Texas Demonstrating A Massive Failure Of Republican Policies, And They're Lying About It. Bigly


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Times providing some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
Once again an example of Republican becoming democrats as they become environment wack jobs and then the Left pounding them for their failures when they cave into them


The GOP certainly deserves what they are getting now, which is destroyed.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
Once again an example of Republican becoming democrats as they become environment wack jobs and then the Left pounding them for their failures when they cave into them


The GOP certainly deserves what they are getting now, which is destroyed.

Any word yet if the freeDUMB patriots freezing their asses off, plan on attacking the state capitol?
the 2 biggest states,California and Texas.....one a democrat stronghold the other a republican.....California a massive failure of democrat policies and Texas a massive failure of republican policies.....another example of the failure of both parties....
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
Once again an example of Republican becoming democrats as they become environment wack jobs and then the Left pounding them for their failures when they cave into them


The GOP certainly deserves what they are getting now, which is destroyed.

Any word yet if the freeDUMB patriots freezing their asses off, plan on attacking the state capitol?
They should all go out and chop some wood and make huge carbon producing bomb fires to stay warm since their government can't provide warmth for them.

But the enviroNazis may send out drones and shoot them all dead........unarmed. So that is a consideration.......or do they only target unarmed women?

Anyway, they are insurrectionists and enemies of the state after all.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
It wasn't the windmills......that was a lie in a weak attempt to divert from the Republican screw up. And you fell for it. :heehee:
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
Once again an example of Republican becoming democrats as they become environment wack jobs and then the Left pounding them for their failures when they cave into them


The GOP certainly deserves what they are getting now, which is destroyed.

Any word yet if the freeDUMB patriots freezing their asses off, plan on attacking the state capitol?
Well, they don't have Rape Face Cruz's help this time, he's off to Cancun.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
The "republican policy" consisted of buying into the stupidity of relying on those heavily subsidized goofy-assed windmills for 25% of their power generation....Something that you enviro-moonbats want to foist upon the whole nation.....A policy that was mostly the product of marginal republican Chimpy McShrub.

But at least you got your tree-fiddy for spamming Daily Kooks.....Speaking of liars.
Once again an example of Republican becoming democrats as they become environment wack jobs and then the Left pounding them for their failures when they cave into them


The GOP certainly deserves what they are getting now, which is destroyed.

Any word yet if the freeDUMB patriots freezing their asses off, plan on attacking the state capitol?
Well, they don't have Rape Face Cruz's help this time, he's off to Cancun.
Really all that matters is destroying Ted.
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-

That’s just one example of the small-scale disasters facing many families this morning that come from a combination of a utility model that maximizes profit by promoting shortages, and a construction model that minimizes costs by allowing builders to skip out on things like insulation.

It’s not just homes. Supply lines in towns and cities are often buried just inches below the ground when they’re buried at all, giving far from adequate protection to municipal water supplies. Just think of Texas as one of those companies that proudly brags about its "six sigma" efficiency, without mentioning that to get there it cut every possible corner. Including any ability to respond to a disruption in normal conditions.

Then, on top of the dark, and the cold, and the lack of water, and the busted pipes, Texans are also dealing with a supply chain that is breaking down, leaving some areas short of food. As the Texas Tribune reports, stores in Texas have had to throw out frozen food in huge amounts. Though some stores have backup power, that power is designed around outages that might last hours, not days. Some stores were operating cash-only sales conducted from lines of coolers and introducing Texans to the joys of food rationing.

$10 billion worth of electricity was sold on Monday—two orders of magnitude greater than normal—at a time when millions of people in the state were without power. And all of that happened without a single major power line coming down.

No one should really be surprised. This is, after all, the state where chemical plants just keep exploding, even though it has happened before. And before. The Houston area alone has had at least five chemical explosions just since 2019. Because Texas is a giant experiment in cutting corners for profit.

In the meantime, Texans will have to settle for the generators, water, and blankets being sent by President Biden. Who doesn’t even seem to have required Gov. Greg Abbott to sing his praises before helping.
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-

That’s just one example of the small-scale disasters facing many families this morning that come from a combination of a utility model that maximizes profit by promoting shortages, and a construction model that minimizes costs by allowing builders to skip out on things like insulation.

It’s not just homes. Supply lines in towns and cities are often buried just inches below the ground when they’re buried at all, giving far from adequate protection to municipal water supplies. Just think of Texas as one of those companies that proudly brags about its "six sigma" efficiency, without mentioning that to get there it cut every possible corner. Including any ability to respond to a disruption in normal conditions.

Then, on top of the dark, and the cold, and the lack of water, and the busted pipes, Texans are also dealing with a supply chain that is breaking down, leaving some areas short of food. As the Texas Tribune reports, stores in Texas have had to throw out frozen food in huge amounts. Though some stores have backup power, that power is designed around outages that might last hours, not days. Some stores were operating cash-only sales conducted from lines of coolers and introducing Texans to the joys of food rationing.

$10 billion worth of electricity was sold on Monday—two orders of magnitude greater than normal—at a time when millions of people in the state were without power. And all of that happened without a single major power line coming down.

No one should really be surprised. This is, after all, the state where chemical plants just keep exploding, even though it has happened before. And before. The Houston area alone has had at least five chemical explosions just since 2019. Because Texas is a giant experiment in cutting corners for profit.

