Test for the rightwing: tell me the differences between the far left and the moderate left

Your reference to "Cancer" is moronic, considering the ideas of the left wing have brought forth considerable labor power in this country, women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights, social security, food stamps, social welfare programs that have unanimously been proven to reduce poverty, meanwhile, the right wing for the past 40 years in this country has consistently worked to destroy the representation of the laborer, women's rights, screw those in poverty, spread literal non-sense about the working class and perpetuate the myth that lower taxes on the rich create more jobs for the laborer. It sickens me.
Another stupid ass to debate with. Yeah?
I assume you're referring to me, I think it's funny how you recognize that all I've said above is factual, and derived from left wing thought, which is why your only response is simply "stupid ass." So childish.
How does fuck off suit you?
I rest my case. :dunno:
An yet no one cared.

If name calling while ignoring what you know to be true makes you feel like a better human being, keep doing it. I'd rather not go that low.
Another stupid ass to debate with. Yeah?
I assume you're referring to me, I think it's funny how you recognize that all I've said above is factual, and derived from left wing thought, which is why your only response is simply "stupid ass." So childish.
How does fuck off suit you?
I rest my case. :dunno:
An yet no one cared.

If name calling while ignoring what you know to be true makes you feel like a better human being, keep doing it. I'd rather not go that low.
You're really serious about this huh.

That's cute
I assume you're referring to me, I think it's funny how you recognize that all I've said above is factual, and derived from left wing thought, which is why your only response is simply "stupid ass." So childish.
How does fuck off suit you?
I rest my case. :dunno:
An yet no one cared.

If name calling while ignoring what you know to be true makes you feel like a better human being, keep doing it. I'd rather not go that low.
You're really serious about this huh.

That's cute
This is how I normally am, wouldn't expect someone of your.. (Can't find a word that isn't insulting) to understand.
How does fuck off suit you?
I rest my case. :dunno:
An yet no one cared.

If name calling while ignoring what you know to be true makes you feel like a better human being, keep doing it. I'd rather not go that low.
You're really serious about this huh.

That's cute
This is how I normally am, wouldn't expect someone of your.. (Can't find a word that isn't insulting) to understand.
Let me help you find the ignore feature, dumbass
moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist

moderate left supports the 2nd Amendment with restrictions on our rights
prog left wants to limit our right to plastic child safe sporks.

moderate left doesn't know just how evil partial birth abortion is so they support it.
prog left wants post birth abortion

mod left wants to prevent voter fraud but is gutless to pass rules
prog left wants anyone that's inside our boarders to vote dem

anything specific you would like me to explain or do you understand that dems are not liberals anymore?
I'll give you credit for making a an effort, but this answer is baseless.

You're just making things up. For instance, if you are arributing all of these issues to democrats, it's completely ridiculous.

I would say what you said about the 2nd amendment had at least some truth to it, but that's the only thing that came close.
it's all fact

the 2nd Amendment was hyperbole

you can read through the post birth murder that you will support some day. just scroll, you'll see the facts of just how sick you are.

voting; Google

it started in CA already

anything else you would like me to teach you about the filth you support?
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all off the top of my head and I overwhelmed the op
Your entire post is a crock of shit, not one person I've ever spoke to supports "post birth abortion" and I'm in discussion with Leninists/Maoists/Trots.. Nor does any sizable majority on the progressive left. More fear mongering. The 2nd amendment bullshit? Oh please, no one wants to take your guns away, most socialists/communists/progressives fully support gun ownership. Voter fraud is a bullshit, virtually non-existant problem that people are using to restrict voting and make it harder for those in lower social classes to vote.
You are a complete and utter liar.

A useless leftist among useless leftist. You lies are so bad, only a leftist fool would believe them
If you want to keep being a dishonest, partisan hack with no interest in actual discussion, keep telling yourself that. Yeah, my "lies" Mind giving me any evidence for any of your claims that point to any sizable amount of leftists supporting your claims?
I provided links early in the thread.
Your "links" are fear mongering hogwash not supported by any evidence.
it's all of google

to much truth forces leftist to shut down, b/c if they didn't they might have a thought of their own.

pity, but thanks for the honest page name, only a true fool would support socialism knowing it's history
moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist

moderate left supports the 2nd Amendment with restrictions on our rights
prog left wants to limit our right to plastic child safe sporks.

moderate left doesn't know just how evil partial birth abortion is so they support it.
prog left wants post birth abortion

mod left wants to prevent voter fraud but is gutless to pass rules
prog left wants anyone that's inside our boarders to vote dem

anything specific you would like me to explain or do you understand that dems are not liberals anymore?
I'll give you credit for making a an effort, but this answer is baseless.

