs from all the major auto makers in the world, and a Japanese sports car EV just established the track record for a street legal car at Nurburgring. In fact, even here in Portland, the White Zombie not only has been embarrassing ICE's for years, but has been driving to events on it's own.

Welcome to Plasma Boy Racing, home of White Zombie, the world's quickest street legal electric door slammer in the 1/4 mile drag.
If electric cars are really as good as some people say then there is no need for tax breaks.
Wind power will do just fine without subsidies, as will solar. Coal is teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy, and losing it's subsidies would be the final straw. Natural gas is good for a couple more decades, then it is out the door. Technology moves on, buggy whip manufacturers are a losing business.
Wind power will do just fine without subsidies, as will solar. Coal is teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy, and losing it's subsidies would be the final straw. Natural gas is good for a couple more decades, then it is out the door. Technology moves on, buggy whip manufacturers are a losing business.
Debunking Myths About Federal Oil & Gas Subsidies

And the left's favorite rich guy, Warren Buffet, said the only reason to invest in wind is the tax breaks
I'd rather see no tax breaks or subsidies from the feds. I also don't see business taxes as anything but a way to tax the people more without them knowing it. Corporations don't pay taxes. They may write a check to the IRS, but they then pass that cost to the customer.

But as long as there are subsidies and tax breaks, companies like Tesla should be in line for them. Cutting edge R&D put on the streets. And that helps everyone, even the competition.
This is the point many of us are making. Elon Musk, the person, will never go broke. The con is strong in this one. And old rocks saying nat gas will be gone in decades sort of exposes more of his dementia. And I understand that anecdotal posts on my part by tesla owners who say they would have been money ahead to buy a mini cooper instead of a tesla are totally discounted as are mechanic testimony about the cars. I know resale values of these cars are of no concern to you all either.

The idea that electric cars are going to be recharged overnight by solar seems counter intuitive as,does the idea that an electric grid that is already in place is not factored into the cost of electric vehicles. Car companies love the idea of mass production of a car that has only has a couple of moving parts.

Additionally, all the anti pollution steps are being ignored by the renewable groups. Scrubbers have made coal 95% cleaner. Tier 4 engines have been mandated for heavy equipment. Trucks are running on nat gas and innovations in led lights to motor efficiencies are mind blowing. We are by no means living in a smokestack economy but you would never know it by listening to,our resident alarmists.

Scientists have already said no matter what is done we will not affect the the atmosphere to any discernable way. Good things are happening, at least in this country, and will continue to happen. Pointing out charlatans who are running a con while riding the save the planet bandwagon is not anti progress or anti environment.
Wind power will do just fine without subsidies, as will solar. Coal is teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy, and losing it's subsidies would be the final straw. Natural gas is good for a couple more decades, then it is out the door. Technology moves on, buggy whip manufacturers are a losing business.
Wrong on all accounts. If Germany can`t even get off coal (nor are China & many other countries) then coal won`t be "teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy".
In today`s news:
climate meet
BERLIN (AP) — More than 2,500 anti-coal demonstrators protested in the western German town of Kerpen and at a nearby surface-mining site before an upcoming global climate conference in Bonn
Riot police scuffled with some of the demonstrators but there were no major incidents reported. German leader Angela Merkel has been dubbed the "Climate Chancellor" for her ambitious targets for renewable energy, but Germany still gets about 40 percent of its electricity from coal-fired plants
Natural gas "good for a couple of decades" only ? Really ?
I remember you ringing the alarm bells about ocean water warming and how that will release a huge amount of methane from clathrates. You also said the same thing about thawing permafrost releasing another shitload of methane. So there is all that, which is just a fraction of the methane stored in porous rock which we extract with fracking. Plus another huge amount of methane which is formed when bio-mass breaks down as in composting. There are power plants in Germany that have been exploiting this for about 3 decades already.
Last not least as long as the pornification of Hollywood by Hollywood`s liberals goes on and as long as almost every pervert like Weiner, Weinstein, Bill Clinton & so on are a major constituent of the Dems the whips (& chains) business will be a thriving component of the manufacture of deviant sex paraphernalia.
Wind power will do just fine without subsidies, as will solar. Coal is teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy, and losing it's subsidies would be the final straw. Natural gas is good for a couple more decades, then it is out the door. Technology moves on, buggy whip manufacturers are a losing business.
Only somebody who knows as much about cars as Faulty Tower`s Basil would think of a buggy whip in conjunction with automotive technology:

That`s what you might have to do when your electric barbie doll car`s battery is dead after you drove around for 1/2 hour
Wind power will do just fine without subsidies, as will solar. Coal is teetering on the edge of permanent bankruptcy, and losing it's subsidies would be the final straw. Natural gas is good for a couple more decades, then it is out the door. Technology moves on, buggy whip manufacturers are a losing business.
Only somebody who knows as much about cars as Faulty Tower`s Basil would think of a buggy whip in conjunction with automotive technology:

That`s what you might have to do when your electric barbie doll car`s battery is dead after you drove around for 1/2 hour

Funny, I thought we were talking about the Tesla.
If coal and natural gas are as good as people say they are, then there is no need for subsidies for them.

Agreed. End ALL of them. Oil and gas companies provide an essential product. They remain. Wind and solar close up shop immediately. Thanks for pointing that fact out.

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