Texas arrests 300 gang bangers

Very little. It is also very hard to prove disability.
haha we give disability to people that have ADD and tell them they don’t have to work

frankly it’s one of the most generous in the world, It needs massive reform or SS is going to go broke
Sure we have millions more roaming around
. My tax dollars are going to pay for these illegals in prison. ?
What a joke USA is
The cops aren't making a full accounting of all that money they're grabbing, are they? Not at any rate with the police unions bitching about being "defunded" etc.

And it's more than a little bit self-righteous of them to pack pistols in uniform on the beat, while violently disarming anyone who isn't a cop, for the sake of mental health and good society if not sheer criminality, with a Cuban cigar and a bottle of liquor to boot.
Thank G-d, and my parents I am provided for.

Thank G-d, you have talent and success.

Sadly many disabled people can not earn a living. In Canada and Scandinavia, the State cares for these people. In USA many people are faced with the choice between crime and homelessness.
If You look closely you will notice the people being arrested are neither disabled nor feeble they are young men in their prime who pray on people who are disabled and feeble, who pray on normal people, who pray on children, who prey on communities, who destroy lives and pass out poisons to addict the children of good tax paying citizens. They should not be put in prison they should be executed and buried in a mass grave.

The cops aren't making a full accounting of all that money they're grabbing, are they? Not at any rate with the police unions bitching about being "defunded" etc.

And it's more than a little bit self-righteous of them to pack pistols in uniform on the beat, while violently disarming anyone who isn't a cop, for the sake of mental health and good society if not sheer criminality, with a Cuban cigar and a bottle of liquor to boot.
Who gives a s*** if the cops are making a full accounting of the money they grab they deserve everything they can get for the service they provide to our communities. I have no problem with the police taking the money they seize and splitting it up among themselves. Many of them die in the effort to keep us safe.
Who gives a s*** if the cops are making a full accounting of the money they grab they deserve everything they can get for the service they provide to our communities. I have no problem with the police taking the money they seize and splitting it up among themselves. Many of them die in the effort to keep us safe.
We simply do not and cannot accept that sort of a labor-unionized police "service" anywhere in a free country.
With ADD or Autism it is very difficult to find a job.
ADD isn't autism...they are two totally different things. I know hundreds of people with ADD, or at least were told at a young age they had it, and graduated college, some with post-grad degrees...they work, they take medication...they are fine.

It's not difficult to find a job. it's easily treatable in most cases.
In Texas, prisoners are subject to overcrowding and 120F heat in Summer.
It's hot in Texas in the summer....that's because it's Texas. That's not torture. Nor is the jail being overcrowed per se. That's a far far cry from torture.

Try again.
With ADD or Autism it is very difficult to find a job.
Some people just need a little bit of direction on the desired outcome and their own space to work. Perhaps as a contractor — it shouldn't absolutely require a workaholic schedule eight hours a day, five days a week, and a night out with the guys on a regular basis for old times sake because women just aren't welcome in those sorts of jobs anyways with the mandatory beer after work.
Some people just need a little bit of direction on the desired outcome and their own space to work. Perhaps as a contractor — it shouldn't absolutely require a workaholic schedule eight hours a day, five days a week, and a night out with the guys on a regular basis for old times sake because women just aren't welcome in those sorts of jobs anyways with the mandatory beer after work.
Agree 100%.

With Moderate Autism I can not find work.
Agree 100%.

With Moderate Autism I can not find work.
I don't think it's an actual disorder, though. Minding your own business? Doing your own work? The boss's expectations are clear and simple, even if the job itself is not? No. It's a labor-union mobbing or bullying situation. There's a low level boss who doesn't like you, doesn't get along with you, no matter what, and there's no way around him or her even to look for a different job somewhere else. They have you on the idiot book for life.
" I just want 11,780 votes" was said by who?

My statement was “Leftists ONLY care about votes”. Meaning, they are willing to compromise our economy and security for votes. We see this with immigration and incarceration policies they pursue.

Nothing wrong with a politician from any part of the political spectrum wanting to find votes in an election.

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