You're just making things up. For instance, if you are arributing all of these issues to democrats, it's completely ridiculous.

I would say what you said about the 2nd amendment had at least some truth to it, but that's the only thing that came close.
it's all fact

the 2nd Amendment was hyperbole

you can read through the post birth murder that you will support some day. just scroll, you'll see the facts of just how sick you are.

voting; Google

it started in CA already

anything else you would like me to teach you about the filth you support?
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
Your entire post is a crock of shit, not one person I've ever spoke to supports "post birth abortion" and I'm in discussion with Leninists/Maoists/Trots.. Nor does any sizable majority on the progressive left. More fear mongering. The 2nd amendment bullshit? Oh please, no one wants to take your guns away, most socialists/communists/progressives fully support gun ownership. Voter fraud is a bullshit, virtually non-existant problem that people are using to restrict voting and make it harder for those in lower social classes to vote.
You are a complete and utter liar.

A useless leftist among useless leftist. You lies are so bad, only a leftist fool would believe them
If you want to keep being a dishonest, partisan hack with no interest in actual discussion, keep telling yourself that. Yeah, my "lies" Mind giving me any evidence for any of your claims that point to any sizable amount of leftists supporting your claims?
I provided links early in the thread.
Your "links" are fear mongering hogwash not supported by any evidence.
it's all of google

to much truth forces leftist to shut down, b/c if they didn't they might have a thought of their own.

pity, but thanks for the honest page name, only a true fool would support socialism knowing it's history
"All of google" Yeah, sure. Not in the mood to talk about the history of socialism right now, it usually devolves into talking about communism.
I'll give you credit for making a an effort, but this answer is baseless.

You're just making things up. For instance, if you are arributing all of these issues to democrats, it's completely ridiculous.

I would say what you said about the 2nd amendment had at least some truth to it, but that's the only thing that came close.
it's all fact

the 2nd Amendment was hyperbole

you can read through the post birth murder that you will support some day. just scroll, you'll see the facts of just how sick you are.

voting; Google

it started in CA already

anything else you would like me to teach you about the filth you support?
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
Trick question there is no moderate left.
I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
Trick question there is no moderate left.
That's a lie, unless you want to claim everyone on the right wing are fascists.
it's all fact

the 2nd Amendment was hyperbole

you can read through the post birth murder that you will support some day. just scroll, you'll see the facts of just how sick you are.

voting; Google

it started in CA already

anything else you would like me to teach you about the filth you support?
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I prefer the state and economy where socialists are in FEMA camps.
Don't you think it's pretty lame that you give me Google results rather than an actual source? This "post birth abortion" story is complete bullshit. A blog cited anecdotal sources of people supporting such a thing and another over blew the story of being from a "study" which is a complete fabrication. There is no trend in attitude for such a thing. An academic proposed the radical theory and the rightwing circus blew it way out of proportion.

Voting fraud is statistically very rare, therefore it is bullshit to make a policy out of it.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I would love to see a society that has gotten past the point of having a state, but that's a pipe dream not possible in today's context. I think the platform of eugene debs is what I am looking at, I want workers to own production, I am a strong advocate of worker co-ops, welfare, universal healthcare, free education, putting labor into power, I want to remove the influence capitalists have on the state, I want the state, if it exists, to be controlled by the working class through democracy. Outlining an entire plan for a state in a forum post is quite difficult, :p
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I prefer the state and economy where socialists are in FEMA camps.
I'm pretty sure you're trolling.
I gave you google so you wouldn't be saying; That's a rw hack site therefore it's not true!

but it is true.

