Testing people when they are young to determine what field they are best suited for

So yes conservatives, raise your children to be ditch diggers and carpenters. Don't waste their time on that book lernin'. Then we'll have a fresh supply of serfs in perpetuity so get to it.

What you seem to be failing to see is that many of these supposed "serf" jobs do not exactly pay peanuts and many of those college educations are pseudo-intellectual bullshit that in many cases leave you waiting tables with $100,000 of student loans. It takes hordes of highly trained workers from third world shitholes to push STEM workers out of their fields. Domestic competition can do that to many liberal arts majors because they have been sold a bill of goods by con men.

So yes conservatives, raise your children to be ditch diggers and carpenters. Don't waste their time on that book lernin'. Then we'll have a fresh supply of serfs in perpetuity so get to it.

What you seem to be failing to see is that many of these supposed "serf" jobs do not exactly pay peanuts and many of those college educations are pseudo-intellectual bullshit that in many cases leave you waiting tables with $100,000 of student loans. It takes hordes of highly trained workers from third world shitholes to push STEM workers out of their fields. Domestic competition can do that to many liberal arts majors because they have been sold a bill of goods by con men.

Like getting rid of degrees in education?

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