Texas Dems Think They Won Battle, Gov Abbot Wins War

occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
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End result is Democrats only showed themselves as wanting to cheat in elections.

On late Sunday night, Democrats in the Texas House walked out to prevent a GOP quorum to pass a voting rights bill. The midnight deadline to pass the measure expired and Democrats celebrated what they thought was a “victory.”

Instead, Governor Greg Abbott decided to play hardball. He will veto the section of the state budget that funds the legislature. The current budget will run until August 31 and Abbott’s veto will affect the next fiscal year.

Of course, that means that Democrats will have to be in the chamber to vote to fund the legislature in order to get paid after August 31. At the same time, Republicans will be able to pass the voting rights bill.

Strange....the legislature in Texas is for 140 days every 2 years...they aren't scheduled to be in session in August.

You're simply ignorant of the subject.

What will happen though is this. The republicans will call a special session and the voting restrictions will get passed at that point. The theatrics you're talking about are not going to happen.

And then the endless cycle of lawsuits start.

Pretty much par for the course in Texas.

Strange that you somehow think repeating what he just said, while obsessing over "clarifying" a minor detail that everyone except you got without explanation, is somehow "correcting" him.

The "theatrics" he's talking about would be the exact procedure you so helpfully "corrected" him on, which - as previous noted - the rest of us just understood without needing it spelled out.
occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
Its easily known how, millions of illegitimate leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out by a few thousand people, voting just for Biden with nobody checking the signatures. Every state sent out fake mailin ballots.
occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
Its easily known how, millions of illegitimate leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out by a few thousand people, voting just for Biden with nobody checking the signatures. Every state sent out fake mailin ballots.
Why won't any republican walk into a court of law and make that claim? The courts are there for exactly that sort of thing. They really ought to go under oath and bring all their evidence. Maybe then they won't look like a bunch of lousy con-men.
occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
Its easily known how, millions of illegitimate leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out by a few thousand people, voting just for Biden with nobody checking the signatures. Every state sent out fake mailin ballots.
Why won't any republican walk into a court of law and make that claim? The courts are there for exactly that sort of thing. They really ought to go under oath and bring all their evidence. Maybe then they won't look like a bunch of lousy con-men.
Its been made, nobody will go through the effort of quality checking the questionable ballots for signature verifications...it would take way too long, much longer than it did to forge the ballots.
occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
Its easily known how, millions of illegitimate leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out by a few thousand people, voting just for Biden with nobody checking the signatures. Every state sent out fake mailin ballots.
Why won't any republican walk into a court of law and make that claim? The courts are there for exactly that sort of thing. They really ought to go under oath and bring all their evidence. Maybe then they won't look like a bunch of lousy con-men.
Its been made, nobody will go through the effort of quality checking the questionable ballots for signature verifications...it would take way too long, much longer than it did to forge the ballots.
Everything was checked as carefully as the law demands of our elected officials. You just don't like the answer. Until one of your lying jerks will swear under oath that the election was stolen and present credible evidence it's all lies. Simple as that simpleton.
End result is Democrats only showed themselves as wanting to cheat in elections.

On late Sunday night, Democrats in the Texas House walked out to prevent a GOP quorum to pass a voting rights bill. The midnight deadline to pass the measure expired and Democrats celebrated what they thought was a “victory.”

Instead, Governor Greg Abbott decided to play hardball. He will veto the section of the state budget that funds the legislature. The current budget will run until August 31 and Abbott’s veto will affect the next fiscal year.

Of course, that means that Democrats will have to be in the chamber to vote to fund the legislature in order to get paid after August 31. At the same time, Republicans will be able to pass the voting rights bill.

Strange....the legislature in Texas is for 140 days every 2 years...they aren't scheduled to be in session in August.

You're simply ignorant of the subject.

What will happen though is this. The republicans will call a special session and the voting restrictions will get passed at that point. The theatrics you're talking about are not going to happen.

And then the endless cycle of lawsuits start.

Pretty much par for the course in Texas.

Strange that you somehow think repeating what he just said, while obsessing over "clarifying" a minor detail that everyone except you got without explanation, is somehow "correcting" him.

The "theatrics" he's talking about would be the exact procedure you so helpfully "corrected" him on, which - as previous noted - the rest of us just understood without needing it spelled out.

Strange that you gave up your family to support the blob. Very few people would a life would do that. I guess when you have nothing to lose; you lose nothing.

What I predicted is what is going to happen. As per usual.
Oh, don't get your hopes up. We're just in the first inning of the fight against voting restrictions not only in Texas, but across the nation.
The days of the minority ruling the majority are coming to an end. Republicans have nothing. No successful policy implementations, no
new ideas. Just the same old bag of recycled crap. So, on the verge of extinction, they resort to standbys. I have a feeling that this time,
it isn't going to work. :)
Oh? What says a person can’t vote in Texas and are you aware of the function of the Supreme Court?

Fact is the Left are cheating in elections and want to keep it that way.

No is cheating at any election. You are pissed because the man you thought was going to return your country to you lost....because he was a lousy President.
Over and out.
Oh, don't get your hopes up. We're just in the first inning of the fight against voting restrictions not only in Texas, but across the nation.
The days of the minority ruling the majority are coming to an end. Republicans have nothing. No successful policy implementations, no
new ideas. Just the same old bag of recycled crap. So, on the verge of extinction, they resort to standbys. I have a feeling that this time,
it isn't going to work. :)
Oh? What says a person can’t vote in Texas and are you aware of the function of the Supreme Court?