So if a crime is small, fuck it, there shouldn't be any rules to avoid fraud during the most important events in government

do lies and bullshit come that easily to you?
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I would love to see a society that has gotten past the point of having a state, but that's a pipe dream not possible in today's context. I think the platform of eugene debs is what I am looking at, I want workers to own production, I am a strong advocate of worker co-ops, welfare, universal healthcare, free education, putting labor into power, I want to remove the influence capitalists have on the state, I want the state, if it exists, to be controlled by the working class through democracy. Outlining an entire plan for a state in a forum post is quite difficult, :p
You want to get rid of the state, but make sure it gives you everything first, cool story bro.
Lol it shouldn't be hard for you to find an unbiased source if this topic has any merit.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I would love to see a society that has gotten past the point of having a state, but that's a pipe dream not possible in today's context. I think the platform of eugene debs is what I am looking at, I want workers to own production, I am a strong advocate of worker co-ops, welfare, universal healthcare, free education, putting labor into power, I want to remove the influence capitalists have on the state, I want the state, if it exists, to be controlled by the working class through democracy. Outlining an entire plan for a state in a forum post is quite difficult, :p
You want to get rid of the state, but make sure it gives you everything first, cool story bro.
If you actually read my post, you would see that I prefer a stateless society, but if the state exists, I would like the state, run by the people, to do the above. Keep pushing the "narrative" of giving things, as if it's a bad thing.
I don't want to ban the 2nd amendment. I just want limitations on it like any personal freedom.
That's like saying, "I don't want to drill holes in the bottom of the boat on both the right and left sides. I only want to drill them on the right side. But I support the rule that says the boat must be able to float."

It makes no sense whatever.

Likewise, saying you want government to be able to restrict SOME of people's right to own and carry a gun, but that you support the 2nd amendment which says government is forbidden to infringe on their right to own and carry a gun, is equally nonsensical.

Either you support the 2nd amendment's ban on govt infringement, or you don't.

Clearly, you don't.
all of google fucknut, all of google.

you asked a question, I gave you pinpoint answers, but you hate the truth and must deny it.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I would love to see a society that has gotten past the point of having a state, but that's a pipe dream not possible in today's context. I think the platform of eugene debs is what I am looking at, I want workers to own production, I am a strong advocate of worker co-ops, welfare, universal healthcare, free education, putting labor into power, I want to remove the influence capitalists have on the state, I want the state, if it exists, to be controlled by the working class through democracy. Outlining an entire plan for a state in a forum post is quite difficult, :p
You want to get rid of the state, but make sure it gives you everything first, cool story bro.
If you actually read my post, you would see that I prefer a stateless society, but if the state exists, I would like the state, run by the people, to do the above. Keep pushing the "narrative" of giving things, as if it's a bad thing.
So you are bipolar. You ideally want one thing, but it the mean time, you will settle for the polar opposite.

Without a State, how do you plan to force to make people provide you these things? This is the folly of socialism, it never gets past the stage of totalitarianism needed to expropriate the means of production from private hands to provide all these services. The result is a economically stagnant and politically oppressive tyranny.
I've tried to find anything on "all of google" backing up your claims, all I find are right wing sites with paywalls and ads all over the page claiming Obama is going to put everyone in FEMA camps.
I'm curious. What is the income distribution and type of economy in the socialist state you prefer?
I would love to see a society that has gotten past the point of having a state, but that's a pipe dream not possible in today's context. I think the platform of eugene debs is what I am looking at, I want workers to own production, I am a strong advocate of worker co-ops, welfare, universal healthcare, free education, putting labor into power, I want to remove the influence capitalists have on the state, I want the state, if it exists, to be controlled by the working class through democracy. Outlining an entire plan for a state in a forum post is quite difficult, :p
You want to get rid of the state, but make sure it gives you everything first, cool story bro.
If you actually read my post, you would see that I prefer a stateless society, but if the state exists, I would like the state, run by the people, to do the above. Keep pushing the "narrative" of giving things, as if it's a bad thing.
So you are bipolar. You ideally want one thing, but it the mean time, you will settle for the polar opposite.

Without a State, how do you plan to force to make people provide you these things? This is the folly of socialism, it never gets past the stage of totalitarianism needed to expropriate the means of production from private hands to provide all these services. The result is a economically stagnant and politically oppressive tyranny.
Sure steinlight, ignore the free ukraine, the paris commune, the anarchists in spain, the modern day worker co-ops, the majority of human history where we lived in virtually "communist" societies. You keep saying the word force, and you keep assuming that structures won't be in place without a state, in reference, a state is prone to corruption, which is why the people need to consistently watch the state and control it. "Folly of socialism" Already addressed this.

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