Texas Deputy Gunned Down at Traffic Stop. Guess the Perp Description?

Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Nope. I’m vocal about the white trash too. Again I pose the question. People hear “School shooter” they think white boy. People hear “Cop killer” they think black guy. Why? Because of the frequency of these acts. But I take personal responsibility to clean-up my own race. When they act stupid in public, I let them know to sop acting like common trash and start acting like a white man.
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Opinion: Arresting officers should have walked-up and pumped one right between his fucking eyes. That’s what all cop killers deserve.
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Nope. I’m vocal about the white trash too. Again I pose the question. People hear “School shooter” they think white boy. People hear “Cop killer” they think black guy. Why? Because of the frequency of these acts. But I take personal responsibility to clean-up my own race. When they act stupid in public, I let them know to sop acting like common trash and start acting like a white man.

Funny that you never comment on those threads and please post where black folks kill more cops. I thought you guys said we were ALL Americans, so who is your "PEOPLE"? Also how have you stopped them from killing anyone, let alone cops.
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Nope. I’m vocal about the white trash too. Again I pose the question. People hear “School shooter” they think white boy. People hear “Cop killer” they think black guy. Why? Because of the frequency of these acts. But I take personal responsibility to clean-up my own race. When they act stupid in public, I let them know to sop acting like common trash and start acting like a white man.

Funny that you never comment on those threads and please post where black folks kill more cops. I thought you guys said we were ALL Americans, so who is your "PEOPLE"? Also how have you stopped them from killing anyone, let alone cops.

12% of population (black) responsible for over 40% of all law enforcement murders. Frequency. We are ALL Americans, but as a white man I try to clean-up my race...not look for excuses as to why crimes are committed. Poverty, color of ones skin, educational background, are all bullshit excuses. People know right from wrong. That fat bastard in Ferguson went after a cops gun and got shot. He deserved it. Blacks and liberal media tried to blame the police officer. Well, Ferguson and liberal media handling of it helped Trump immensely in 2016. People can see the lie.
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Nope. I’m vocal about the white trash too. Again I pose the question. People hear “School shooter” they think white boy. People hear “Cop killer” they think black guy. Why? Because of the frequency of these acts. But I take personal responsibility to clean-up my own race. When they act stupid in public, I let them know to sop acting like common trash and start acting like a white man.

Funny that you never comment on those threads and please post where black folks kill more cops. I thought you guys said we were ALL Americans, so who is your "PEOPLE"? Also how have you stopped them from killing anyone, let alone cops.

We will always be divided by race, religion, politics, in this country forever and ever. It’s a childish view of the world to think otherwise. Like people who dream of world peace. Childish. We are all Americans, but we will never be one as a people. Just a cold hard fact.
...not even close to the rate that blacks do
AND whites don't protest FOR criminals or cop killers like the blacks do

Idiot. You think cops care about ratios or the number of cops being killed?

White and far-right extremists kill more cops
hahahhaha--you fked up big time!!!
your link states 51 since 1990!! blacks murder 20 cops in ONE YEAR
blacks 13% of the population--whites 65%
white murders of cops 31
black murders of cops 23
Table 42

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year---that includes cops and civilians
here is a link that is anti-WS--do you understand? they are stating how BAD the WS are--and they state 77 murders since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
Thanks for agreeing with me that whites kill more cops than blacks.


Just provide the proof instead of an open piece with no real facts and I’ll believe you.
He also posted the numbers. Cops are killed more often by whites than by blacks.
....people like you that haven't graduated from grade school do not need to be posting on USMB

Idiot. You think cops care about ratios or the number of cops being killed?

White and far-right extremists kill more cops
hahahhaha--you fked up big time!!!
your link states 51 since 1990!! blacks murder 20 cops in ONE YEAR
blacks 13% of the population--whites 65%
white murders of cops 31
black murders of cops 23
Table 42

white supremacists murder less than 10 per year---that includes cops and civilians
here is a link that is anti-WS--do you understand? they are stating how BAD the WS are--and they state 77 murders since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
Thanks for agreeing with me that whites kill more cops than blacks.


Just provide the proof instead of an open piece with no real facts and I’ll believe you.
He also posted the numbers. Cops are killed more often by whites than by blacks.
....people like you that haven't graduated from grade school do not need to be posting on USMB
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

Nope. I’m vocal about the white trash too. Again I pose the question. People hear “School shooter” they think white boy. People hear “Cop killer” they think black guy. Why? Because of the frequency of these acts. But I take personal responsibility to clean-up my own race. When they act stupid in public, I let them know to sop acting like common trash and start acting like a white man.

Funny that you never comment on those threads and please post where black folks kill more cops. I thought you guys said we were ALL Americans, so who is your "PEOPLE"? Also how have you stopped them from killing anyone, let alone cops.

12% of population (black) responsible for over 40% of all law enforcement murders. Frequency. We are ALL Americans, but as a white man I try to clean-up my race...not look for excuses as to why crimes are committed. Poverty, color of ones skin, educational background, are all bullshit excuses. People know right from wrong. That fat bastard in Ferguson went after a cops gun and got shot. He deserved it. Blacks and liberal media tried to blame the police officer. Well, Ferguson and liberal media handling of it helped Trump immensely in 2016. People can see the lie.

Post a link to back up that 40% number. I blame the police officer's when they murder unarmed or innocent folks, but in the minds of folks like you if it is a white cop and black person no matter what happened the white cop is ALWAYS in the right.
Tragic. Wonder how many times this piece of shit has been to prison and turned loose by liberals.
Texas deputy dead after exchanging gunfire with suspect at traffic stop

Damn Bush you were awful quiet when this white citizen gunned down police officers.