Fact is the Left are cheating in elections and want to keep it that way.

Sorry. There's no cheating going on. Just in your little alt-right minds. You have no new policy ideas. So you go the easy route to maintain power.
People can't get out of work, can't get out of their house, disabilities, stand in long lines, reduced voting hours...etc, etc, rinse and repeat.
You can squawk all you want. These laws are designed to make it harder to vote, and they're aimed in large part at minorities.

Oh, and I wouldn't count on the Supreme Court to bail you out. You've already seen they weren't willing to play ball on your "cheating" accusations. :)
Good luck with cheating in Texas right after this law goes into effect in a few weeks.

Uh..Trump won Texas. Are you saying he cheated? :) Cause I think that's what went on in 2016. :auiqs.jpg:
occupied baloney it wasn't checked at all and if it was how would anyone know for sure?
Believe what you want nutter. At this point anyone who still thinks Trump actually won is not going to believe otherwise no matter what. It's why you get accused of being a cultist all the time.
I looked up nutter in the dictionary, it says "anyone who voted for Pinochijoe or allowed a fake ballot to be turned in for the commie." You sheeple are the cultists in your new Reich looneytunes.
occupied baloney it wasn't checked at all and if it was how would anyone know for sure?
Believe what you want nutter. At this point anyone who still thinks Trump actually won is not going to believe otherwise no matter what. It's why you get accused of being a cultist all the time.
I looked up nutter in the dictionary, it says "anyone who voted for Pinochijoe or allowed a fake ballot to be turned in for the commie." You sheeple are the cultists in your new Reich looneytunes.
You can't even talk like a rational human anymore. Sad.
occupied baloney it wasn't checked at all and if it was how would anyone know for sure?
Believe what you want nutter. At this point anyone who still thinks Trump actually won is not going to believe otherwise no matter what. It's why you get accused of being a cultist all the time.
I looked up nutter in the dictionary, it says "anyone who voted for Pinochijoe or allowed a fake ballot to be turned in for the commie." You sheeple are the cultists in your new Reich looneytunes.
You can't even talk like a rational human anymore. Sad.
Awww its okay Dimmer. Just wait until Knees takes over as president, even your ilk will see how ignorant you were.
occupied yes it is SOOOOOO hard to have to show an ID to vote. Actually, you weenies are just mad it has to be in person or even by a live voter right Dimmer??
What's it like to be absolutely certain democrats cheated but there is not a single republican anywhere smart enough to say exactly how? It must be frustrating as hell to keep getting duped by those ingenious democrats no matter how hard you try. I mean they pulled off a miracle of election fraud right under your stupid noses. It's either that or Trump lost. pick one.
Its easily known how, millions of illegitimate leftyvirus mailin ballots filled out by a few thousand people, voting just for Biden with nobody checking the signatures. Every state sent out fake mailin ballots.
Why won't any republican walk into a court of law and make that claim? The courts are there for exactly that sort of thing. They really ought to go under oath and bring all their evidence. Maybe then they won't look like a bunch of lousy con-men.

Because it must be proven and it is a monumental effort to verify all signatures. This is EXACTLY why the Democrats prefer this method of voting....it is virtually impossible to prove in mass due to lack of resources. Common sense should prevail, but Democrats don't have a lick of it.
These are just the opening shots in the republican war on democracy. The voting restrictions alone are not enough to guarantee republican minority rule. They are after a lot more.
Vermonts voting laws are stricter than what Texas wants to do. So your welcome that I showed what a hypocrite you are.
End result is Democrats only showed themselves as wanting to cheat in elections.

On late Sunday night, Democrats in the Texas House walked out to prevent a GOP quorum to pass a voting rights bill. The midnight deadline to pass the measure expired and Democrats celebrated what they thought was a “victory.”

Instead, Governor Greg Abbott decided to play hardball. He will veto the section of the state budget that funds the legislature. The current budget will run until August 31 and Abbott’s veto will affect the next fiscal year.

Of course, that means that Democrats will have to be in the chamber to vote to fund the legislature in order to get paid after August 31. At the same time, Republicans will be able to pass the voting rights bill.

What are all the measures in this law, that stop voter fraud?

None, zero, zip!

Its simply designed to disenfranchise or make harder, for AMERICAN CITIZENS to vote.

AMERICANS and democracy, are the losers of the war..... :(
How hard is it to vote, anyway? The way some people carry on, you'd think you have to overcome snipers, dogs, and mortar fire just to cast a vote.
These are just the opening shots in the republican war on democracy. The voting restrictions alone are not enough to guarantee republican minority rule. They are after a lot more.
Vermonts voting laws are stricter than what Texas wants to do. So your welcome that I showed what a hypocrite you are.
The big question here is how in the world did democrats manufacture millions of fraudulent votes? As yet republicans do not have a plausible answer. They just have this irrational feeling they were somehow cheated. You must believe the election was stolen or your fellow travelers will turn on you like rabid dogs. It must really suck. I get to believe whatever seems reasonable.

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