⚫ USMB Dark Skin/Style Available for testing.

A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
Nailed it with the blue skin.
I do like the dark, but the annoying signature lines are back to their original size, and I was really liking them when they were shrunk down, so I'm switching back.
I do like the dark, but the annoying signature lines are back to their original size, and I was really liking them when they were shrunk down, so I'm switching back.

You can disable the signatures entirely in your User CP. I do.
There was a time when sigs were cool.

And then along came ding.
I think there should be some rules on signature size, but I don't want to derail this thread, only suggest you do the same with the signatures in dark mode as you have done in this new (Edge?) skin.
The Dark Mode/Light Mode switcher now works properly. It will switch between USMB Ryzer (Light) and USMB Dark.
I think there should be some rules on signature size, but I don't want to derail this thread, only suggest you do the same with the signatures in dark mode as you have done in this new (Edge?) skin.

You can disable signatures entirely in your User CP. That way you don't have to see anyone's signature. I added a little hack to the other skin to make the sig sizes limited. I'm not going through the effort to do that hack on these 3 skins as it may break them in unintended ways.
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
It looks like the Dark Skin just disappeared today...

This is what you get at the Style chooser at the bottom of every page...


And this is what you get from the preferences page...

Is it just me?

Yes, that one and all the Novus are gone forever. I will work on a new dark skin here in a bit.

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I use dark mode in my browser, but the USMB board appears with a bright background and it is a little rough on my eyes, comparatively.

I suppose for some people, blue light near bedtime can also make it difficult to fall asleep.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

I use dark mode in my browser, but the USMB board appears with a bright background and it is a little rough on my eyes, comparatively.

I suppose for some people, blue light near bedtime can also make it difficult to fall asleep.

Try it out now.

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