Texas denies anchor babies birth certificates

Unlike La Raza (the race) who carry the Mexican flag and pledge their allegiance to Mexico.

"[W]ho carry the Mexican flag"? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

i have an 8 month old and he doesn't have allegiance to anyone or anything beyond his parents and maybe his sleep monkey.
is he not a citizen?

Are you here illegally?


March 12, 1952.

St. Vincent's Hospital.

Little Rock, Arkansas.

That question was for ogibillm
and i've replied. what difference would that make for the allegiance of my son?

You should teach it to him as he grows up because the public schools aren't.
It is why we have a bunch of illegals coming here just so that they can get the goodies only, without caring or understanding what this nation is all about.
We are all Americans no matter what race we are.
great, but that does't answer the question asked of you.

if i am or am not here legally how does that affect the allegiance of my son?
do you see anything in the 14th amendment that calls for allegiance of the parent or even the child for citizenship to be conferred upon someone born here?
The only requirement for US birthright is that you were born to parents under US jurisdiction, period.

If your parents have diplomatic immunity, they are not under US jurisdiction.

All other cases, if your parents are on US soil, they are under US jurisdiction. Therefore every child born here is a US citizen.
The only requirement for US birthright is that you were born to parents under US jurisdiction, period.

If your parents have diplomatic immunity, they are not under US jurisdiction.

All other cases, if your parents are on US soil, they are under US jurisdiction. Therefore every child born here is a US citizen.
no..they are not.
I would like to know why ALL democrats,left wingers,liberals whatever the hell you want to call yourself are so insistent on the US becoming a non white majority nation....you do realize this country was founded,fought for and built BY and FOR whites of good moral character and without white men and women the things we ALL enjoy we would not have and the high standard of living we have will only continue to erode the less white it becomes. Yet you democrats,liberals,left wingers seem to WANT that why is that? Some stupid sense of white guilt? You think the US deserves to be less white because its so far more advanced? what is it? The more I read from and about democrats,liberals and left wingers beliefs and comments on things the more I am convinced its a mental disease. No other explanation for it. So I am truly interested in knowing WHY.
go fuck yourself, racist
Maybe not so much a racist as a patriot. He wants to maintain the high standards of America.
nope. racist. just ask his dumb ass. and if you can't see it, and instead think it's just 'high standards' you likely are as well.

That is exactly why you are a pawn of the lefts agenda.
Sorry, kid. Your parents carry the Irish flag and pledge their allegiance to Ireland. We're revoking your citizenship.

The only requirement for US birthright is that you were born to parents under US jurisdiction, period.

If your parents have diplomatic immunity, they are not under US jurisdiction.

All other cases, if your parents are on US soil, they are under US jurisdiction. Therefore every child born here is a US citizen.
no..they are not.
I've proven it a zillion times. I can't help it if you live in denial of fact.
Are you here illegally?


March 12, 1952.

St. Vincent's Hospital.

Little Rock, Arkansas.

That question was for ogibillm
and i've replied. what difference would that make for the allegiance of my son?

You should teach it to him as he grows up because the public schools aren't.
It is why we have a bunch of illegals coming here just so that they can get the goodies only, without caring or understanding what this nation is all about.
We are all Americans no matter what race we are.
great, but that does't answer the question asked of you.

if i am or am not here legally how does that affect the allegiance of my son?
do you see anything in the 14th amendment that calls for allegiance of the parent or even the child for citizenship to be conferred upon someone born here?

You are missing the point and I'm sorry that it seems so many of this nation no longer understand what it means .
Here is the Congressional Record of the sponsor of the 14th Amendment talking about who is and who is not a citizen: http://www.14thamendment.us/articles/jacob_howard_on_14th_amendment_1866.gif

All persons born to parents under US jurisdiction are citizens. He explains only ambassadors and foreign ministers are not under US jurisdiction. He then later adds that American Indians are not under US jurisdiction.

Everyone else is.

Here is United States v. Wong Kim Ark: United States v. Wong Kim Ark | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

In the 1890s, Chinese foreigners in the US could not attain citizenship. There were bigoted laws on the books preventing them from doing so.

