⚫ USMB Dark Skin/Style Available for testing.

I'd be happier to see basic things fixed like accurate tracking of reaction scores and points and a few other glitches than worry about skins.

Can you be more specific, and provide examples, of the scores and points not being calculated correctly. As well as the other glitches?
The dark skin has been so popular I enabled 2 other skins that are of the same design but different colors. USMB Razer and USMB Blue. Feel free to try them as well.
As a frequent headache sufferer, Dark works well for me.
Blue is okay, but you know what they say: "Once you go black, you never go back." ;)
I’ve seen Passenger 57. Good movie.
The dark skin has been so popular I enabled 2 other skins that are of the same design but different colors. USMB Razer and USMB Blue. Feel free to try them as well.
I like the dark skin. But I wish it had the ability to change pages at the top of page also like the other new skin did.

Nice to have that option on the top and bottom of page.
It's pretty important to be able to improve the readability for probably 30%-40% of our members.
The bright backgrounds are a plague for many of us. This is awesome.

I've used black background software for a "night mode" where preservation of the scotopic vision was important, but I wouldn't want to use it by day. Black characters on a white background contrast better to the eye than a white character on a black background. Why can't you simply adjust the background of the page to match the ambient light level in your room?
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
A lot of our members have asked for a darker skin. I've made one available. This skin however may have bugs, it is in testing mode. I will not be taking requests to change little things on this skin as I just don't have the time to maintain 3 different skins for the site.

If something is genuinely broken, I'll try my best to fix it. But if you want some tiny little thing tweaked, etc... not going to happen.

You can test it by selecting USMB Dark from the style selector or in the User CP here: https://www.usmessageboard.com/account/preferences
Ahhh, much better thanks! :113:
I like the dark blue and the black; the black is best, though. I'm staying with the black for a while.

Saw a new button thing in the upper right corner that says 'background color picker' that doesn't seem to do anything.

on edit: it just changes to font color for the top row shell, apparently' I clicked on the other button and went back to 'white' background, and the 4 buttons disappeared, so you have to go back into Preferences to change it back. Not a problem, just don't click on it lol.
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I like the dark skin. But I wish it had the ability to change pages at the top of page also like the other new skin did.

Nice to have that option on the top and bottom of page.

There is a page selector on the top and the bottom.... ?
There is a page selector on the top and the bottom.... ?

Screen shot of new skin.
Page selector shows at top and bottom of page, in a thread. But dark skin loses the top page selector.

It just is convenient.

Dark skin look for comparison

Looks like dark skin is in old format.
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I've used black background software for a "night mode" where preservation of the scotopic vision was important, but I wouldn't want to use it by day. Black characters on a white background contrast better to the eye than a white character on a black background. Why can't you simply adjust the background of the page to match the ambient light level in your room?
Google dark mode, as far as I have seen is not "site specific" - it is either on or off. And it definitely interferes with some sites.
I also tried a different extensions made by others - same thing, it makes part of the page either not visible or looks blocky.
And it isn't just contrast, it is the brightness level.
Well sure, looking at an all dark page forces the pupil to expand adjusting to the lower light leading to less resolution and less depth of field much the same as changing a camera lens from f/16 to f/4.
All my life bright lights bother me.
I have the 2nd rarest eye color combination in the world - hazel/amber with gold flaked rings around the pupil. And that light color combining with the bright gold flakes is a killer for reflecting light into the pupil.
Which also means I have better night vision than most.

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