Testimony of Alberto Rivera - Ex-Jesuit

You know its not, the Babylon Jews were set free by King Cyrus, and only around 42000 went back to Jerusalem, the rest chose to stay in Babylon. Really so the temple was not destroyed either? Hum.

you got a link for your nonsense? ----you are stating that 420,000 jews held in slavery in Babylon were "set free" by Cyrus--------and they went back to Jerusalem and the rest (no number supplied) stayed in Babylon--------Ok----fine with me--- I am fascinated to find out -------LINK???

for those who do not know----the Babylonian exile did
not wipe the entire population of jews out of Israel/Judea--
it involved the more prominent citizens. By that time
there were already jews living "elsewhere" ----like along the
silk road-----like in Arabia and yemen etc etc. The end of
the exile involved a return of those LEADERS . Politics
is politics----not all people were followers of this or that
"leader" For example some people rejected the
leadership of Ezra------------ask roudy----he probably
knows all about it LINK Penelope------so far I am so

Ok Penelope-----that link please?

The book of Jasher is -----a novella from the midrash----Penelope is
not capable of understanding the concept of midrash

King Cyrus set all the Jews free, but most remained despite that. Benjamin had 10 boys when he went to Egypt , his first marriage was at 10 (according to Jasher) and had 5 boys, his second marriage was at 18 and had 5 boys and he must of been about 22 when he went to Egypt. Is this not right.

no It isn't the statement "king cyrus set all the jews
free" is not correct either. Most of the jews ended up back
in Israel/Judea from wherever they had been-----not all had
been in Babylon. Most were still in Israel/Judea and lots
went back----some did not. Some, in fact, developed a
settlement in the Sinai desert.

Read EZRA. The Jews did not want to return to Israel to rebuild the temple, too much work. Your right about that they had already scattered about the ME. So the Jew were never made to leave Palestine, they choose to. Only some zealots remained and has another uprising against Rome in the 130's.

wrong again----the people who were forced into exile were the
notables. Thus the country was left bereft of leadership---
that is how invaders did things in those days in order to disable the people they conquered (gee you are ignorant).
Did you ever hear of "sowing the land with salt" --<<< similar
idea in order to wreck the conquered people they wrecked
their agriculture (aren't you glad I am here to teach you
something?) The return from exile was the return of
IMPORTANT LEADERS like Ezra <<< really important guy----ask roudy Not all people were impressed with Ezra.----
jews have a big problem with politics-----they never worship
the "LEADER" -------<<<<that's islam

Ezra was a very important figure in the Bible. Some have actually wondered if Ezra was the same man as Nehemiah. I do not believe they were the same people but there have been some who thought so. I have often thought before that had their been a modern day Ezra in Israel the outcome would have been different today but then I learned about what happened on the Temple Mount after the 6 day war in which the Arabs fled - not one was left - and the Israelis were weeping and had taken possession of the Temple Mount. It was at that time I believe the LORD did have an Ezra present to guide the people on what should be done. He told General Uzi to take dynamite and blow up the Al Asqa Mosque - therein removing the high places of the foreigners. He told him now is the time! Do it! Clearly it was the time, Rosie. The Temple Mount was in Israeli possession and it was the perfect time to destroy that abomination on the Temple Mount and prepare to build the Temple but General Uzi refused! He told Rabbi Shlomo Gorin (last name might be spelled wrong) that if he didn't be quiet he would arrest him. So the Rabbi quietly left after that.

Now after that happened the Israelis gave the Temple Mount BACK to the Arabs putting them in control of it! Can you imagine David having defeated Goliath and then deciding to give the Temple Mount and half of Jerusalem to the Philistines? God forbid! He would never have done such a thing! NEVER!!!!

I wondered what was wrong with General Uzi for not having obeyed the LORD and removing the high places because Numbers 33:51,52,53,54,55 is very clear as to what the consequences would be for not obeying the Command of the LORD and they were indeed at the moment of taking back the land!

