Testing Democrat Honesty

How about we define Muslims by how 99.9% of them act, instead of how the rest act?

Now, if you promise to go away quietly, I have a friend who can get you a job in Tehran at the ‘Century Seven’ realtors.
Intellectual cowardice is why you ignored the content of this post you quoted

But its what the board has come to expect from you, less the sycophants.

There is no danger from second hand smoke.
It's one of those article of faith drummed into Liberal, you know...to keep them in a perpetual state of fear.

You know...as you are.
you cannot be serious.
You dont know that theres a few tobacco sponsored studies saying second hand smoke is perfectly fine?

Cuz, you know, the 1st hand smokers lungs magically catch 100% of the carcinogens and their exhale is fully purified.
How about we define Muslims by how 99.9% of them act, instead of how the rest act?

What percentage of the population was the Nazi party?

Here is the answer:
How many Germans were actually card-carrying Nazi Party members?

Before Hitler seized power (in 1933) only 850,000 out of 66 million Germans were card-carrying Nazis. After the Nazi seizure of power, there was a big surge in membership. At its peak, Party membership reached 8 million out of 80 million Germans in 'Greater Germany' or about ten percent of the population.

About 1 percent when they took power.
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Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

Beneath the miles of flab, PC has no honesty in her body.

No flab on that body, are you sure you like being wrong so often?

I think it was a figurative use of the word 'flab', as a reference to PC's corpulent verbosity.

Oh, thanks, in that case it is even a more idiotic ad hominem statement.
Well, FYI....whether or not you acquiesce to my wont.....I will continue to expose same.

Honest people recognize your daily dishonesty on this forum...

Beneath the miles of flab, PC has no honesty in her body.

No flab on that body, are you sure you like being wrong so often?

I think it was a figurative use of the word 'flab', as a reference to PC's corpulent verbosity.

Oh, thanks, in that case it is even a more idiotic ad hominem statement.

It's an attack on the message not the messenger which means it is NOT ad hominem.
How about we define Muslims by how 99.9% of them act, instead of how the rest act?

What percentage of the population was the Nazi party?

Here is the answer:
How many Germans were actually card-carrying Nazi Party members?

Before Hitler seized power (in 1933) only 850,000 out of 66 million Germans were card-carrying Nazis. After the Nazi seizure of power, there was a big surge in membership. At its peak, Party membership reached 8 million out of 80 million Germans in 'Greater Germany' or about ten percent of the population.

About 1 percent when they took power.

Worst attempt at an analogy ever.
How about we define Muslims by how 99.9% of them act, instead of how the rest act?

Now, if you promise to go away quietly, I have a friend who can get you a job in Tehran at the ‘Century Seven’ realtors.
Intellectual cowardice is why you ignored the content of this post you quoted

But its what the board has come to expect from you, less the sycophants.


It's straight out of the Hannity playbook - get cornered, roll out the snark. It's how we all know we've slapped her down on a point...

...that and the slight tingling and redness of the back of hand,

figuratively speaking of course... lol
You think you're going to find some element of honesty among cowards? All this ass-kissing of Islam today by Western leftists, what's it motivated by except cowardice, and what's it accomplishing except to empower Islamic fanaticism? The Western left never found a human institution so horrible, that it wouldn't still kiss its ass up one side and down the other.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant and wrong.

Recognizing the fact that to condemn all of Islam for the acts of the criminal few as a fallacy is neither 'cowardice' nor 'empowering' fanaticism, Islamic or otherwise.
You think you're going to find some element of honesty among cowards? All this ass-kissing of Islam today by Western leftists, what's it motivated by except cowardice, and what's it accomplishing except to empower Islamic fanaticism? The Western left never found a human institution so horrible, that it wouldn't still kiss its ass up one side and down the other.

Islam is the PC-protected religion, so we can count on the usual suspects to do what they usually do.

"Don't judge the religion by the actions of a few", they'll cry, while doing precisely the same to others.

They'll claim it was "just an isolated incident", while condemning millions others for the actions of a few.

That's how the PC Police rolls when it chooses who to protect.


"Don't judge the religion by the actions of a few",

So we should judge a religion by the actions of a few?

