Texas Congressman Resists Rubber Stamping Bloated Budgets for Homeland Security and Department of Get Trump - Formerly known as the DOJ

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Chip Roy is taking a principled stand against funding two agencies that have abandoned their missions.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is among the House Freedom Caucus members who have said they will not agree to a short-term budget without significant cuts to the existing budget, including spending rollbacks for the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Departmentā€”two agencies right-wing members have targeted over their dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s border policies and the DOJā€™s cases against former President Donald Trump.

What's the point of giving them any money. The only thing that the Department of Justice is in the news for lately besides bringing bogus indictments against Trump and Trumpers is sue Texas for doing the Department of Homeland Security's job for them on the border.

Department of Homeland Security is doing nothing but making sure that the border is not secure.

MTG I support in principle, but I doubt she'll get many on her particular bandwagon:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also said Thursday she ā€œwill not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,ā€ and demanded cuts to the ā€œweaponization of government,ā€ a reference to the Justice Department, along with eliminating funding for Ukraine and ridding of all Covid-19 mandates.

Eh . . . I agree with eliminating funding for Ukraine when we have our own problems in the U.S. and Biden is importing more problems. As to impeachment of Biden, It's time for the GOP to be the bigger men and women, and say "you got your payback for Clinton, let's stop that nonsense."

Garland, Wray, and especially Mayorkas should be impeached for the sheer volume of lies they told congress under oath alone, though.

Chip Roy is taking a principled stand against funding two agencies that have abandoned their missions.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is among the House Freedom Caucus members who have said they will not agree to a short-term budget without significant cuts to the existing budget, including spending rollbacks for the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Departmentā€”two agencies right-wing members have targeted over their dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s border policies and the DOJā€™s cases against former President Donald Trump.

What's the point of giving them any money. The only thing that the Department of Justice is in the news for lately besides bringing bogus indictments against Trump and Trumpers is sue Texas for doing the Department of Homeland Security's job for them on the border.

Department of Homeland Security is doing nothing but making sure that the border is not secure.

MTG I support in principle, but I doubt she'll get many on her particular bandwagon:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also said Thursday she ā€œwill not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,ā€ and demanded cuts to the ā€œweaponization of government,ā€ a reference to the Justice Department, along with eliminating funding for Ukraine and ridding of all Covid-19 mandates.

Eh . . . I agree with eliminating funding for Ukraine when we have our own problems in the U.S. and Biden is importing more problems. As to impeachment of Biden, It's time for the GOP to be the bigger men and women, and say "you got your payback for Clinton, let's stop that nonsense."

Garland, Wray, and especially Mayorkas should be impeached for the sheer volume of lies they told congress under oath alone, though.


Chip Roy is taking a principled stand against funding two agencies that have abandoned their missions.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is among the House Freedom Caucus members who have said they will not agree to a short-term budget without significant cuts to the existing budget, including spending rollbacks for the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Departmentā€”two agencies right-wing members have targeted over their dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s border policies and the DOJā€™s cases against former President Donald Trump.

What's the point of giving them any money. The only thing that the Department of Justice is in the news for lately besides bringing bogus indictments against Trump and Trumpers is sue Texas for doing the Department of Homeland Security's job for them on the border.

Department of Homeland Security is doing nothing but making sure that the border is not secure.

MTG I support in principle, but I doubt she'll get many on her particular bandwagon:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also said Thursday she ā€œwill not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,ā€ and demanded cuts to the ā€œweaponization of government,ā€ a reference to the Justice Department, along with eliminating funding for Ukraine and ridding of all Covid-19 mandates.

Eh . . . I agree with eliminating funding for Ukraine when we have our own problems in the U.S. and Biden is importing more problems. As to impeachment of Biden, It's time for the GOP to be the bigger men and women, and say "you got your payback for Clinton, let's stop that nonsense."

Garland, Wray, and especially Mayorkas should be impeached for the sheer volume of lies they told congress under oath alone, though.
Domestic terrorists at work.

Chip Roy is taking a principled stand against funding two agencies that have abandoned their missions.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is among the House Freedom Caucus members who have said they will not agree to a short-term budget without significant cuts to the existing budget, including spending rollbacks for the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Departmentā€”two agencies right-wing members have targeted over their dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s border policies and the DOJā€™s cases against former President Donald Trump.

What's the point of giving them any money. The only thing that the Department of Justice is in the news for lately besides bringing bogus indictments against Trump and Trumpers is sue Texas for doing the Department of Homeland Security's job for them on the border.

Department of Homeland Security is doing nothing but making sure that the border is not secure.

MTG I support in principle, but I doubt she'll get many on her particular bandwagon:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also said Thursday she ā€œwill not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,ā€ and demanded cuts to the ā€œweaponization of government,ā€ a reference to the Justice Department, along with eliminating funding for Ukraine and ridding of all Covid-19 mandates.

Eh . . . I agree with eliminating funding for Ukraine when we have our own problems in the U.S. and Biden is importing more problems. As to impeachment of Biden, It's time for the GOP to be the bigger men and women, and say "you got your payback for Clinton, let's stop that nonsense."

Garland, Wray, and especially Mayorkas should be impeached for the sheer volume of lies they told congress under oath alone, though.
Another "Defund the Cops" episode I see.

Chip Roy is taking a principled stand against funding two agencies that have abandoned their missions.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is among the House Freedom Caucus members who have said they will not agree to a short-term budget without significant cuts to the existing budget, including spending rollbacks for the Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Departmentā€”two agencies right-wing members have targeted over their dissatisfaction with Bidenā€™s border policies and the DOJā€™s cases against former President Donald Trump.

What's the point of giving them any money. The only thing that the Department of Justice is in the news for lately besides bringing bogus indictments against Trump and Trumpers is sue Texas for doing the Department of Homeland Security's job for them on the border.

Department of Homeland Security is doing nothing but making sure that the border is not secure.

MTG I support in principle, but I doubt she'll get many on her particular bandwagon:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) also said Thursday she ā€œwill not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,ā€ and demanded cuts to the ā€œweaponization of government,ā€ a reference to the Justice Department, along with eliminating funding for Ukraine and ridding of all Covid-19 mandates.

Eh . . . I agree with eliminating funding for Ukraine when we have our own problems in the U.S. and Biden is importing more problems. As to impeachment of Biden, It's time for the GOP to be the bigger men and women, and say "you got your payback for Clinton, let's stop that nonsense."

Garland, Wray, and especially Mayorkas should be impeached for the sheer volume of lies they told congress under oath alone, though.

Chip Roy for Speaker!

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