When Wong Kim Ark was born in the US to parents from China, the nativists felt that Wong Kim Ark was not allowed to be a citizen since he was of the Chinese race.

Though the law forbade his parents from being citizens, they were still under US jurisdiction, which meant Wong Kim Ark had birthright citizenship under the 14th amendment. So sayeth the Supreme Court in 1898.

Now we have modern day nativists who think the illegal status of the parents of a child born here means the child is not allowed to be a citizen.

The parents of the children born in the US are under US jurisdiction. Therefore, as explained by the sponsor of the 14th amendment, their children have birthright citizenship.

The "allegiance to a foreign power" gambit is a red herring which nativists think proves the children born to foreigners are not citizens. However, the fact that we grant citizenship to the children of foreigners here on a visa blows that out of the water. They have misread the law. The "allegiance" exception applies only to ambassadors and foreign ministers.

A foreigner here on a visa plainly does not fall under the "allegiance" exception, and so neither does an illegal immigrant.

The ONLY requirement for birthright is to be born to parents under US jurisdiction. An illegal immigrant, by virtue of being illegal, is intrinsically under US jurisdiction.
Everyone admits the children born to foreigners who are here legally have a US birthright.

This is what blows the "allegiance exception means all foreigners" argument out of the water.

The allegiance exception applies to those ambassadors and foreign ministers who have diplomatic immunity. By definition, they are not under US jurisdiction.

So once again, US jurisdiction is the only requirement for all kids born here.

March 12, 1952.

St. Vincent's Hospital.

Little Rock, Arkansas.

That question was for ogibillm
and i've replied. what difference would that make for the allegiance of my son?

You should teach it to him as he grows up because the public schools aren't.
It is why we have a bunch of illegals coming here just so that they can get the goodies only, without caring or understanding what this nation is all about.
We are all Americans no matter what race we are.
great, but that does't answer the question asked of you.

if i am or am not here legally how does that affect the allegiance of my son?
do you see anything in the 14th amendment that calls for allegiance of the parent or even the child for citizenship to be conferred upon someone born here?

You are missing the point and I'm sorry that it seems so many of this nation no longer understand what it means .
what what means? what's your point? that you want to decide citizenship of children based on what you think the kid's parents are allegiant to?

do you see anything about allegiance in the 14th amendment?
Everyone admits the children born to foreigners who are here legally have a US birthright.

This is what blows the "allegiance exception means all foreigners" argument out of the water.

The allegiance exception applies to those ambassadors and foreign ministers who have diplomatic immunity. By definition, they are not under US jurisdiction.

So once again, US jurisdiction is the only requirement for all kids born here.

Rubio's parents were still Cuban when he was born. What was their allegiance?

We pledge our allegiance to Ireland!!!

Are they in a parade?
Or marching and protesting for the Irish to take over America?
Please prove illegal Mexican immigrants are marching to take over America.

One of America’s greatest strengths has always been taking in immigrants from cultures around the world, and assimilating them into our country as Americans. By being citizens of the U.S. we are all Americans.

This is totally opposed by MEChA and LaRaza for the hordes of illegal immigrants pouring across our borders, to whom they say:

“Chicano is our identity; it defines who we are as people. It rejects the notion that we…should assimilate into the Anglo-American melting pot…Aztlan was the legendary homeland of the Aztecas … It became synonymous with the vast territories of the Southwest, brutally stolen from a Mexican people marginalized and betrayed by the hostile custodians of the Manifest Destiny.” (Statement on University of Oregon MEChA Website, Jan. 3, 2006)
I'm not sure if it is still there on their website now.

