Testing Democrat Honesty

Absolutely not. They're Christian. You're Christian. There is no difference.

WHO is Christian, Comrade?

Rudolph stated he was NOT motivated by religion is is not particularly religious.

CNN.com - Rudolph reveals motives - Apr 15 2005

Look, lying is what you leftists do - I expect it from you. And when you need to protect your terrorist buddies, we can expect no end of lies from you.

From the actual, full, text of Rudolph's confession:

"I ask these peaceful Christian law-abiding Pro-Life citizens, is there any point at which all of the legal remedies will not suffice and you would fight to end the massacre of children? How many decades have to pass, how many millions have to die? Is there any point when the cries of children will not go unanswered? I think that your inaction after three decades of slaughter is a sufficient answer to all of these questions.
The Republican party is the modern equivalent to the Pharisaical sect in ancient Judea. "You are like whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness. Even so you outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and inequity." Matthew 23:28. The coward Bush talks about the "culture of life," but intends to effect no change with respect to Roe v. Wade. He made this perfectly clear when he stated during the stem cell debate that "America is not ready to abolish Roe v. Wade." Three of the key justices who are instrumental in maintaining Roe v. Wade — O'Connor, Kennedy and Souter — were appointed by Republican presidents. No politician in Washington will ever seriously threaten abortion on demand. And the fools who listen to them, in their hearts, know this but do not care. You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," that "two wrongs don't make a right," that even though "abortion is murder, those who would use force to stop the murder are morally the same," I say to you that your lies are transparent....

...And now after the agreement has been signed the talking heads on the news opine that I am "finished," that I will "languish broken and unloved in the bowels of some supermax," and but I say to you people that by the by the grace of God I am still here — a little bloodied, but emphatically unbowed."

Full Text of Eric Rudolph s Confession NPR

You think that actually supports your position?

So a whackjob who openly condemns Christians in his confession, over 20 years ago, is your defense for your terrorist buddies engaging in murder and mayhem every single day, with the approval and praise of the majority of Muslims,

Absolutely not. They're Christian. You're Christian. There is no difference.

WHO is Christian, Comrade?

Rudolph stated he was NOT motivated by religion is is not particularly religious.

CNN.com - Rudolph reveals motives - Apr 15 2005

Look, lying is what you leftists do - I expect it from you. And when you need to protect your terrorist buddies, we can expect no end of lies from you.

From the actual, full, text of Rudolph's confession:

"I ask these peaceful Christian law-abiding Pro-Life citizens, is there any point at which all of the legal remedies will not suffice and you would fight to end the massacre of children? How many decades have to pass, how many millions have to die? Is there any point when the cries of children will not go unanswered? I think that your inaction after three decades of slaughter is a sufficient answer to all of these questions.
The Republican party is the modern equivalent to the Pharisaical sect in ancient Judea. "You are like whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and all uncleanness. Even so you outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and inequity." Matthew 23:28. The coward Bush talks about the "culture of life," but intends to effect no change with respect to Roe v. Wade. He made this perfectly clear when he stated during the stem cell debate that "America is not ready to abolish Roe v. Wade." Three of the key justices who are instrumental in maintaining Roe v. Wade — O'Connor, Kennedy and Souter — were appointed by Republican presidents. No politician in Washington will ever seriously threaten abortion on demand. And the fools who listen to them, in their hearts, know this but do not care. You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," that "two wrongs don't make a right," that even though "abortion is murder, those who would use force to stop the murder are morally the same," I say to you that your lies are transparent....

...And now after the agreement has been signed the talking heads on the news opine that I am "finished," that I will "languish broken and unloved in the bowels of some supermax," and but I say to you people that by the by the grace of God I am still here — a little bloodied, but emphatically unbowed."

Full Text of Eric Rudolph s Confession NPR

You think that actually supports your position?


Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?
Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?

You're a desperate little idiot.

{You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," }

You actually don't grasp what a fool you are making of yourself, do you?
So a whackjob who openly condemns Christians in his confession, over 20 years ago, is your defense for your terrorist buddies engaging in murder and mayhem every single day, with the approval and praise of the majority of Muslims,


That's not what he did. Do you need more?

This is verbatim from one of Rudolph's writings:

"Rooted in the Christian teaching against killing the innocent, and the traditional respect for motherhood, Western conservatives have consistently opposed abortion and infanticide."

"Conservatives believe childbirth is central to a women’s role in life. For the most part they derive their values from the Christian ethic. To these people abortion is murder."

"More than any other issue abortion reveals the basic conflict between conservatives and
egalitarians that centers on this question: Is America an identity born of the Western Christian Culture, or is it a pile of culturally neutral abstractions derived from the Enlightenment?"

Eric Rudolph Book Introduction
Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?

You're a desperate little idiot.

{You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," }

You actually don't grasp what a fool you are making of yourself, do you?

