Texas broke one-day coronavirus death record today

And people are condemning the impeached president trump for his incompetence.

It's obvious the people like COVID-19, just as the impeached president trump expected. Why else would so many conservatives want to lift all social distancing restrictions? They want to catch it, it's stylish.
LMAO!!!! Why am I not surprised that you got "sucked" in.......I bet you have huddled in your home wearing a face mask and fearing coming into contact (even at the suggested six feet apart) using "social distancing". Viruses are not airborne. Have you ever gotten a stomach virus because you ate something that disagreed with you? Might have been "under-cooked"? It was left at room temperature and bacteria of the unhealthy variety settled in and you digested it? This "flu strain" is just another variation of the other 48 strains of flu only this was a bio-lab grade of it. You really are an idiot.
Yes, we all know a mask isn't nearly as effective for protection as your stylish tinfoil hat.
I know more than you because I have made it my business/mission to learn and discern. You? You waddle up to the trough of lamestream media hype and misinformation...bon appetit'
Of course you do. No word on those chemtrail air sample tests yet?
Water and soil samples are not enough? People that have given hair and blood samples that are suffering from heavy metal poisoning isn't enough? Those that are suffering from Morgellens? I can lead you to water......you know the sayin'.
We've been through this before. No, they are not, because there is a wide rang of conditions that might produce high quantities of certain elements that have nothing to do with aerial spraying. An air sample taken within what you want to call chemtrails, and directly behind a suspected spraying plane would undoubtedly prove your claim, yet no nutbag has been brave enough to do that. I wonder why? That, as well as no discernible indication of the logistics needed to supply such a massive endeavor puts all your silly claims deeply into tinfoil hat territory.
No evidence was found by 77 scientists who actually took a look at the claim that aircraft are spewing out mind-controlling chemicals. Their results were not terribly surprising.

(76 out of 77) of the scientists said they had encountered no evidence of a secret large-scale atmospheric programme (SLAP). Everything they saw on the conspiracy websites showed that what they were seeing was the natural consequence of planes flying around all on their own without government nefariousness. The one scientist in question was simply saying they can’t rule SLAP out, which is a very different thing from saying it’s real.
Phil Plait wrote for Bill Nye, the science guy.....you know, the nerd that gave us such pearls of wisdom like this....(snicker)

Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

During your thousands of hours of study, you really should spend a few minutes to watch the video's that you think support your claims. I watched this one all the way through. It does the exact opposite of supporting your claim. It made it clear that Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of medical problems that otherwise might not end a life at that time without the covid-19 exacerbation. My father had heart disease. However, shortly before his death he was exposed to hepatitis. All the doctors told us that the hepatitis exacerbated his heart condition to the point of death. He would not have died at that time without the additional illness. As thoroughly explained in your video, Covid-19 exacerbates a lot of different illnesses to the point of death.

I knew the point would fly right over that sloped, neanderthal skull of yours....which is those that are most susceptible should self-quarantine and take the proper precautions. It does not necessitate the "killing a fly with a sledge hammer" approach by shutting down the entire country thus causing a financial crisis of monumental proportions, dumb ass.

As far as your father's death goes? Perhaps he should have stayed away from drug using hookers that share needles? His weak immune system due to either obesity, chronic smoking or poor exercising habits doesn't make society as a whole responsible for his untimely demise, no? I am sincerely sad for your loss...sucks to lose a parent.

That's not the point you were making. You said doctors are being coerced into blaming deaths on Covid-19 when Covid-19 didn't cause it. At least have the integrity to be honest about what you write. What else could your remarks about bullets in the head and a high blood alcohol content mean?
Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

During your thousands of hours of study, you really should spend a few minutes to watch the video's that you think support your claims. I watched this one all the way through. It does the exact opposite of supporting your claim. It made it clear that Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of medical problems that otherwise might not end a life at that time without the covid-19 exacerbation. My father had heart disease. However, shortly before his death he was exposed to hepatitis. All the doctors told us that the hepatitis exacerbated his heart condition to the point of death. He would not have died at that time without the additional illness. As thoroughly explained in your video, Covid-19 exacerbates a lot of different illnesses to the point of death.