Here is the final warning from the Lord as to what would happen if they didn't demolish the high places and drive the inhabitants out of the land.
It is written:

But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which you let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein you dwell.
Numbers 33:55

So as we can see - that is exactly what has happened and just look at the thorn in your sides they have been! Why? Because someone didn't listen to the Ezra who told them precisely what must be done! That's why!
Is it true that Benjamin got married at the age of 10 and again at 18 and we know for sure he had 10 sons. but in the book of Jasher he got married at 10, wonder how old his wife was? Do you know Irosie?

There is no book of Jasher. The Bible that is recognized by God is the King James Bible. The Catholic Bible is an abomination. Throw it out.

How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those
you got a link for your nonsense? ----you are stating that 420,000 jews held in slavery in Babylon were "set free" by Cyrus--------and they went back to Jerusalem and the rest (no number supplied) stayed in Babylon--------Ok----fine with me--- I am fascinated to find out -------LINK???

for those who do not know----the Babylonian exile did
not wipe the entire population of jews out of Israel/Judea--
it involved the more prominent citizens. By that time
there were already jews living "elsewhere" ----like along the
silk road-----like in Arabia and yemen etc etc. The end of
the exile involved a return of those LEADERS . Politics
is politics----not all people were followers of this or that
"leader" For example some people rejected the
leadership of Ezra------------ask roudy----he probably
knows all about it LINK Penelope------so far I am so

Ok Penelope-----that link please?

The book of Jasher is -----a novella from the midrash----Penelope is
not capable of understanding the concept of midrash

King Cyrus set all the Jews free, but most remained despite that. Benjamin had 10 boys when he went to Egypt , his first marriage was at 10 (according to Jasher) and had 5 boys, his second marriage was at 18 and had 5 boys and he must of been about 22 when he went to Egypt. Is this not right.

no It isn't the statement "king cyrus set all the jews
free" is not correct either. Most of the jews ended up back
in Israel/Judea from wherever they had been-----not all had
been in Babylon. Most were still in Israel/Judea and lots
went back----some did not. Some, in fact, developed a
settlement in the Sinai desert.

Read EZRA. The Jews did not want to return to Israel to rebuild the temple, too much work. Your right about that they had already scattered about the ME. So the Jew were never made to leave Palestine, they choose to. Only some zealots remained and has another uprising against Rome in the 130's.

wrong again----the people who were forced into exile were the
notables. Thus the country was left bereft of leadership---
that is how invaders did things in those days in order to disable the people they conquered (gee you are ignorant).
Did you ever hear of "sowing the land with salt" --<<< similar
idea in order to wreck the conquered people they wrecked
their agriculture (aren't you glad I am here to teach you
something?) The return from exile was the return of
IMPORTANT LEADERS like Ezra <<< really important guy----ask roudy Not all people were impressed with Ezra.----
jews have a big problem with politics-----they never worship
the "LEADER" -------<<<<that's islam

Ezra was a very important figure in the Bible. Some have actually wondered if Ezra was the same man as Nehemiah. I do not believe they were the same people but there have been some who thought so. I have often thought before that had their been a modern day Ezra in Israel the outcome would have been different today but then I learned about what happened on the Temple Mount after the 6 day war in which the Arabs fled - not one was left - and the Israelis were weeping and had taken possession of the Temple Mount. It was at that time I believe the LORD did have an Ezra present to guide the people on what should be done. He told General Uzi to take dynamite and blow up the Al Asqa Mosque - therein removing the high places of the foreigners. He told him now is the time! Do it! Clearly it was the time, Rosie. The Temple Mount was in Israeli possession and it was the perfect time to destroy that abomination on the Temple Mount and prepare to build the Temple but General Uzi refused! He told Rabbi Shlomo Gorin (last name might be spelled wrong) that if he didn't be quiet he would arrest him. So the Rabbi quietly left after that.

Now after that happened the Israelis gave the Temple Mount BACK to the Arabs putting them in control of it! Can you imagine David having defeated Goliath and then deciding to give the Temple Mount and half of Jerusalem to the Philistines? God forbid! He would never have done such a thing! NEVER!!!!

