Texas billionaire H. Ross Perot dies aged 89

He was the baddest CEO in the history of mankind. When Iran took his employees hostage, he hired mercenaries to bust them out and then smuggled everyone out of the country. That dude is a GANGSTER!

The Unbelievable Story Of A Texas Businessman Who Launched A Freelance Commando Raid in Iran
He was the first Trump. He was an independent warrior.

Making any comparison between Trump & Ross is like comparing Satan to Jesus.
You think Perot is Satan?

haha; that's a good one. I would rate that a 'STFU' but this isn't the Flame Zone. :26:
Rip, Ross Perot.Thanks for the lesson in putting a criminal cabal into the presidency to humiliate an American WWII hero like George H. W. Bush by splitting the conservative vote. We are now facing the same criminal cabal trying to usurp power to put communism on our table and has been since you split the party. But do rest in peace. We're working on undoing the damages, and yes, all is forgiven.

George HW Bush did himself in when he made the statement: "Read my lips, No new taxes" . Then he caved on the statement. This is why so many went to Perot including me.

Read my lips: no new taxes - Wikipedia
Had he been president things would have remained the same. It makes no difference who you idiots vote in. They're just show pieces for those who own you flag waving slaves. tRump is fantastic because he's comical.. Kinda like having Robin Wolliams as pResident Mork or maybe Letterman. Carson would have been a good president

Carsons state of the union

things would have been the same.yeah riiighhhttt. Like we would really have had NAFTA for the 8 years we had under clinton,give me a fucking break.
you know its strange and VERY odd that a poster named Bush 92 would possibly ever agree with my factual post on the first page,thats the LAST person on the planet who i ever figured would post a like for that factual post.

the world must be coming to an end.o_O
Good Riddance -

Without him The Clintons are never thrusted upon the rest of us.
They remain Local Yocals for the rest of their days.
Sick fuck.

He was this countrys best hope to get on solid fiscal ground. Your hatred of Clinton is in no way a reflection of the value Perot would have brought to our nation.

I PROUDLY voted for Perot


Ignorant Fuck

You voted for a third party in a binary system.
Good Riddance -

Without him The Clintons are never thrusted upon the rest of us.
They remain Local Yocals for the rest of their days.
Sick fuck.

He was this countrys best hope to get on solid fiscal ground. Your hatred of Clinton is in no way a reflection of the value Perot would have brought to our nation.

I PROUDLY voted for Perot


Ignorant Fuck

You voted for a third party in a binary system.
I voted for the best man for the job.

You account for your vote not mine
POW/MIA family members and veterans campaigned for Perot 24 hours a day 7 days a week at a POW/MIA "Vigil" at the Vietnam Veterans and Lincoln Memorials during his campaign for President. His support for veterans issues and especially the POW/MIA issue was legendary.
Rip, Ross Perot.Thanks for the lesson in putting a criminal cabal into the presidency to humiliate an American WWII hero like George H. W. Bush by splitting the conservative vote. We are now facing the same criminal cabal trying to usurp power to put communism on our table and has been since you split the party. But do rest in peace. We're working on undoing the damages, and yes, all is forgiven.

George HW Bush did himself in when he made the statement: "Read my lips, No new taxes" . Then he caved on the statement. This is why so many went to Perot including me.

Read my lips: no new taxes - Wikipedia

It's true that Many Conservatives did fire Bush over that -
But at a huge cost
Didn't vote for him but regard him as one of the great Super Salesmen of the 20th Century, along with Walter Chrysler, Billy Durant, etc. RIP

My favorite Perot story is his time at IBM, when they decided to cap his sales commissions to a million bucks, and he met his quota the next year by the third week of January and went and played tennis every day for months, just to piss off his bosses.. lol Both me and my one of my brothers ran into similar issues at companies back then, though not nearly in the million dollar league. Never understood the mentality, since it makes no business sense whatsoever to step on your top salesmen, even if they do end up making several times more than the CEO. No wonder salesmen move around so much.

Also kudos to him for getting his people out of Iran, while Carter the antisemite snubbed our allies and their expertise in regional desert warfare and created a disaster because of his bigotry and arrogance. The latter two are characteristic of modern Democrats and their idiotic pretensions of superiority over the 'common folk', i.e. too stupid to realize they're stupid.
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He was the baddest CEO in the history of mankind. When Iran took his employees hostage, he hired mercenaries to bust them out and then smuggled everyone out of the country. That dude is a GANGSTER!