In the meantime, Texans will have to settle for the generators, water, and blankets being sent by President Biden. Who doesn’t even seem to have required Gov. Greg Abbott to sing his praises before helping.
Do you reckon Texans will start to migrate back to California again now that Texans are green energy loons as well?

Last edited:
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-

And the folks in El Paso didn't lose power, because they are part of the national grid. Dumbfuck, greedy Texans who hate the Feds so much they want to privatize those big payoffs are now whining like bitches asking the Feds for help.
the 2 biggest states,California and Texas.....one a democrat stronghold the other a republican.....California a massive failure of democrat policies and Texas a massive failure of republican policies.....another example of the failure of both parties....

Also an example of a continuing vacumn of leadership.
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-
They forget about New Orleans....except there hurricanes were a common threat.
To the OP- you're a STUPID FUCK!

Texas is NOT built to withstand sub 20 degree weather- since it is NOT a common occurrence- making it a political thing shows just how fucking shallow you are-

And the folks in El Paso didn't lose power, because they are part of the national grid. Dumbfuck, greedy Texans who hate the Feds so much they want to privatize those big payoffs are now whining like bitches asking the Feds for help.
El Paso is the 5th largest sanctuary city for illegals in the country...of course the Dims wouldn't let them lose power.
I didn't read the OP, nor did I read any of their subsequent posts...because the only honest thing they've ever contributed to this board is a choice of handle...Skews. "To give a bias to; distort."

There is no doubt that this crisis is rooted in decisions made based on global warming energy policy and has nothing to do with Texas having an independent grid. That is nothing more than a red herring meant to distract from the truth.

No power grid in North America is "on it's own". They all share power in emergencies. North Texas is a part of the 14 state Southwestern Power Pool by design exactly for this purpose. When Texas Interconnection (the intrastate grid) needs power, it is routed into Texas via a tie within the State of Texas...thereby making it an intrastate power transfer not subject to federal regulation.

Texas Interconnection is tied to all the major US grids ... The Southwestern, Eastern and Western. They are authorized to draw power from any and all of those grids by declaring a level one emergency...which they did.

Here is the non-politically biased facts...

With the wind power iced up, solar farms snow covered and natural gas pipelines frozen and even hydroelectric down due frozen impoundments (lakes)...it was a miracle that there were enough coal fired plant left operational to carry the rest of the grid...

If the Democrats had gotten their way...the coal plants would have been closed and this crisis would have become a disaster. Coal saved the day.

If you take anything from this crisis...remember that. The rest of this is distraction.
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The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.

You are a LAIR.

Texas utilities did what they were PAID BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to do via subsidies.
The cause for the Texas blackout comes from decades of a system that was meant to optimize profits by encouraging providers not to plan for emergencies or provide any more power than is needed under usual circumstances. That system depends on tight spots in the market to generate spikes in pricing. It’s supposed to operate by generating “inconvenience.”

Here’s The New York Timesproviding some insight on the thinking of those involved.

That design relies on basic economics: When electricity demand increases, so too does the price for power. The higher prices force consumers to reduce energy use to prevent cascading failures of power plants that could leave the entire state in the dark, while encouraging power plants to generate more electricity.
“It’s not convenient,” Professor Hogan said. “It’s not nice. It’s necessary.”
It’s “necessary” not because that provides the best service to the most customers, or because that ensures the greatest level of safety in the case of emergency. It’s necessary because that’s the best way to generate maximum profits from the system at a cost of “inconvenience” to those left in the dark.

But while a professor of global energy policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School can afford to be honest about how the Texas system is working exactly as designed, the Republican politicians who put this system in place—along with conservatives nationwide who would like to use this as a model for every system everywhere—don’t want the public looking too closely at how this sausage is being not made. That’s why they’ve launched a national “Look, over there!” campaign to point the finger at wind energy. Even though that energy is the one component of the system that’s actually working better than expected. Solar power is running slightly below projections, but only by a small amount.

The big windy lie campaign began on Monday morning, with Fox Business journalist Steve Moore touting oil stocks and introducing the framing that other Republicans would take up for the remainder of the week.

Profits for the few, at the expense of the many. A scam that has been going on for to long, has now been exposed as never before thanks to the internet, that has effectively killed right wing propaganda, and will be totally rejected as an economic system sooner than the scammers anticipated.
If Texas would have never went down the leftist rabbit hole with the rest of the country, it would be way farther ahead in life. Anywhere we see this kind of dependency coming back to haunt, is where it can be seen or known to have attributed to states going the leftist way within for to long. Just take it back to the years that this sort of thing didn't exist like is being seen today, and then bring it foward.

New Orleans learned it's lesson during Katrina or did it ???
I didn't read the OP, nor did I read any of their subsequent posts...because the only honest thing they've ever contributed to this board is a choice of handle...Skews. "To give a bias to; distort."

He wanted "ForumFuckboy" but the moderators probably intervened.

Don't worry Fuckboy, it's going to be 75 here next week. You can feign concern for some other state that despises you and the filth you represent. I certainly appreciate you pretending to care about those 6 hours of electricity I lost. OMG, I don't know what we would have done without you. How was it in Boy Toucher, MA? Or wherever the fuck you're from.

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