Do you know what the meaning of the word so-called is? Let me help you.

adjective: so-called; adjective: socalled
  1. used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.
    "next on the list are so-called “soft” chemicals like phosphorous acid"
    synonyms: inappropriately named, supposed, alleged, presumed, ostensible, reputed;More
    nominal, titular, self-styled, professed, would-be, self-appointed, soi-disant
    "your so-called dream date is hitting on our waitress"

    -used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate.
Get it? He's saying it is inappropriate to call them Christians.
Give 'em hell PoliticalChic. And I think I might have found your new avi. :)

Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?

You're a desperate little idiot.

{You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," }

You actually don't grasp what a fool you are making of yourself, do you?

Do you know what the meaning of the word so-called is? Let me help you.

adjective: so-called; adjective: socalled
  1. used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.
    "next on the list are so-called “soft” chemicals like phosphorous acid"
    synonyms: inappropriately named, supposed, alleged, presumed, ostensible, reputed;More
    nominal, titular, self-styled, professed, would-be, self-appointed, soi-disant
    "your so-called dream date is hitting on our waitress"

    -used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate.
Get it? He's saying it is inappropriate to call them Christians.

Rudolph, a lone maniac who struck over 20 years ago, lashed out at Christians. Hardly the representative of Christians that you terrorist supports seek to make him.
Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?

You're a desperate little idiot.

{You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," }

You actually don't grasp what a fool you are making of yourself, do you?

Do you know what the meaning of the word so-called is? Let me help you.

adjective: so-called; adjective: socalled
  1. used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.
    "next on the list are so-called “soft” chemicals like phosphorous acid"
    synonyms: inappropriately named, supposed, alleged, presumed, ostensible, reputed;More
    nominal, titular, self-styled, professed, would-be, self-appointed, soi-disant
    "your so-called dream date is hitting on our waitress"

    -used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate.
Get it? He's saying it is inappropriate to call them Christians.

Rudolph, a lone maniac who struck over 20 years ago, lashed out at Christians. Hardly the representative of Christians that you terrorist supports seek to make him.

While there is plenty of instruction in the Q'ran as to who to kill, and how to kill, NYLiar will be hard pressed to find the same in the New Testament.

Always interesting to see if he chooses to obfuscate (or ignore), or simply lie about same.
So a whackjob who openly condemns Christians in his confession, over 20 years ago, is your defense for your terrorist buddies engaging in murder and mayhem every single day, with the approval and praise of the majority of Muslims,


That's not what he did. Do you need more?

This is verbatim from one of Rudolph's writings:

"Rooted in the Christian teaching against killing the innocent, and the traditional respect for motherhood, Western conservatives have consistently opposed abortion and infanticide."

"Conservatives believe childbirth is central to a women’s role in life. For the most part they derive their values from the Christian ethic. To these people abortion is murder."

"More than any other issue abortion reveals the basic conflict between conservatives and
egalitarians that centers on this question: Is America an identity born of the Western Christian Culture, or is it a pile of culturally neutral abstractions derived from the Enlightenment?"

Eric Rudolph Book Introduction

"Rooted in the Christian teaching against killing the innocent,..."

Yes. It's why you didn't have a link to what Rudolph really said. Do you actually think you're not an idiot?

You're a desperate little idiot.

{You so-called "Pro-Life," "good Christian people" who point your plastic fingers at me saying that I am a "murderer," }

You actually don't grasp what a fool you are making of yourself, do you?

Do you know what the meaning of the word so-called is? Let me help you.

adjective: so-called; adjective: socalled
  1. used to show that something or someone is commonly designated by the name or term specified.
    "next on the list are so-called “soft” chemicals like phosphorous acid"
    synonyms: inappropriately named, supposed, alleged, presumed, ostensible, reputed;More
    nominal, titular, self-styled, professed, would-be, self-appointed, soi-disant
    "your so-called dream date is hitting on our waitress"

    -used to express one's view that a name or term is inappropriate.
Get it? He's saying it is inappropriate to call them Christians.

Rudolph, a lone maniac who struck over 20 years ago, lashed out at Christians. Hardly the representative of Christians that you terrorist supports seek to make him.

He lashed out at those who weren't Christian enough for him. You lose.
So a whackjob who openly condemns Christians in his confession, over 20 years ago, is your defense for your terrorist buddies engaging in murder and mayhem every single day, with the approval and praise of the majority of Muslims,


That's not what he did. Do you need more?

This is verbatim from one of Rudolph's writings:

"Rooted in the Christian teaching against killing the innocent, and the traditional respect for motherhood, Western conservatives have consistently opposed abortion and infanticide."

"Conservatives believe childbirth is central to a women’s role in life. For the most part they derive their values from the Christian ethic. To these people abortion is murder."

"More than any other issue abortion reveals the basic conflict between conservatives and
egalitarians that centers on this question: Is America an identity born of the Western Christian Culture, or is it a pile of culturally neutral abstractions derived from the Enlightenment?"

Eric Rudolph Book Introduction

"Rooted in the Christian teaching against killing the innocent,..."


Ah, see, a concession that Rudolph was in fact a Christian terrorist.
Well, it didn't take long to completely divert the topic from Islamic terrorism to Christian bashing did it?

