Texas doesn't have a right to secede (Don't get your news from right wing message boards)

If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
What about Calexit, dipshit???
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Thanks for the sincere tone of your comment. I do realize how much of our nation feels the way you describe. I haven’t any easy answers to resolving the mad cultural and political divides that Trump’s presidency has ... exacerbated. I think your point about trying to bridge the divide is important. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. It was his demagogy and divisiveness I opposed. I always suspected and feared Trump’s presidency would lead to just such a mad divide in society.

I’ve been a “radical” since my youth, and I know what it means to fight the system. I expect little from “the Establishment” and the political class in general, and far less from the new crop of right populist politicians who now claim to oppose it.

To me none of this is new. I remember the Civil Rights Movement when southern African-Americans were mostly not even allowed to vote. I was active in the movement against the Vietnam War. Now there are new wars fought only with professional soldiers, and everybody can vote — but the craziness on all sides is still here. There is plenty of blame to go around, of course. Back in those days these was never just partisan “party” issues.

It seems to me that “Liberal capitalism” worldwide is struggling with profoundly “illiberal” nationalist movements, and Trump just represents a particularly crazy “American” version of this phenomenon. At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

But I’m probably boring you with all this.
Sorry I couldn’t answer in a more satisfactory manner.
We live in a banana republic, dumb ass. Every contention I have been making about this foreign owned corporate entity that is "USA.INC" has been more than validated.
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Thanks for the sincere tone of your comment. I do realize how much of our nation feels the way you describe. I haven’t any easy answers to resolving the mad cultural and political divides that Trump’s presidency has ... exacerbated. I think your point about trying to bridge the divide is important. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. It was his demagogy and divisiveness I opposed. I always suspected and feared Trump’s presidency would lead to just such a mad divide in society.

I’ve been a “radical” since my youth, and I know what it means to fight the system. I expect little from “the Establishment” and the political class in general, and far less from the new crop of right populist politicians who now claim to oppose it.

To me none of this is new. I remember the Civil Rights Movement when southern African-Americans were mostly not even allowed to vote. I was active in the movement against the Vietnam War. Now there are new wars fought only with professional soldiers, and everybody can vote — but the craziness on all sides is still here. There is plenty of blame to go around, of course. Back in those days these was never just partisan “party” issues.

It seems to me that “Liberal capitalism” worldwide is struggling with profoundly “illiberal” nationalist movements, and Trump just represents a particularly crazy “American” version of this phenomenon. At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

But I’m probably boring you with all this.
Sorry I couldn’t answer in a more satisfactory manner.
We live in a banana republic, dumb ass. Every contention I have been making about this foreign owned corporate entity that is "USA.INC" has been more than validated.
I wasn’t talking to you, “dumb ass.”
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Thanks for the sincere tone of your comment. I do realize how much of our nation feels the way you describe. I haven’t any easy answers to resolving the mad cultural and political divides that Trump’s presidency has ... exacerbated. I think your point about trying to bridge the divide is important. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. It was his demagogy and divisiveness I opposed. I always suspected and feared Trump’s presidency would lead to just such a mad divide in society.

I’ve been a “radical” since my youth, and I know what it means to fight the system. I expect little from “the Establishment” and the political class in general, and far less from the new crop of right populist politicians who now claim to oppose it.

To me none of this is new. I remember the Civil Rights Movement when southern African-Americans were mostly not even allowed to vote. I was active in the movement against the Vietnam War. Now there are new wars fought only with professional soldiers, and everybody can vote — but the craziness on all sides is still here. There is plenty of blame to go around, of course. Back in those days these was never just partisan “party” issues.

It seems to me that “Liberal capitalism” worldwide is struggling with profoundly “illiberal” nationalist movements, and Trump just represents a particularly crazy “American” version of this phenomenon. At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