I wondered what was wrong with General Uzi for not having obeyed the LORD and removing the high places because Numbers 33:51,52,53,54,55 is very clear as to what the consequences would be for not obeying the Command of the LORD and they were indeed at the moment of taking back the land!

Here is the final warning from the Lord as to what would happen if they didn't demolish the high places and drive the inhabitants out of the land.
It is written:

But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which you let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein you dwell.
Numbers 33:55

So as we can see - that is exactly what has happened and just look at the thorn in your sides they have been! Why? Because someone didn't listen to the Ezra who told them precisely what must be done! That's why!

gee Jeremiah-----you have captured the true essence of Ezra-----AND the fact that his following was-----very
equivocal ------and in constant disputation. There are
vestiges of those arguments even today------really----ask
roudy------ between communities that were willing to do what
ezra wanted and those who did not-------
Is it true that Benjamin got married at the age of 10 and again at 18 and we know for sure he had 10 sons. but in the book of Jasher he got married at 10, wonder how old his wife was? Do you know Irosie?

There is no book of Jasher. The Bible that is recognized by God is the King James Bible. The Catholic Bible is an abomination. Throw it out.

How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.
Is it true that Benjamin got married at the age of 10 and again at 18 and we know for sure he had 10 sons. but in the book of Jasher he got married at 10, wonder how old his wife was? Do you know Irosie?

There is no book of Jasher. The Bible that is recognized by God is the King James Bible. The Catholic Bible is an abomination. Throw it out.

How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Why not just read the Jewish Bible, with the interpretation
The Complete Tanach with Rashi s Commentary - Tanakh Online - Torah - Bible

what for???------you insist that esther shows up as part of the tanach in that site? if it does-----they made a mistake---
check it out if you wish
King Cyrus set all the Jews free, but most remained despite that. Benjamin had 10 boys when he went to Egypt , his first marriage was at 10 (according to Jasher) and had 5 boys, his second marriage was at 18 and had 5 boys and he must of been about 22 when he went to Egypt. Is this not right.

no It isn't the statement "king cyrus set all the jews
free" is not correct either. Most of the jews ended up back
in Israel/Judea from wherever they had been-----not all had
been in Babylon. Most were still in Israel/Judea and lots
went back----some did not. Some, in fact, developed a
settlement in the Sinai desert.

Read EZRA. The Jews did not want to return to Israel to rebuild the temple, too much work. Your right about that they had already scattered about the ME. So the Jew were never made to leave Palestine, they choose to. Only some zealots remained and has another uprising against Rome in the 130's.

wrong again----the people who were forced into exile were the
notables. Thus the country was left bereft of leadership---
that is how invaders did things in those days in order to disable the people they conquered (gee you are ignorant).
Did you ever hear of "sowing the land with salt" --<<< similar
idea in order to wreck the conquered people they wrecked
their agriculture (aren't you glad I am here to teach you
something?) The return from exile was the return of
IMPORTANT LEADERS like Ezra <<< really important guy----ask roudy Not all people were impressed with Ezra.----
jews have a big problem with politics-----they never worship
the "LEADER" -------<<<<that's islam

Ezra was a very important figure in the Bible. Some have actually wondered if Ezra was the same man as Nehemiah. I do not believe they were the same people but there have been some who thought so. I have often thought before that had their been a modern day Ezra in Israel the outcome would have been different today but then I learned about what happened on the Temple Mount after the 6 day war in which the Arabs fled - not one was left - and the Israelis were weeping and had taken possession of the Temple Mount. It was at that time I believe the LORD did have an Ezra present to guide the people on what should be done. He told General Uzi to take dynamite and blow up the Al Asqa Mosque - therein removing the high places of the foreigners. He told him now is the time! Do it! Clearly it was the time, Rosie. The Temple Mount was in Israeli possession and it was the perfect time to destroy that abomination on the Temple Mount and prepare to build the Temple but General Uzi refused! He told Rabbi Shlomo Gorin (last name might be spelled wrong) that if he didn't be quiet he would arrest him. So the Rabbi quietly left after that.