La Raza actually thinks that America stole their land and had no idea that we paid Mexico for it. That is a very dangerous group if ignorant protestors.
I would like to know why ALL democrats,left wingers,liberals whatever the hell you want to call yourself are so insistent on the US becoming a non white majority nation....you do realize this country was founded,fought for and built BY and FOR whites of good moral character and without white men and women the things we ALL enjoy we would not have and the high standard of living we have will only continue to erode the less white it becomes. Yet you democrats,liberals,left wingers seem to WANT that why is that? Some stupid sense of white guilt? You think the US deserves to be less white because its so far more advanced? what is it? The more I read from and about democrats,liberals and left wingers beliefs and comments on things the more I am convinced its a mental disease. No other explanation for it. So I am truly interested in knowing WHY.
Sieg Heil!

I get from your post that you believe whites are superior to other races, which is why you are baffled as to why other people think the races are equal and should therefore be treated equally.

Have you met PoliticalChic? You and she would get along famously. She hates multiculturalism as much as you do.

She's Asian, though. That's probably a big turnoff for you, though, huh?
I would like to know why ALL democrats,left wingers,liberals whatever the hell you want to call yourself are so insistent on the US becoming a non white majority nation....you do realize this country was founded,fought for and built BY and FOR whites of good moral character and without white men and women the things we ALL enjoy we would not have and the high standard of living we have will only continue to erode the less white it becomes. Yet you democrats,liberals,left wingers seem to WANT that why is that? Some stupid sense of white guilt? You think the US deserves to be less white because its so far more advanced? what is it? The more I read from and about democrats,liberals and left wingers beliefs and comments on things the more I am convinced its a mental disease. No other explanation for it. So I am truly interested in knowing WHY.
Sieg Heil!

I get from your post that you believe whites are superior to other races, which is why you are baffled as to why other people think the races are equal and should therefore be treated equally.

Have you met PoliticalChic? You and she would get along famously. She hates multiculturalism as much as you do.

She's Asian, though. That's probably a big turnoff for you, though, huh?
Sorry, kid. Your parents carry the Irish flag and pledge their allegiance to Ireland. We're revoking your citizenship.

So be it. Now if the parents want to revoke their citizenship to Ireland and pledge their allegiance to the US, she can become a citizen of the greatest land on the globe. As it should be.
Except that's completely unconstitutional.

Funny how once upon a few years ago the wingnuts all claimed that they were going to protect the Constitution.

Lying idiots.

Senator Howard, who wrote the 14th amendment also wrote this essay on the amendment:

This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.

For those who want to protect the constitution, this shows illegal aliens are not covered under the 14th amendment.
I would guess the true idiot is one who does not do their research.
What he said was that THOSE foreigners, the aliens that are here on Diplomatic missions with the USA from a foreign nation, their children and their children alone, are not citizens if born on this soil while working for a foreign Nation, but ALL OTHERS ARE CITIZENS if born on this soil....

THIS is how his statement has been interpreted ever since....these foreigners have ''Diplomatic Immunity'' and ARE NOT under the JURISDICTION of the USA....thus their children can NOT be born citizens on our soil.
Last edited:
That question was for ogibillm
and i've replied. what difference would that make for the allegiance of my son?

You should teach it to him as he grows up because the public schools aren't.
It is why we have a bunch of illegals coming here just so that they can get the goodies only, without caring or understanding what this nation is all about.
We are all Americans no matter what race we are.
great, but that does't answer the question asked of you.

if i am or am not here legally how does that affect the allegiance of my son?
do you see anything in the 14th amendment that calls for allegiance of the parent or even the child for citizenship to be conferred upon someone born here?

You are missing the point and I'm sorry that it seems so many of this nation no longer understand what it means .
what what means? what's your point? that you want to decide citizenship of children based on what you think the kid's parents are allegiant to?

do you see anything about allegiance in the 14th amendment?

We were talking about the Supreme Court case (United States v. Wong Kim Ark) keep up with the conversation.
Except that's completely unconstitutional.

Funny how once upon a few years ago the wingnuts all claimed that they were going to protect the Constitution.

Lying idiots.

Senator Howard, who wrote the 14th amendment also wrote this essay on the amendment:

This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons.

For those who want to protect the constitution, this shows illegal aliens are not covered under the 14th amendment.
I would guess the true idiot is one who does not do their research.
What part of who are diplomats did you fail to grasp?

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