But I’m probably boring you with all this.
Sorry I couldn’t answer in a more satisfactory manner.
We live in a banana republic, dumb ass. Every contention I have been making about this foreign owned corporate entity that is "USA.INC" has been more than validated.
I wasn’t talking to you, “dumb ass.”
You posted in a public forum, dipshit....thus you are "open game".
The Left beats up on Texas all the time. The reality is the American Left needs Texas to help pay for all of the shit they refuse to cut spending for. Texas threatening to leave is significant. Remember when Bernie Sanders’ Vermont threatened to become part of Canada? No one gave two shits because Vermont hardly contributes compared to Texas.
The two States experiencing large population gains during the pandemic have been Florida and Texas...basically because they AREN'T New York and California! They don't have high taxes. They're business friendly. They're run by conservatives so they aren't locked down. New York City is dying as we speak! It's run by liberals and the sane people are all heading for the exits. Same thing for California! It appears the liberals plan is to fill California and New York with illegals so they can keep political power. Good luck with paying for your entitlements, Kiddies! Your credit card is about to be denied for insufficient funds!
The Left beats up on Texas all the time. The reality is the American Left needs Texas to help pay for all of the shit they refuse to cut spending for. Texas threatening to leave is significant. Remember when Bernie Sanders’ Vermont threatened to become part of Canada? No one gave two shits because Vermont hardly contributes compared to Texas.
The two States experiencing large population gains during the pandemic have been Florida and Texas...basically because they AREN'T New York and California! They don't have high taxes. They're business friendly. They're run by conservatives so they aren't locked down. New York City is dying as we speak! It's run by liberals and the sane people are all heading for the exits. Same thing for California! It appears the liberals plan is to fill California and New York with illegals so they can keep political power. Good luck with paying for your entitlements, Kiddies! Your credit card is about to be denied for insufficient funds!

Texas and Florida had better hope these transplants checked their tax policies at the door.
Y'all know that China (and the CCP's puppet, the WHO) calls Taiwan part of China, yet Taiwan is independent and has been since the commie revolution, right?

Ir was "illegal" for Taiwan to secede.

Man, it would be a lot less messy if Texas gets to walk without a fight, but we are all so fucking pissed and bloodthirsty that we actually want you Yankefied pieces of communist shit to be forced by your communist puppet government to come to Texas to make us stay under FedGov rule. We have 10 million trained snipers and we will be shooting at you from behind every blade of grass keeping you company every bloody step of the way. We shall enjoy hunting men.

Dead commies or Valhalla.
The Left beats up on Texas all the time. The reality is the American Left needs Texas to help pay for all of the shit they refuse to cut spending for. Texas threatening to leave is significant. Remember when Bernie Sanders’ Vermont threatened to become part of Canada? No one gave two shits because Vermont hardly contributes compared to Texas.
The two States experiencing large population gains during the pandemic have been Florida and Texas...basically because they AREN'T New York and California! They don't have high taxes. They're business friendly. They're run by conservatives so they aren't locked down. New York City is dying as we speak! It's run by liberals and the sane people are all heading for the exits. Same thing for California! It appears the liberals plan is to fill California and New York with illegals so they can keep political power. Good luck with paying for your entitlements, Kiddies! Your credit card is about to be denied for insufficient funds!

Texas and Florida had better hope these transplants checked their tax policies at the door.
One can only hope that they've learned their lesson with how Cali and New York have turned out, Left! I'd like to think that these are the smarter ones...who recognize how bad it's going to get in those two States and are getting out while the getting is good!
Y'all know that China (and the CCP's puppet, the WHO) calls Taiwan part of China, yet Taiwan is independent and has been since the commie revolution, right?

Ir was "illegal" for Taiwan to secede.

Man, it would be a lot less messy if Texas gets to walk without a fight, but we are all so fucking pissed and bloodthirsty that we actually want you Yankefied pieces of communist shit to be forced by your communist puppet government to come to Texas to make us stay under FedGov rule. We have 10 million trained snipers and we will be shooting at you from behind every blade of grass keeping you company every bloody step of the way. We shall enjoy hunting men.

Dead commies or Valhalla.
I saw some funny video of some Antifa folks who showed up to march somewhere in Texas and I think they're STILL running! Seems like the local Texicans took exception to the line of bullshit the Antifa kiddies were selling. Loved the look of sheer terror on their faces when it dawned on them that they were about to get their asses kicked!
Y'all know that China (and the CCP's puppet, the WHO) calls Taiwan part of China, yet Taiwan is independent and has been since the commie revolution, right?

Ir was "illegal" for Taiwan to secede.

Man, it would be a lot less messy if Texas gets to walk without a fight, but we are all so fucking pissed and bloodthirsty that we actually want you Yankefied pieces of communist shit to be forced by your communist puppet government to come to Texas to make us stay under FedGov rule. We have 10 million trained snipers and we will be shooting at you from behind every blade of grass keeping you company every bloody step of the way. We shall enjoy hunting men.

Dead commies or Valhalla.
I saw some funny video of some Antifa folks who showed up to march somewhere in Texas and I think they're STILL running! Seems like the local Texicans took exception to the line of bullshit the Antifa kiddies were selling. Loved the look of sheer terror on their faces when it dawned on them that they were about to get their asses kicked!
Even when we try to confront those commie dumb shits, they scatter like roached.

We get no satisfaction.

They stay in places they know we can't reach them. 90% of my fellow Texans I know were locked and loaded, begging for commie riots to break out here. Nothin'

Disappointing is an understatement.