Now after that happened the Israelis gave the Temple Mount BACK to the Arabs putting them in control of it! Can you imagine David having defeated Goliath and then deciding to give the Temple Mount and half of Jerusalem to the Philistines? God forbid! He would never have done such a thing! NEVER!!!!

I wondered what was wrong with General Uzi for not having obeyed the LORD and removing the high places because Numbers 33:51,52,53,54,55 is very clear as to what the consequences would be for not obeying the Command of the LORD and they were indeed at the moment of taking back the land!

Here is the final warning from the Lord as to what would happen if they didn't demolish the high places and drive the inhabitants out of the land.
It is written:

But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you; then it shall come to pass, that those which you let remain of them shall be pricks in your eyes, and thorns in your sides, and shall vex you in the land wherein you dwell.
Numbers 33:55

So as we can see - that is exactly what has happened and just look at the thorn in your sides they have been! Why? Because someone didn't listen to the Ezra who told them precisely what must be done! That's why!

gee Jeremiah-----you have captured the true essence of Ezra-----AND the fact that his following was-----very
equivocal ------and in constant disputation. There are
vestiges of those arguments even today------really----ask
roudy------ between communities that were willing to do what
ezra wanted and those who did not-------

Ezra was a man after my own heart. (King David too) When I see the LORD one day - and I believe I will - it is one of things I am looking forward to - to see with my own eyes what happened when Ezra stood before the people. To see his fire and his passion for G-d - his deep desire to obey Him and be holy. Another would be Elijah when he challenged the prophets of Baal. Actually - I think I want to see the entire Jewish Bible replayed from start to finish like a movie before my eyes so I can see it all. G-d can do anything so I might as well ask big! Think about what kind of favor God blessed you with before you were even born he decided to make you one of his people! A Jewish woman! What a blessing! You couldn't even ask for it! He just did it because He wanted to!

note> You know I rejoice for you, Rosie, and I do not feel a drop of envy over it. I truly rejoice in all the LORD has decided to do before the beginning of time - but I am aware of people who are seething with envy and jealousy of the Jewish people and I believe that is what drove them to try and mimick some of the Jewish faith integrating it into their own - although it doesn't make Islam or Catholicism truth - it is still a lie out of the pits of hell - but still I think (some) it was done out of envy. Really wicked stuff.
Last edited:
There is no book of Jasher. The Bible that is recognized by God is the King James Bible. The Catholic Bible is an abomination. Throw it out.

How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl
How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

How would you know about Purim and Hanukah, unless you read the RCC Bible, the book of Esther, and 1 and 2 Macc. Your missing a lot . Have you read the Book of Jasher and Enoch, Esther and the Maccabees, if not , why not.

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.
all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
Last edited:
all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.
He suffered no man to do them wrong: yes, he reproved kings for their sakes,
1 Chronicles 16:21
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People
Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

all of the books you mention are books which are not part of
that which jews call "tanach"-----which is roughly that
which Christians call the Old testament. The book of esther and the book Maccabees and Jasher and enoch ----are just----other books. Unlike the dungheap which spawnd you----jews have been very literate for millennia.
There are lots more-------I believe most of them would fall
under the category of "Midrashic writings" The Odyssey is also not part of the bible-----not even KJV. Don't quote me on that Midrash thing------actually they may not even be Midrash ----but kinda like Midrash---other books----something
someone wrote as a religious discussion
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