If a Christian group organized to set off bombs in crowded places or machine gun innocent people or fly airplanes into large buildings with the intent of murdering as many people as possible and instilling terror in the hearts of everybody, we would not hesitate to call such a group "Christian terrorists." It would be absurd not to.

It is also an almost absolute certainty that such activity would be immediately and soundly condemned by Christians in the media, from all or most pulpits of the land and around the world, and by every valid Christian organization out there all proclaiming such to be an evil and viscious act and unjustifiable in any way as a Christian act. Much as we Christians uniformly condemn the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church and others of that ilk that are not terrorism but are definitely nonChristian, indefensible, and reprehensible. Their behavior is against all that Christianity stands for.

And nobody with a brain worries about offending Christians when they condemn the Westboro Baptist activities.

How can anybody with a brain NOT call the terrorists in France Islamic terrorists when they identified themselves as such? And peaceful Muslims too are condemning it:
Local Muslim organizations condemn Paris attack - City Region - The Buffalo News

But for heaven's sake, we have to call such things what they are or political correctness is going to be the death of us all.
Last edited:
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"
Sorry. I couldn't help but laugh. FYI - Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. The header "Testing Democrat Honesty" is really stretching the meaning of honesty, to the nth degree. Professional politicians and the word "honesty" do NOT belong in the same sentence, nor in the same breathe.

Saying politicians are as dishonest as used car-salesmen is an understatement.

Democrats give car-salesmen a bad name.

He lashed out at those who weren't Christian enough for him. You lose.


You are a moron.

Let me ask you, what faith did Rudolph follow? Is he Baptist? Lutheran? Catholic? Hmm?

He was a Christian conservative as his writings I posted clearly indicate.

You can deny the undeniable all you want. That's what I'm trying to get you to do for all to read.
Well, it didn't take long to completely divert the topic from Islamic terrorism to Christian bashing did it?

If a Christian group organized to set off bombs in crowded places or machine gun innocent people or fly airplanes into large buildings with the intent of murdering as many people as possible and instilling terror in the hearts of everybody, we would not hesitate to call such a group "Christian terrorists." It would be absurd not to.

It is also an almost absolute certainty that such activity would be immediately and soundly condemned by Christians in the media, from all or most pulpits of the land and around the world, and by every valid Christian organization out there all proclaiming such to be an evil and viscious act and unjustifiable in any way as a Christian act. Much as we Christians uniformly condemn the activities of the Westboro Baptist Church and others of that ilk that are not terrorism but are definitely nonChristian, indefensible, and reprehensible. Their behavior is against all that Christianity stands for.

And nobody with a brain worries about offending Christians when they condemn the Westboro Baptist activities.

How can anybody with a brain NOT call the terrorists in France Islamic terrorists when they identified themselves as such? And peaceful Muslims too are condemning it:
Local Muslim organizations condemn Paris attack - City Region - The Buffalo News

But for heaven's sake, we have to call such things what they are or political correctness is going to be the death of us all.

If you can call Christians terrorists non-Christians, why can't Muslim terrorists be similarly condemned as non-Muslims?
In responding to questions about the horror that took place in Paris earlier today, Democrat/Liberal Howard Deans revealed the sort of honesty that many have come to expect from folks of his political persuasion.

"Howard Dean: Don’t Call Paris Attackers ‘Muslim Terrorists’

... former Gov.Howard Dean (D-VT) immediately dismissed the idea that Islam would be to blame for the attack.

“I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists,” Dean said on Morning Joe. ”They’re about as Muslim as I am.”

He also said he does not believe ISIS is an “Islamic cult” and thinks it would be unwise to “accord [the gunmen] any religious respect.”

Despite Dean’s early assertions, though, one of the gunmen purportedly said ‘Allahu Akhbar’ in a videothat was released after the attack, and another was reportedly heard shouting “we have avenged the prophet.”
Howard Dean Don 8217 t Call Paris Attackers 8216 Muslim Terrorists 8217 Mediaite

And, in an earlier tale, equally reality-based...

In his prime-time speech to the nation on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, President Obama vowed to “degrade and destroy” the Islamic State insurgency in Iraq and Syria with airstrikes and 475 U.S. boots on the ground – but he also made a particular point of declaring that the Islamic State terrorists “are not Islamic.”
Obama Islamic State 8216 is not Islamic 8217

And, let's remember...."you can keep your doctor," and the ever-popular "you didn't build that!"

"....a twisted cultish mind" was Dean's conclusion. I watched the whole video on that link. There was nothing dishonest in his presentation.
You've got a twisted cultish mind, too, PC. You see boogeymen behind every tree and lurking under your trailer.

There are 1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world, SuperTwit. The percentage of them that can be ascertained as ISIS/radicals/jihadists who murder is roughly 30,000.
That's .0020% of the total population of the Muslim faith.

The U.S. sends 2.5 million soldiers to the Middle East and kills 206,000 civilians for a phony war that even our POTUS finally admits was founded on faulty intel. Now who's the twisted cult? We are a much more dangerous bunch of people than a mere handful of radical Islamists.

If you don't possess critical thinking skills, then just do the math.


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