I knew the point would fly right over that sloped, neanderthal skull of yours....which is those that are most susceptible should self-quarantine and take the proper precautions. It does not necessitate the "killing a fly with a sledge hammer" approach by shutting down the entire country thus causing a financial crisis of monumental proportions, dumb ass.

As far as your father's death goes? Perhaps he should have stayed away from drug using hookers that share needles? His weak immune system due to either obesity, chronic smoking or poor exercising habits doesn't make society as a whole responsible for his untimely demise, no? I am sincerely sad for your loss...sucks to lose a parent.

That's not the point you were making. You said doctors are being coerced into blaming deaths on Covid-19 when Covid-19 didn't cause it. At least have the integrity to be honest about what you write. What else could your remarks about bullets in the head and a high blood alcohol content mean?

Because they are skewing the stats by claiming any and all deaths can be attributed with the corona virus because there is "gubermint" money as the incentive to do so.
Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

Sometimes I wonder if you guys live in a cave with the controlled mainstream news as your ONLY source.

Anyone who is not a complete brainwashed dupe knows by now that the death numbers are a pile of bullshit, totally unreliable because BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION they are counting deaths claimed to be "presumed" or "probable" which opens the door for pretty much anything goes, and on top of that there's a financial incentive to have CV19 patients and to put people on respirators.

But getting back to your reply to Dale about underlying health issues, here you go.

You should watch Dale's video. It explains in great detail how Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of illnesses and causes deaths that probably wouldn't happen at that time without the exacerbation. I don't think Dale actually watched his own video, cause it didn't say what he wanted it to say.
And people are condemning the impeached president trump for his incompetence.

It's obvious the people like COVID-19, just as the impeached president trump expected. Why else would so many conservatives want to lift all social distancing restrictions? They want to catch it, it's stylish.


LMAO!!!! Why am I not surprised that you got "sucked" in.......I bet you have huddled in your home wearing a face mask and fearing coming into contact (even at the suggested six feet apart) using "social distancing". Viruses are not airborne. Have you ever gotten a stomach virus because you ate something that disagreed with you? Might have been "under-cooked"? It was left at room temperature and bacteria of the unhealthy variety settled in and you digested it? This "flu strain" is just another variation of the other 48 strains of flu only this was a bio-lab grade of it. You really are an idiot.

Yes, we all know a mask isn't nearly as effective for protection as your stylish tinfoil hat.
I know more than you because I have made it my business/mission to learn and discern. You? You waddle up to the trough of lamestream media hype and misinformation...bon appetit'

Of course you do. No word on those chemtrail air sample tests yet?
Water and soil samples are not enough? People that have given hair and blood samples that are suffering from heavy metal poisoning isn't enough? Those that are suffering from Morgellens? I can lead you to water......you know the sayin'.

We've been through this before. No, they are not, because there is a wide rang of conditions that might produce high quantities of certain elements that have nothing to do with aerial spraying. An air sample taken within what you want to call chemtrails, and directly behind a suspected spraying plane would undoubtedly prove your claim, yet no nutbag has been brave enough to do that. I wonder why? That, as well as no discernible indication of the logistics needed to supply such a massive endeavor puts all your silly claims deeply into tinfoil hat territory.

Really? A twin engine Cessna plane should follow a jet (in the process of spraying) and have some guy leaning out the door with a net?

BTW, It's not "chemtrails", it's called "stratospheric aerosol injection spraying" with a few hundred patents for this endeavor that has been going on in earnest since 1997 but experimented with since the late 1940's. This is totally normal only to morons like yourself....

View attachment 336319

Who said it had to be a Cessna? There is a legal distance that another aircraft can follow or cross the path behind another aircraft whether it is a Cessna, or any other type airplane. Certainly another plane could get close enough to sample the bad shit you are claiming all those passenger planes are spraying. Where do you think they hide the tanks required for all that spray, --- in those little overhead cabinets? Nobody has ever seen those tanks..
Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

During your thousands of hours of study, you really should spend a few minutes to watch the video's that you think support your claims. I watched this one all the way through. It does the exact opposite of supporting your claim. It made it clear that Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of medical problems that otherwise might not end a life at that time without the covid-19 exacerbation. My father had heart disease. However, shortly before his death he was exposed to hepatitis. All the doctors told us that the hepatitis exacerbated his heart condition to the point of death. He would not have died at that time without the additional illness. As thoroughly explained in your video, Covid-19 exacerbates a lot of different illnesses to the point of death.