These little commie pukes stirred up all this blood-thirst blue balls and now they actually think there are enough people willing to die to make Texas remain in this POS "union?"

Unfortunately, the U.S. will be too pussy to mount a counter. Texas and Alabama feed the military with recruits. I doubt they will be motivated against uu.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”

We need to change that. Would anyone miss Texas...Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama? Seriously....they don't want to be in the greatest nation on earth....and (having lived in Texas for decades) I can attest that they are not worthy. The IQ of the US would skyrocket....and there is nothing that any of these states produce that we can't get elsewhere. And it has the added bonus of not having to deal with southerners.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
What about Calexit, dipshit???
Calexit never happened. California has no right to secede. Moron.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
That was pretty much the line of thinking of the English King and his Parliament.
Texas in itself is capable of being a country on its own. Once upon a time the same could have been said about California, however they pissed that distinction away.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”

We need to change that. Would anyone miss Texas...Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama? Seriously....they don't want to be in the greatest nation on earth....and (having lived in Texas for decades) I can attest that they are not worthy. The IQ of the US would skyrocket....and there is nothing that any of these states produce that we can't get elsewhere. And it has the added bonus of not having to deal with southerners.
The collective IQ of Texas skyrocketed when you moved out.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”

We need to change that. Would anyone miss Texas...Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama? Seriously....they don't want to be in the greatest nation on earth....and (having lived in Texas for decades) I can attest that they are not worthy. The IQ of the US would skyrocket....and there is nothing that any of these states produce that we can't get elsewhere. And it has the added bonus of not having to deal with southerners.
Texas refines 1/3 of the oil in the US.

Have fun going to your An-teef-a meetings on your Big Wheel.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”

We need to change that. Would anyone miss Texas...Louisiana, Mississippi or Alabama? Seriously....they don't want to be in the greatest nation on earth....and (having lived in Texas for decades) I can attest that they are not worthy. The IQ of the US would skyrocket....and there is nothing that any of these states produce that we can't get elsewhere. And it has the added bonus of not having to deal with southerners.
Texas refines 1/3 of the oil in the US.

Have fun going to your An-teef-a meetings on your Big Wheel.
If Mississippi and Louisiana come with, it will ne 3/4 of the U.S. oil AND a good hunk of production.
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Thanks for the sincere tone of your comment. I do realize how much of our nation feels the way you describe. I haven’t any easy answers to resolving the mad cultural and political divides that Trump’s presidency has ... exacerbated. I think your point about trying to bridge the divide is important. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

I’ve been a “radical” since my youth, and I know what it means to fight the system. I expect little from “the Establishment” and the political class in general, and far less from the new crop of right populist politicians who now claim to oppose it.

To me none of this is new. I remember the Civil Rights Movement when southern African-Americans were mostly not even allowed to vote. I was active in the movement against the Vietnam War. Now there are new wars fought only with professional soldiers, and everybody can vote — but the craziness on all sides is still here. There is plenty of blame to go around, of course. Back in those days these was never just partisan “party” issues.

It seems to me that “Liberal capitalism” worldwide is struggling with profoundly “illiberal” nationalist movements, and Trump just represents a particularly crazy “American” version of this phenomenon. At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

But I’m probably boring you with all this.
Sorry I couldn’t answer in a more satisfactory manner.
But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.
No, too little too late.

I also well remember the Civil Rights and "anti-war" movements and the violence associated with both. From my side of the fence it seemed that the Left deliberately sponsored and encouraged maximum violence and divisiveness. From my viewpoint the "anti-war" movement would have more accurately been described as the Anti-America movement. I was one of those soldiers you guys were calling "baby killers" spitting on and throwing dog shit at. I was drafted and my only intent was the serve and protect my Country. You guys were busy spreading communist propaganda while flying the flags of an enemy actively engaged in killing my friends and relatives while burning the flag we fought for in the streets. Jane Fonda John Kerry and the VVAW openly committed treason and were never held accountable. To my mind we are looking at 50+ years of deliberate divisiveness that have repeatedly resulted in violence injury and death. That makes it really really hard to take claims about Trump's "divisiveness" seriously.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. It was his demagogy and divisiveness I opposed. I always suspected and feared Trump’s presidency would lead to just such a mad divide in society.

As noted above it appears to me the divide you speak of is certainly neither new nor Trump's "fault". It has long existed and been steadily growing for decades. At this point finger pointing serves no useful purpose.

At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

I don't see that international supremacy has anything to do with the situation and would submit that many of us consider our democracy already lost. Otherwise I have to agree with your statement.

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