Penelope----your logic is really skewed as is your grammar.
try to avoid using a preposition at the END OF THE SENTENCE. ------- In the jewish epic-----the concept of
FREE WILL always prevails. -------it's the theme of the
"whole megillah" In the beginning of genesis-----which is
"in the beginning..." there is a disaster-----cain kills abel.
The story is actually about Cain-----poor abel is a prop.
Cain gets all bent out of shape because he is a MARKED
man. ---------and he complains. G-d says----CHOOSE!!!.
got that ??? "choose" Choosing is actually the theme
of the story. Finally G-d throws in a directive---
*****CHOOSE LIFE*****
your interpretation smacks of PREDESTINATION----jooos
don't actually do predestination-------the prime directive is
CHOOOOSE LIFE --------which according to the creed results
in attaining the heights-------in Hebrew----"going up"----
always means-----"to Jerusalem". In writing or conversation
one does not have to say----"I am going to Israel" if one is in
Detroit. He can express the trip as "I am going up"

now read the ODYSSEY and try to discern the theme of the
epic poem
Obviously the Jewish God didn't believe in the death penalty. Seems the Jewish God also wanted sheep for a offering, as sheep meant wealth didn't it, in that time. Funny how the God in Gen snubbed his nose at Cain for tilling the land. Apparently the story is about jealousy, Cain was jealous of Abel as he was a shepherd , which is a sign of wealth, and Cain was a tiller.

Yes God said he could have a choice, but then God goes on and hardens Pharaoh's heart, so what choice did he have? What about the Book of Job, then we have Joseph sold into slavery, but then Joseph said they were evil but it was Gods plan.

So which is it, free will, or not. If God intervenes in men's life as he sees fit, then we do not have free will.

I'm going up in America, means up in status.
Obviously the Jewish God didn't believe in the death penalty. Seems the Jewish God also wanted sheep for a offering, as sheep meant wealth didn't it, in that time. Funny how the God in Gen snubbed his nose at Cain for tilling the land. Apparently the story is about jealousy, Cain was jealous of Abel as he was a shepherd , which is a sign of wealth, and Cain was a tiller.

Yes God said he could have a choice, but then God goes on and hardens Pharaoh's heart, so what choice did he have? What about the Book of Job, then we have Joseph sold into slavery, but then Joseph said they were evil but it was Gods plan.

So which is it, free will, or not. If God intervenes in men's life as he sees fit, then we do not have free will.

I'm going up in America, means up in status.

your interpretations are idiotic. You claim that you "studied
religions" quite a joke-----animal sacrifice served a very
specific and necessary function in the ancient world Anyone who ever ''studied religions" would know. As to the DEUS EX MACHINA issues-----WAAAAYYY above your head. In order to read any ancient scriptural writing or even
translation of a modern writing----you need at the very least some concept of the typical conotations and usages of the
language in question------you got nothing. As for your
APPARENTLY assertions-----that you got----gross superficiality. Have you read the Odyssey yet?
The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The Book of Esther is in the Bible, Rosie. All these other books she mentions are not in the Old Testament nor the New Testament. Thank you for the lesson on the Midrashic writings. I often learn something new when I read your posts which is a great blessing to me. Thank you again.

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.
whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

uhm.......you are stoking the flames of ------the myth of the

of course---keep in mind---da jooos
wrote the whole megillah

"'megillah" means scroll-----"the whole megillah"----
is used all the time as a colloquialism
in the pastrami set

There is a lesson to it all. Anyone who dares to touch God's anointed? After being warned not once but twice in scripture? Should expect the consequences that come for not heeding the warning.

It is written
Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
Psalm 105:15

And again it is written:

Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
1 Chronicles 16:22

That is the same warning twice.
Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is in the catholic version of "BIBLE" joooos don't got
BIBLE-----jooos got TANACH-----which strictly speaking does not include esther------that book is separate----it does not get
copied into those big scrolls you can see in synagogues----
it is called MEGILLAT ESTHER ----scroll of esther and gets
trotted out only on the holiday PURIM. If you are as old
as me-----you might remember the cartoons----megilla gorilla------a tip off that some jews were involved in those

The King James Bible is not the Catholic Bible and God did most certainly want Esther included. I do not know what you are talking about, Rosie. The LORD wanted Esther included because without it - the understanding of the Passover - which is prophetic and related to Christ dying on the Cross - would not be understood so well. Christ is the redeemer of the Jewish people. The Messiah who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Book is a prophetic Picture of Christ.