Then tell us this:

How much condemnation of innocent Catholics is appropriate owing to the Church's long running sex scandal?

So you admit that my point was correct.

Before you deflected, of course.

Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.

Sorry, had to laugh. You must be new here because...

most everyone agrees PoliChic and honesty mix like water and oil

It takes very little time for new members to recognize that I post nothing but truth, and posts like yours will reveal who the dishonest ones are.
There is no danger from second hand smoke.
It's one of those article of faith drummed into Liberal, you know...to keep them in a perpetual state of fear.

You know...as you are.
you cannot be serious.

Of course I am both serious and correct.
The 'second hand smoke' ploy is just one more of the lies that keep you Chicken-Littles quaking in your pajamas.

And, the fact that you are a moron helps, too.

1. Among the Left is a group of anti-smoking activists for whom abolishing tobacco use is a religious calling. When Americans did not respond as totally, nor as quickly, as the activists wished, they devised a new strategy: they told nonsmokers that the smokers were killing them!

Since it was nearly impossible to point to people who died as a result of secondhand smoke, they use epidemiological studies, defined by the WHO as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events including disease” to “prove” their contention. 50,000 Americans a year, we are told, are killed by secondhand smoke.
Hysteria masquerading as science.

2. Dr. James Enstrom, disputed the epidemiological studies on secondhand smoke in the British Medical Journal: “The results do not support a causal relation between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality, although they do not rule out a small effect. The association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed…. Most epidemiological studies have found that environmental tobacco smoke has a positive but not statistically significant relation to coronary heart disease and lung cancer.” Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians 1960-98 The BMJ

But, it being a bogus crisis never stops you Liberals from mandating, passing laws and regulations...no matter how stupid.

3. A real laugher is the outdoor smoking ban various nanny-state governments have instituted. “But no evidence demonstrates that the duration of outdoor exposure — in places where people can move freely about — is long enough to cause substantial health damage…. To make matters worse, in trying to convince people that even transient exposure to secondhand smoke is a potentially deadly hazard, smoking opponents risk losing scientific credibility.” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/06/opinion/06siegel.html

Now that I've educated you....again.....tell me this:
Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night?
There is no danger from second hand smoke.
It's one of those article of faith drummed into Liberal, you know...to keep them in a perpetual state of fear.

You know...as you are.
you cannot be serious.

Of course I am both serious and correct.
The 'second hand smoke' ploy is just one more of the lies that keep you Chicken-Littles quaking in your pajamas.

And, the fact that you are a moron helps, too.

1. Among the Left is a group of anti-smoking activists for whom abolishing tobacco use is a religious calling. When Americans did not respond as totally, nor as quickly, as the activists wished, they devised a new strategy: they told nonsmokers that the smokers were killing them!

Since it was nearly impossible to point to people who died as a result of secondhand smoke, they use epidemiological studies, defined by the WHO as “the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events including disease” to “prove” their contention. 50,000 Americans a year, we are told, are killed by secondhand smoke.
Hysteria masquerading as science.

2. Dr. James Enstrom, disputed the epidemiological studies on secondhand smoke in the British Medical Journal: “The results do not support a causal relation between environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality, although they do not rule out a small effect. The association between exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and coronary heart disease and lung cancer may be considerably weaker than generally believed…. Most epidemiological studies have found that environmental tobacco smoke has a positive but not statistically significant relation to coronary heart disease and lung cancer.” Environmental tobacco smoke and tobacco related mortality in a prospective study of Californians 1960-98 The BMJ

But, it being a bogus crisis never stops you Liberals from mandating, passing laws and regulations...no matter how stupid.

3. A real laugher is the outdoor smoking ban various nanny-state governments have instituted. “But no evidence demonstrates that the duration of outdoor exposure — in places where people can move freely about — is long enough to cause substantial health damage…. To make matters worse, in trying to convince people that even transient exposure to secondhand smoke is a potentially deadly hazard, smoking opponents risk losing scientific credibility.” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/06/opinion/06siegel.html

Now that I've educated you....again.....tell me this:
Does that neon light flashing IDIOT over your head keep you awake at night?

You're making the case for facilitating an increase in smoking in the US.


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