Test for the rightwing: tell me the differences between the far left and the moderate left

I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
Moderates are assholes. Far left libs are feckin assholes.
People on the left can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonestly.
Moderates will disappear from a debate when you call them on it
Extremists will continue on with the arguments emotion, ignorance and dishonesty, only louder.

So anybody who publicly disagrees with you cannot be a moderate?
People on the left can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonestly.
Moderates will disappear from a debate when you call them on it
Extremists will continue on with the arguments emotion, ignorance and dishonesty, only louder.
So anybody who publicly disagrees with you cannot be a moderate?
Look -- a liberal arguing from ignorance or dishonesty, in that he either does not understand what I said or does understand and got it wrong on purpose.
People on the left can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonestly.
Moderates will disappear from a debate when you call them on it
Extremists will continue on with the arguments emotion, ignorance and dishonesty, only louder.
So anybody who publicly disagrees with you cannot be a moderate?
Look -- a liberal arguing from ignorance or dishonesty, in that he either does not understand what I said or does understand and got it wrong on purpose.

You said all moderates will leave the debate when you make that accusation. By your statement, anyone who remains to question your silly remarks can't be a moderate. Perhaps you should reread what you wrote.
I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.

You are a far left drone! Just own it!
I've asked dozens of right wingers that exact question. Usually they respond with something like Benghazi or Clinton's blowjob, but never anything resembling a real answer. I guess Sean or rush just didn't equip them to answer that one.

You are a far left drone and you should be an adult and just own it!
I'd ask why you want to limit people's freedom but scumbags like you always want to do that.
As to the OP, another failed troll thread from Billy Triple Zip.
Left are old line liberals who believed in America and the Constitution. Believed in individual rights and restraining the power of the state. Men like Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
Far left are progressive assholes who want to control people for their own good. Like virtually everyone leading the Democratic Party today

So you support child pornograhy,,, You would want to limit those freedoms would you....

Moron committing crimes is not protected by the Constitution......

As to abortion......and the DNC......

Democratic Party Platforms 2012 Democratic Party Platform

Protecting A Woman's Right to Choose.The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay.

We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.

Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way. We also recognize that health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions. We strongly and unequivocally support a woman's decision to have a child by providing affordable health care and ensuring the availability of and access to programs that help women during pregnancy and after the birth of a child, including caring adoption programs.

Not one word about limiting late term abortions............but they do oppose any efforts to weaken the right to kill unborn children....big of them isn't it.....

But hang on... The 1st amendment allows free speech and Child Pornography is speech...

Rabbi doesn't want anything to interfere with his constitutional rights... Therefore he wants to allow child pornography, how can those bureaucrats in Washington be interfering with citizens rights..
Hi, Dick!

Dick Rabbi(t) is your true real name? Fitting.

Another far left drone!
moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist

moderate left supports the 2nd Amendment with restrictions on our rights
prog left wants to limit our right to plastic child safe sporks.

moderate left doesn't know just how evil partial birth abortion is so they support it.
prog left wants post birth abortion

mod left wants to prevent voter fraud but is gutless to pass rules
prog left wants anyone that's inside our boarders to vote dem

anything specific you would like me to explain or do you understand that dems are not liberals anymore?

"moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist"

Thats the best post considering a Bush President with a GOP Congress actually brought debt past $6trillion...

Foot must be placed firmly in the mouth...
Obama added more than $6T in his first 5 years. WHy arent you objecting?

I was not the one which was bitching...

I was just pointing out that one of your RWers was complaining about 'raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican' when it was GOP who did it...

Yet another far left drone!
I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
The Far Left is anti-Israel, pro Castro, pro North Korea, anti-capitalism, pro-Stalin, pro Hezzbolah, pro Hamas, want Cheney and Bush tried for war crimes, and tend to use terms for themselves such as "anti-imperialist".
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I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
The Far Left is anti-Israel, pro Castro, pro North Korea, anti-capitalism, pro-Stalin, want Cheney and Bush tried for war crimes, and tend to use terms for themselves such as "anti-imperialist".

OK. If that defines the far left, how does the moderate left differ?
I want you to name specific issues regarding the differences between more liberal polices and centrist policies. Don't give me some vague paragraph of fluff. I want specifics. Deconstruct the political issues and compare and contrast. A bonus would be naming leftwing politicians and breaking down their platforms.

Lets break this down even more. Compare more radical progressive polices to more moderate ones in regards to economics, social issues, and the role of government.

I predict that most of you can't rise to the occasion on this test of mine.
The Far Left is anti-Israel, pro Castro, pro North Korea, anti-capitalism, pro-Stalin, want Cheney and Bush tried for war crimes, and tend to use terms for themselves such as "anti-imperialist".

OK. If that defines the far left, how does the moderate left differ?

Says the far left drone that supports Obama's illegal wars..
moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist

moderate left supports the 2nd Amendment with restrictions on our rights
prog left wants to limit our right to plastic child safe sporks.

moderate left doesn't know just how evil partial birth abortion is so they support it.
prog left wants post birth abortion

mod left wants to prevent voter fraud but is gutless to pass rules
prog left wants anyone that's inside our boarders to vote dem

anything specific you would like me to explain or do you understand that dems are not liberals anymore?

"moderate left knew that raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican
prog left thinks spending more and more and more and more is a great idea and everyone that doesn't agree is a racist"

Thats the best post considering a Bush President with a GOP Congress actually brought debt past $6trillion...

Foot must be placed firmly in the mouth...
Obama added more than $6T in his first 5 years. WHy arent you objecting?

I was not the one which was bitching...

I was just pointing out that one of your RWers was complaining about 'raising the debt passed $6 Trillion was unamerican' when it was GOP who did it...

Yet another far left drone!
The united states is a horrifying example of what happens when the interests of the laborer are not represented, in all reality, both parties are pro big business, the united states and many other countries are plutocracies where the wealthy control the state for their own interests. In reference to this post, the current democratic party is essentially the right wing in many other countries, the current republican party is more so nutty, compared to other countries. Unions are dying, workers are losing representation, capital is being put above the laborer, and we're here bickering about "left wing" ideology.
The difference?

I don't care. You are all a cancer on our nation.
Your reference to "Cancer" is moronic, considering the ideas of the left wing have brought forth considerable labor power in this country, women's rights, gay rights, abortion rights, social security, food stamps, social welfare programs that have unanimously been proven to reduce poverty, meanwhile, the right wing for the past 40 years in this country has consistently worked to destroy the representation of the laborer, women's rights, screw those in poverty, spread literal non-sense about the working class and perpetuate the myth that lower taxes on the rich create more jobs for the laborer. It sickens me.

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