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

The Jews killed Jesus as being a fake Messiah, one of their own, a
whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

whatever is the significance of the book------IT AIN't in the scroll which is the big deal thing for jews. --------there are lots
of writings ---------I cannot judge which is "better" ------I is
just a little, short, left handed girl

Esther is huge - for so many reasons but let me give you one evidence of the significance of Esther. What did she and her people receive for their sufferings and being the target of Satan (for destruction) in the end, Rosie? Was not that the most awesome reward for their trouble?

I think so.

Now I have a question for you. What do you think about this? Every time the Jews are targeted for destruction they get the most amazing blessings from God in return - at the end of their trial - consider this - when Haman tried to destroy the Jews - he was destroyed along with his ten sons and the Jews were given victory over their enemy and so the Amalekite and all his allies were destroyed - Mordecai was next unto King Ahasuerus ( he became the Prime Minister - which refers to someone who actually runs the government ) and Mordecai was great among the Jews and they were so exalted and blessed afterwards - and they also got the feast of Purim out of it - then much later in history - Hitler tried to wipe out the Jews - he was destroyed and his plans demolished and then what happened? ......... the Jews got Israel back!

You'd think the enemy would learn to keep his hands off the Jews!

And this same spiritual law comes into effect to the followers of Christ who bless Israel and obey the LORD. The enemy can do his worst but the end result is always tremendous blessing after the attack. I have experienced this first hand and I know that it is true.

That is not God, that is the Jews. Wow you worship the Jews, that is obvious. That is right, those dead Polish Jews that died in WWII is the sacrifice the Zionist made to God which they got the land of Palestine for.

I worship God. Not man. I love the Jewish people and if your own heart were right within you, Penelope? You would too. See Jack Chick tract thread today on the Jewish people.

Or click link and read here:
Love the Jewish People

Yes it shows, you worship the Jews for selfish reasons. I wouldn't watch Chick for anything and never should you. That Chick site is a hate site.

The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did. Crucifixion is a roman execution. Much of what Muhammad was taught came directly from his Catholic mentor - who interpreted his visions for him and then there was the Vatican overseeing what he was told too. Not surprised to see the Islamists using crucifixion due to that fact.

I do not worship the Jews - you are mistaken. I worship God. Jack Chick is accused of being a hate site by the Roman Church because his tracts and books have exposed them as a false church. You need to wake up, Penelope. Get out of the Roman Church.

you have crossed the line---Jeremiah-----Penelope (good news) has stated that she left the church (good news for the
catholic church)
Obviously the Jewish God didn't believe in the death penalty. Seems the Jewish God also wanted sheep for a offering, as sheep meant wealth didn't it, in that time. Funny how the God in Gen snubbed his nose at Cain for tilling the land. Apparently the story is about jealousy, Cain was jealous of Abel as he was a shepherd , which is a sign of wealth, and Cain was a tiller.

Yes God said he could have a choice, but then God goes on and hardens Pharaoh's heart, so what choice did he have? What about the Book of Job, then we have Joseph sold into slavery, but then Joseph said they were evil but it was Gods plan.

So which is it, free will, or not. If God intervenes in men's life as he sees fit, then we do not have free will.

I'm going up in America, means up in status.

your interpretations are idiotic. You claim that you "studied
religions" quite a joke-----animal sacrifice served a very
specific and necessary function in the ancient world Anyone who ever ''studied religions" would know. As to the DEUS EX MACHINA issues-----WAAAAYYY above your head. In order to read any ancient scriptural writing or even
translation of a modern writing----you need at the very least some concept of the typical conotations and usages of the
language in question------you got nothing. As for your
APPARENTLY assertions-----that you got----gross superficiality. Have you read the Odyssey yet?

She studied religions by the Roman Church. THAT is the problem. The Vatican is a pack of liars. The train their followers to believe they are the One True Faith. It's all a lie. Not based on the bible.

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