Testing what you know (or don't)

aethism/agnosticism are what happen when you think critically and stop being a sheep
Almost half of Catholics didn’t understand Communion. Most Protestants didn’t know that Martin Luther started the Reformation. Almost half of Jews didn’t realize Maimonides was Jewish. And atheists were among the best informed about religion.

Test your savvy on religion!

This one is easy to respond to. Most of the questions were about either history of a religion, doctrine (usually insignificant doctrine), and things that are not significant to being a born again believer in Christ.

I can speak on the Christian perspective but not the Jewish or any other.

I looked at the questions, and there are far more significant concerns and teachings about the church than were on that test.

When one is searching for ways to bash a religion, trivia is a good place to go to make a religious person look silly.

Those questions are usually only adressed in religious colleges and seminaries. Atheists only know enough to actually make them wrong, never enough to show them the truth.

Sadly, most people who "call themselves Christians" have no clue about anything in the Christian faith that matters. As a matter of fact, neither do the atheists. True belioevers know by knowledge and experience about being born again, the fruit of the Spirit, Jesus' teachings, and that they cannot be perfect in living out the Christian life. They know they are being made perfect, thus are not there yet. Christians know that the only real baptism is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (which has nothing to do with speaking in tougues), the only true God is the Creator and the savior. The Word of God delivers a message that has no errors in it.

Those questions in the survey were worthless when addressing what is different about true believers and the rest of the world.

I can return and respond to some of the questions to show what I mean, if needed.

So, the survey actually says nothing of value. Therefore, atheists, don't get a big head about it.
If you call yourself a Catholic, but haven't a clue what that means, it's not a reflection on Catholicism.
If you call yourself a Catholic, but haven't a clue what that means, it's not a reflection on Catholicism.

It appears that Christianity these days is measured by what Catholics do. That will deliver a false picture.

I agree one needs to know what his or her denomination is about, however, for Protestants and catholics alike the history has faded.

Christianity, (protestant) is a living faith, not a religion. It is about people who have a very real and loving relationship with God in Christ.

Catholics are more about tradition and rituals, while The Christian faith itself is about daily living with God.

Those questions are important if one wants to be a speaker or to defend history, however to live the faith is something different.

The Bible is what needs to be known well, and many Christians fail at that.

However, Atheist may know passages well, and particular Christian bashing ones the best, they do not know the Bible.

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