I knew the point would fly right over that sloped, neanderthal skull of yours....which is those that are most susceptible should self-quarantine and take the proper precautions. It does not necessitate the "killing a fly with a sledge hammer" approach by shutting down the entire country thus causing a financial crisis of monumental proportions, dumb ass.

As far as your father's death goes? Perhaps he should have stayed away from drug using hookers that share needles? His weak immune system due to either obesity, chronic smoking or poor exercising habits doesn't make society as a whole responsible for his untimely demise, no? I am sincerely sad for your loss...sucks to lose a parent.

That's not the point you were making. You said doctors are being coerced into blaming deaths on Covid-19 when Covid-19 didn't cause it. At least have the integrity to be honest about what you write. What else could your remarks about bullets in the head and a high blood alcohol content mean?

Because they are skewing the stats by claiming any and all deaths can be attributed with the corona virus because there is "gubermint" money as the incentive to do so.

Sure thing Dale. Just keep your tinfoil hat on tight. I'm sure you will be just fine.

Georgia's success in reopening its economy should serve as an example to leaders across the country who are hesitant to lift their coronavirus-induced lockdown orders, Tucker Carlson said Thursday.
The "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host praised Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, who last week reported that his state had its lowest number of hospitalized coronavirus patients since hospitals began reporting in early April. The good news came just days after Kemp moved forward with his reopening plan, despite strong opposition from leaders on both sides of the aisle....
On April 25, the first day of Georgia's phased reopening, the state had 650 new reported cases of coronavirus," Carlson explained. As of Wednesday, 18 days later, Georgia had a total of 555 new cases.

Gawd damned rednecks, HOW DARE THEY NOT DIE?
Yep, we be week. I wnet back to my home town last summer, last day the bowling alley was open. This trumptard started running his mouth. I put up with it for a while then said trumps an idiot. He got in my face and I proceeded to stomp him down good right there in the restaurant. I heard him wince every time I kicked his worthless ass on the floor I have to admit I smiled and gigled till I heard the cops were coming then I left. Good day. I would love to find that little snitch bitch tubefreak on the block. My step son pulled the same shit right on my property and ran his mouth about trump and my divorce. Tried to tell me I was going to abandon my lifes work to his mother. That little fucker pulled his Kbar knife on me. I guess that marine core MAPS is not all it was cracked up to be. I beat him with his own KBAR. I give it him real good and he is the dumb fuck that when to jail. Felonious asult with a deadly weapon and took a beating. Nope the reality is you dumb fucking trumpets are nothing but a bunch of broken down old peices of trash that need to feel better than some one else because you have no education , no honor and no future. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Re-opened Texas is struggling to flatten the curve after their Republican governor re-opened.
A single-day high of 58 Texans’ deaths from the coronavirus were confirmed on Thursday, two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott’s reopening.

The state has reported 116 deaths over the past three days, the most in a three-day stretch during the pandemic.
People are going to die. That is the nature of life.
Keeping people locked up will also cause death only for different reasons.
You are welcome to stay locked down to stay healthy. If you have the funds to survive that plan then have at it.
I can not survive like that. I will lose my home eventually. I will lose all my savings eventually. I will lose my sanity eventually.
I did not spend 30 years building my career to have it destroyed by a .02% fear of death.
Re-opened Texas is struggling to flatten the curve after their Republican governor re-opened.
A single-day high of 58 Texans’ deaths from the coronavirus were confirmed on Thursday, two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott’s reopening.

The state has reported 116 deaths over the past three days, the most in a three-day stretch during the pandemic.
People are going to die. That is the nature of life.
Keeping people locked up will also cause death only for different reasons.
You are welcome to stay locked down to stay healthy. If you have the funds to survive that plan then have at it.
I can not survive like that. I will lose my home eventually. I will lose all my savings eventually. I will lose my sanity eventually.
I did not spend 30 years building my career to have it destroyed by a .02% fear of death.
Stop making up death rate numbers.
You're lying wait the .02% death among infected people.
You can only do so much before you have to move toward normalcy. Who is to say there wouldn't have been the same number, or maybe more (maybe it is transmitted from a healthy adult to an older, less healthy adult while quarantined in the same home for instance) if they didn't open up?