The Unbelievable Story Of A Texas Businessman Who Launched A Freelance Commando Raid in Iran
He was the first Trump. He was an independent warrior.

Trump was also running in about that same era; most people don['t remember that he did test the possibility, though. lol he proposed a one time tax on the top 5% of the wealthy to pay off the national debt, and yes, he was in that bracket then as well. Wasn't a large one either.
He was the baddest CEO in the history of mankind. When Iran took his employees hostage, he hired mercenaries to bust them out and then smuggled everyone out of the country. That dude is a GANGSTER!

The Unbelievable Story Of A Texas Businessman Who Launched A Freelance Commando Raid in Iran
He was the first Trump. He was an independent warrior.

Trump was also running in about that same era; most people don['t remember that he did test the possibility, though. lol he proposed a one time tax on the top 5% of the wealthy to pay off the national debt, and yes, he was in that bracket then as well. Wasn't a large one either.
I remember now. I had forgotten that. I disagreed with that tax and still do, on principle. I wonder if he's changed his mind.
He was the baddest CEO in the history of mankind. When Iran took his employees hostage, he hired mercenaries to bust them out and then smuggled everyone out of the country. That dude is a GANGSTER!

The Unbelievable Story Of A Texas Businessman Who Launched A Freelance Commando Raid in Iran
He was the first Trump. He was an independent warrior.

Trump was also running in about that same era; most people don['t remember that he did test the possibility, though. lol he proposed a one time tax on the top 5% of the wealthy to pay off the national debt, and yes, he was in that bracket then as well. Wasn't a large one either.
I remember now. I had forgotten that. I disagreed with that tax and still do, on principle. I wonder if he's changed his mind.

One of the reasons the U.S. is unique is in that while we have lots of wealthy and billionaires, they also disagree enough for some to offset the extremes and influence of the others. As to top gets smaller and smaller, though, that check gets weaker and weaker. The ease with which money gets laundered and moved from country to country drastically weakens any patriotism and lip services to principles the upper classes might have, and fr more of them now find such 'old fashioned nonsense' like patriotism and fiduciary responsibility far less of a concern, and bribe pols accordingly.
He was the baddest CEO in the history of mankind. When Iran took his employees hostage, he hired mercenaries to bust them out and then smuggled everyone out of the country. That dude is a GANGSTER!

The Unbelievable Story Of A Texas Businessman Who Launched A Freelance Commando Raid in Iran
He was the first Trump. He was an independent warrior.

Trump was also running in about that same era; most people don['t remember that he did test the possibility, though. lol he proposed a one time tax on the top 5% of the wealthy to pay off the national debt, and yes, he was in that bracket then as well. Wasn't a large one either.

He was 48..
My favorite Perot story was when he became the majority stockholder at GM when they bought his company. His first board meeting he told the suits he wanted GM to build something that was the best in the world. He told them it could be anything....a windshield wiper....anything. Then he skipped lunch with them and went down on the factory floor at a nearby plant and had lunch with the workers. The GM board finally bought him out to get rid of him and we all know what happened soon after. Incidentally, Ross drove an '84 Chevy Caprice? although he could have bought any car and most car companies in the world. He did things for us Viet Vets that will be left to his son to disclose should he decide to...Ross kept his generosity and dedication to Veterans private. He was an extraordinary man....a visionary and meeting him and shaking his hand (calloused and strong) was a moment I'll never forget.
Good Riddance -

Without him The Clintons are never thrusted upon the rest of us.
They remain Local Yocals for the rest of their days.
Sick fuck.

He was this countrys best hope to get on solid fiscal ground. Your hatred of Clinton is in no way a reflection of the value Perot would have brought to our nation.

I PROUDLY voted for Perot


Ignorant Fuck

You voted for a third party in a binary system.

the ignorant fuck is the sheep who voted for either one of these evil clowns bush or clinton.:rolleyes:
Good Riddance -

Without him The Clintons are never thrusted upon the rest of us.
They remain Local Yocals for the rest of their days.
Sick fuck.

He was this countrys best hope to get on solid fiscal ground. Your hatred of Clinton is in no way a reflection of the value Perot would have brought to our nation.

I PROUDLY voted for Perot


Ignorant Fuck

You voted for a third party in a binary system.

the ignorant fuck is the sheep who voted for either one of these evil clowns bush or clinton.:rolleyes:

If you didn't want to be involved in the Political System - well then I guess that you want not vote for someone actually running for President.
A good American who actually loved this country and wanted what was best for it. Too bad the system is run by sociopaths and kikes.

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