Test out the new USMB Skin - Feedback appreciated

Working on a new skin. You can select it at the skin selector at the bottom of the page, via the User CP, or you can also select it by clicking this link: US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum

You can also click the 'Change Width' in the footer to set it to maximize the forum content up to 95% instead of being a fixed width. I prefer the non-fixed width version.

In addition, I'm going to set a maximum size on the signature. Right now I've got it set to 120 pixels max. If your signature is larger than that it will get clipped on the new skin. It will stay full size on the old skin.

Yikes. The “new skin” is gay.
I prefer the old one.

Me, too.

As an aside, I, for one, never browse the Internet on a phone.

I also clear my cookies and whatnot every single time I close my browser, so If I have to change back to the old theme every single time I come on here, that won't last more than a day or two before I get tired of doing it.

As silly as it sounds, and probably my OCD showing, but I'm picky about web site fonts and stuff like that. Really picky. If I don't like a web site's layout or font or UI or look as a whole, I'll usually just skip it.

All of these mainstream politics boards are basically the same in terms of quality and depth of content anyway.

It's not really much different from the old theme, though. Just that header is irksome if you're like me and don't like certain fonts/font sizes.

I especially loathe those layered web pages. That might be a WordPress thing, though, so not sure. But I'll pretty much always close those web sites out as soon as I see it.

If it were up to me, every web site on the Internet would look like the Explorer.exe shell on the old Windows machines. True story. lolol.

I dunno. Seems like the Internet is being turned into a giant coloring book of sorts to placate this new generation of ''phone people''
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Switched back to the new to see aforementioned changes.. but switched back to the old.
Not enough contrast.
Seriously, when you top 55 years old, your near sight goes to shit. Contrast can help that situation.
But in this youth centric society... who gives a crap about older people... shades of gray/white is all the rage.
Switched back to the new to see aforementioned changes.. but switched back to the old.
Not enough contrast.
Seriously, when you top 55 years old, your near sight goes to shit. Contrast can help that situation.
But in this youth centric society... who gives a crap about older people... shades of gray/white is all the rage.

You know something else that got screwed up in terms of the end user experience on the Internet as a whole and largely to placate this new generation of ''symbol-minded'' end usership?

I'll tell you.

Too many web site functions across the internet as a whole have been reduced to an icon now. It's a glorified coloring book.

What's worse is that you can't even get a tooltip of what the icon actually does if you hover over it.
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The worst thing is that fonts in the new theme in the header menus are just too darned big.

I get half the text and then the rest is dot dot dot dot dot.

So now you have to change your screen resolution, too...
It's a choice.

So, choose. :dunno:
Working on a new skin. You can select it at the skin selector at the bottom of the page, via the User CP, or you can also select it by clicking this link: US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum

You can also click the 'Change Width' in the footer to set it to maximize the forum content up to 95% instead of being a fixed width. I prefer the non-fixed width version.

In addition, I'm going to set a maximum size on the signature. Right now I've got it set to 120 pixels max. If your signature is larger than that it will get clipped on the new skin. It will stay full size on the old skin.
I see that the Amazon brand recognition phase allowed you to afford new fonts, could you have just saved face and been a prostitute to earn the money?
It does get a bit much I agree. I have turned sigs off before on other sites when it got a bit too much, particularly when somebody was being deliberately offensive with their image.
For years now I have never seen a siggie for I have had them disabled. I did give them a try long ago but they were just too annoying so "out of sight, out of mind". Gone! I like this old version of USMB better as it has a warmth to the format and seems much less clinical than the newbie. Thanks! :up:
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...every single time you visit the web site, to be clear.

But whatever...

Only for you the rest of us let our cookies alone.

I too changed it to the old skin, and when I cleared out my cookies it kept the old skin setting. :dunno:

It seems to me it works just like any other setting under preferences, you don't have to reset them every time, it saves the setting.
I have never seen a siggie for I have always had them disabled. I did give them a try long ago but they were just too annoying so "out of sight, out of mind". Gone! I like this old version of USMB better as it has a warmth to the format and seems much less clinical than the newbie. Thanks! :up:

And yet, you have a siggie... you don't want to see other peoples signatures, but by GOD you'll force yours upon the rest of us!

And yet, you have a siggie... you don't want to see other peoples signatures, but by GOD you'll force yours upon the rest of us!

HAHAHA......I'm never even conscious of my ( or anyone's ) sig line unless I have to change something in my preferences and I SEE mine after clicking on it. I find it always appropriate and up to date so I leave it. I'm never aware of others seeing it. I think I figured long ago they would have disabled the feature if they didn't want to know what others were thinking. lol.
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