We are shutdown in Ontario and we've seen ups and down constantly. If the shut downs are supposed to be so effective than why after such a period of time are so many shut down areas still seeing large numbers in some instances?
Because the COVID19 virus has probably spread through most of the population already.

These lockdowns are like closing the barn door after the horses all got out.

It is pointless and only cause economic hardship and more domestic violence and an increase in suicides.

Since the third week of January, 2020, massive public health interventions have been implemented across China to contain the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19; figure 1). Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, has been locked down since Jan 23, with 16 of its neighbouring cities in Hubei province included behind the cordon sanitaire shortly thereafter. The national Spring Festival holiday was extended by 8 days to Feb 7, and most schools have remained closed to date. As the Spring Festival holiday ended, stringent social distancing measures and mobility restrictions were coordinated and implemented by the central and local governments in many Chinese megacities

For example, only residents were allowed to enter residential communities, face mask-wearing was made compulsory, and non-essential community services were shut down.

Although the aggressive countermeasures appear to have reduced the number of reported cases,
the absence of herd immunity against COVID-19 sug- gests that counts could easily resurge
when these interventions are relaxed, as business, factory operations, and schools resume.

People, we are dealing with vaccines and vaccine viruses
The more these biotechs and virologists play God
and try to correct the last failed fuck up, they fuck shit up even more

Tell me, if you test positive, what does that mean
Do you have a disease
Define disease
What disease do you have if you test positive

There will be a second wave, not in China though, they are in the sixth wave
Although the aggressive countermeasures appear to have reduced the number of reported cases,
the absence of herd immunity against COVID-19 sug- gests that counts could easily resurge
when these interventions are relaxed, as business, factory operations, and schools resume.

People, we are dealing with vaccines and vaccine viruses
The more these biotechs and virologists play God
and try to correct the last failed fuck up, they fuck shit up even more
All bioweapon research needs to end immediately, full stop.
Although the aggressive countermeasures appear to have reduced the number of reported cases,
the absence of herd immunity against COVID-19 sug- gests that counts could easily resurge
when these interventions are relaxed, as business, factory operations, and schools resume.

People, we are dealing with vaccines and vaccine viruses
The more these biotechs and virologists play God
and try to correct the last failed fuck up, they fuck shit up even more
All bioweapon research needs to end immediately, full stop.
Re-opened Texas is struggling to flatten the curve after their Republican governor re-opened.
A single-day high of 58 Texans’ deaths from the coronavirus were confirmed on Thursday, two weeks after Gov. Greg Abbott’s reopening.

The state has reported 116 deaths over the past three days, the most in a three-day stretch during the pandemic.
58 is the record?

Cuomo would kill for that low of a number.............literally.
122 new deaths in NY.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) U.S. Deaths

RCP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Global Deaths

StateDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
Confirmed Cases /
1M pop
Seasonal Flu Deaths1
(CDC 10-Year Avg)
New York27,5481,416.1+1221,338,048-355,8177.74%18,290.63,408
New Jersey10,1381,141.4+192462,972-144,6697.01%16,287.5944
North Carolina66163.0+20231,547-17,2773.83%1,647.31,430
Rhode Island479452.2+11104,978-12,2193.92%11,534.3150
South Carolina37172.1-102,535-8,1894.53%1,590.5575
District of Columbia368521.4+1034,339-6,8715.36%9,735.860
New Mexico242115.4-119,601-5,5034.40%2,624.4260
New Hampshire151111.1-42,530-3,3824.46%2,487.3166
Puerto Rico12238.2+513,022-2,5424.80%795.9730
West Virginia6234.7-68,978-1,4414.30%806.3343
South Dakota4348.6-25,844-3,7921.13%4,286.4143
North Dakota4255.1+251,715-1,7612.39%2,310.8107
Data Sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY, JHU, RCP | Population: U.S. Census | Seasonal Flu 1: CDC 2008–2018 10-Year Avg
Reality is that no mater what facts are put forth a percentage of the population wont change their mind until not just some one they know dies but some one dies that is integral /dearly loved, dies.
Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

Sometimes I wonder if you guys live in a cave with the controlled mainstream news as your ONLY source.