Funny how folks like you only care about the police if they are shot by someone black.

If anyone was to do some serious data searches, they'd realize that more cops are shot by white males than that of black men. I pray for the cop and his family, as I do the numerous innocent young black males, all dead at the hands of cops.
Here is some more good information for you....I guess you didn't get the email from Stormfront about these.....

In Houston, a police officer was killed a couple of weeks ago....A wetback did it...Arturo Solis, shot and killed the officer when that officer responded to a domestic violence call..

Bottom line is...a wet back did it.....so that is good info to use if you are pushing for a crack down on wetbacks...

Houston Police Sergeant Shot and Killed; Suspect in Custody

Another officer was killed in Alabama this month -- It was a black guy who did that....again, that is good info to use if you are pushing for a crack down on blacks...

Huntsville Police identify 14-year veteran officer killed Friday night

In Fayetteville, a police officer was ambushed and murdered while sitting in his squad car at the police station....unfortunately, it was a white guy who did that one... -- luckily the kind of white folks who would kill a cop are so small in number, it doesn't justify wide-scale action against all whites.....

But just imagine if a black guy or some other darkie, or even a gay did that?? Probably wouldn't even hear about it on here.....you know how they get away with everything and all...

Arkansas police officer 'ambushed and executed' outside station, police say

You know when this won't be an issue.
When ya'll stop being 100%ers.

15% of the population
85% of the violent crime.

that's on ya'll.
Blacks actually commit 99.85% of violent crime....

If you are gonna pull stats out of your ass, why sell yourself short

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

And no, its not on me....or are you saying anything a white person does, you are accountable for?? If so.....when are you going to stop all of these domestic terrorist attacks??

Have you sent an apology letter to Steve Scalise yet for your failure to protect him from whites?? Matter of fact, did Steve apologize to himself yet

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

Send ya'll home.
What else ya wanna know?
I hate blk violence, but if you took all the negro's out the country, what will your white women do?

Is that why you are still a virgin?
The question should be, is yous still a virgin...cause from what I see, Barbie would rather fuck a gold tooth, bike riding felon than a blonde blue eye college educated white boy fed on Kansas corn, driving a BMW....LOLOLOLOLOLOL and just for the record....so would back women, that's how fucked up you white boys are to women!!
You know when this won't be an issue.
When ya'll stop being 100%ers.

15% of the population
85% of the violent crime.

that's on ya'll.
Blacks actually commit 99.85% of violent crime....

If you are gonna pull stats out of your ass, why sell yourself short

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

And no, its not on me....or are you saying anything a white person does, you are accountable for?? If so.....when are you going to stop all of these domestic terrorist attacks??

Have you sent an apology letter to Steve Scalise yet for your failure to protect him from whites?? Matter of fact, did Steve apologize to himself yet

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

Send ya'll home.
What else ya wanna know?
I hate blk violence, but if you took all the negro's out the country, what will your white women do?

Is that why you are still a virgin?
The question should be, is yous still a virgin...cause from what I see, Barbie would rather fuck a gold tooth, bike riding felon than a blonde blue eye college educated white boy fed on Kansas corn, driving a BMW....LOLOLOLOLOLOL and just for the record....so would back women, that's how fucked up you white boys are to women!!

Another racist chimes in.
You know when this won't be an issue.
When ya'll stop being 100%ers.

15% of the population
85% of the violent crime.

that's on ya'll.
Blacks actually commit 99.85% of violent crime....

If you are gonna pull stats out of your ass, why sell yourself short

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

And no, its not on me....or are you saying anything a white person does, you are accountable for?? If so.....when are you going to stop all of these domestic terrorist attacks??

Have you sent an apology letter to Steve Scalise yet for your failure to protect him from whites?? Matter of fact, did Steve apologize to himself yet

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

Send ya'll home.
What else ya wanna know?
I hate blk violence, but if you took all the negro's out the country, what will your white women do?

Is that why you are still a virgin?
The question should be, is yous still a virgin...cause from what I see, Barbie would rather fuck a gold tooth, bike riding felon than a blonde blue eye college educated white boy fed on Kansas corn, driving a BMW....LOLOLOLOLOLOL and just for the record....so would back women, that's how fucked up you white boys are to women!!

So you still are a virgin, got it. Thanks for the clarification that explains a lot about you.
You know when this won't be an issue.
When ya'll stop being 100%ers.

15% of the population
85% of the violent crime.

that's on ya'll.
Blacks actually commit 99.85% of violent crime....

If you are gonna pull stats out of your ass, why sell yourself short

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

And no, its not on me....or are you saying anything a white person does, you are accountable for?? If so.....when are you going to stop all of these domestic terrorist attacks??

Have you sent an apology letter to Steve Scalise yet for your failure to protect him from whites?? Matter of fact, did Steve apologize to himself yet

Now...what policies do you propose to deal with the blacks??

Send ya'll home.
What else ya wanna know?
I hate blk violence, but if you took all the negro's out the country, what will your white women do?

Is that why you are still a virgin?
The question should be, is yous still a virgin...cause from what I see, Barbie would rather fuck a gold tooth, bike riding felon than a blonde blue eye college educated white boy fed on Kansas corn, driving a BMW....LOLOLOLOLOLOL and just for the record....so would back women, that's how fucked up you white boys are to women!!
Really? Why dont i ever see this phenomenon you people keep talking about? In my experience, the girl goes for the guy with the BMW every time, not the toothless hood scrub.

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