Anyone who is not a complete brainwashed dupe knows by now that the death numbers are a pile of bullshit, totally unreliable because BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION they are counting deaths claimed to be "presumed" or "probable" which opens the door for pretty much anything goes, and on top of that there's a financial incentive to have CV19 patients and to put people on respirators.

But getting back to your reply to Dale about underlying health issues, here you go.

You should watch Dale's video. It explains in great detail how Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of illnesses and causes deaths that probably wouldn't happen at that time without the exacerbation. I don't think Dale actually watched his own video, cause it didn't say what he wanted it to say.

People misunderstand me on some rants. I do not blame them. I at time look at the future of something. If we have an economic collapse at the national police force starts shooting people in the head with bullets, would that qualify as the Covid 19 causing that?
Funny how all of the Convid 19 death victims have had underlying health issues like obesity, diabetic, chronic smoker, came into the ER with two bullet holes in the head, had a .30 alcohol level, etc, etc....but doctors have been coerced into putting down Covid 19 as the cause of death.

I am not surprised in the slightest that the leftard clown posse has bought this load of bullshit and have fallen for it "hook, line and sinker".

Have you got a credible link to where that actually happened, or did you get it from one of your crazy conspiracy theory sites?

Sometimes I wonder if you guys live in a cave with the controlled mainstream news as your ONLY source.

Anyone who is not a complete brainwashed dupe knows by now that the death numbers are a pile of bullshit, totally unreliable because BY THEIR OWN ADMISSION they are counting deaths claimed to be "presumed" or "probable" which opens the door for pretty much anything goes, and on top of that there's a financial incentive to have CV19 patients and to put people on respirators.

But getting back to your reply to Dale about underlying health issues, here you go.

You should watch Dale's video. It explains in great detail how Covid-19 exacerbates a wide range of illnesses and causes deaths that probably wouldn't happen at that time without the exacerbation. I don't think Dale actually watched his own video, cause it didn't say what he wanted it to say.

People misunderstand me on some rants. I do not blame them. I at time look at the future of something. If we have an economic collapse at the national police force starts shooting people in the head with bullets, would that qualify as the Covid 19 causing that?

No that would be another one of your hallucinations.
Although the aggressive countermeasures appear to have reduced the number of reported cases,
the absence of herd immunity against COVID-19 sug- gests that counts could easily resurge
when these interventions are relaxed, as business, factory operations, and schools resume.

People, we are dealing with vaccines and vaccine viruses
The more these biotechs and virologists play God
and try to correct the last failed fuck up, they fuck shit up even more
All bioweapon research needs to end immediately, full stop.
Jim, to best of by knowledge we are not supposed to be doing research in bioweapons, and should not have been for years and neither was anybody else. That said, don't bet on it. Not sure it extends to bioweapons defense, and there is the rub. Hard to argue against defensive countermeasures because nobody trusts anybody, because you can't. Covid-19 certainly was no weapon, not effective as one, deadly enough for one, quick enough acting, certainly not deployed as one would be and it is appearent, no country has the magic vaccine to protect their own people, hence, no weapon. Destructive, none the less, it does not meet the parameters laid out in Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical Warfare Defense school.
Although the aggressive countermeasures appear to have reduced the number of reported cases,
the absence of herd immunity against COVID-19 sug- gests that counts could easily resurge
when these interventions are relaxed, as business, factory operations, and schools resume.

People, we are dealing with vaccines and vaccine viruses
The more these biotechs and virologists play God
and try to correct the last failed fuck up, they fuck shit up even more
All bioweapon research needs to end immediately, full stop.
Jim, to best of by knowledge we are not supposed to be doing research in bioweapons, and should not have been for years and neither was anybody else. That said, don't bet on it. Not sure it extends to bioweapons defense, and there is the rub. Hard to argue against defensive countermeasures because nobody trusts anybody, because you can't. Covid-19 certainly was no weapon, not effective as one, deadly enough for one, quick enough acting, certainly not deployed as one would be and it is appearent, no country has the magic vaccine to protect their own people, hence, no weapon. Destructive, none the less, it does not meet the parameters laid out in Nuclear, Biologic and Chemical Warfare Defense school.

My thoughts on all this have done a 360° since middle of January

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