Texas doesn't have a right to secede (Don't get your news from right wing message boards)

I am bloodthirsty for war. Bring it on. We'll be happy to rid the earth of some goddamn Mexicans
Well, maybe you wont need to fight a war with Mexico. It may well be that after a couple of decades Mexico will be within your state without a war.
Sounds like the status fucking quo to me.

Independent from commie USA, we will actually try to deport.
I am bloodthirsty for war. Bring it on. We'll be happy to rid the earth of some goddamn Mexicans
Well, maybe you wont need to fight a war with Mexico. It may well be that after a couple of decades Mexico will be within your state without a war.
Sounds like the status fucking quo to me.

Independent from commie USA, we will actually try to deport.
Then you should start as soon as possible. I have read somewhere that by 2050 the Texas 'minority' population will be 3/5th of the overall (I don't remember, though, it was only about the Hispanics or the minorities overall).
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Texas doesn't have a right to secede

What's funny is that you actually think the people of Texas (or any other State) care that somebody somewhere may not think they have a right. There was considerable disagreement on that matter the last couple of times they seceded. Rights are something people are willing to fight for or they do not exist at all. Are you willing to risk your life fighting to keep Texas in the union? Didn't think so.
If Texas wants to become part of Mexico, who are we to stand in their way? ;)
If Texas and like minded states seceded, you'd be left with the United Ghetto of America.

Cool - And if you believe that could happen, I have a bridge and some swampland you're REALLY gonna love.
But hey, I can think of 15 other states they could have. The welfare states who take more than they give.

your source is from 2005
And if it were true why are the democrat controlled states asking for a bailout?
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Texas doesn't have a right to secede

What's funny is that you actually think the people of Texas (or any other State) care that somebody somewhere may not think they have a right. There was considerable disagreement on that matter the last couple of times they seceded. Rights are something people are willing to fight for or they do not exist at all. Are you willing to risk your life fighting to keep Texas in the union? Didn't think so.
Stop calling Antonin Scalia a dumbass.
Will Trump put on a cowboy hat and move to Texas? And what about the millions of Texans who voted against Trump? Put em in camps? Re-educate ‘em on dude ranches?

No Trump is coming back to Florida--------so he can be president of FLORIDA----and unlike the dems and communists, no one is re-educated....we'll just deport your azz to New York or something. :)
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If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Texas doesn't have a right to secede

What's funny is that you actually think the people of Texas (or any other State) care that somebody somewhere may not think they have a right. There was considerable disagreement on that matter the last couple of times they seceded. Rights are something people are willing to fight for or they do not exist at all. Are you willing to risk your life fighting to keep Texas in the union? Didn't think so.
Stop calling Antonin Scalia a dumbass.
Didn't call anyone a dumbass. But if the shoe fits...
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Texas doesn't have a right to secede

What's funny is that you actually think the people of Texas (or any other State) care that somebody somewhere may not think they have a right. There was considerable disagreement on that matter the last couple of times they seceded. Rights are something people are willing to fight for or they do not exist at all. Are you willing to risk your life fighting to keep Texas in the union? Didn't think so.
Stop calling Antonin Scalia a dumbass.
Didn't call anyone a dumbass. But if the shoe fits...
So Scalia isn't a dumbass for saying Texas doesn't have the right to secede? I'm very confused.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Texas doesn't have a right to secede

What's funny is that you actually think the people of Texas (or any other State) care that somebody somewhere may not think they have a right. There was considerable disagreement on that matter the last couple of times they seceded. Rights are something people are willing to fight for or they do not exist at all. Are you willing to risk your life fighting to keep Texas in the union? Didn't think so.
Stop calling Antonin Scalia a dumbass.
Didn't call anyone a dumbass. But if the shoe fits...
So Scalia isn't a dumbass for saying Texas doesn't have the right to secede? I'm very confused.
I agree. You are very confused.
Will Trump put on a cowboy hat and move to Texas? And what about the millions of Texans who voted against Trump? Put em in camps? Re-educate ‘em on dude ranches?

No Trump is coming back to Florida--------so he can be president of FLORIDA----and unlike the dems and communists, no one is re-educated....we'll just deport your azz to New York or something. :)

Shoot. I am an American Citizen, and even if Florida elects Trump Governor (or President or King or whatnot) I’d still be a citizen of the sovereign state of Florida. I’ve got my own guns too. I’m a reasonable guy though.

Don’t see why you don’t try winning over other Americans. I might consider accepting an all expense paid vacation to a Dude Ranch in the new Republic of Texas where they can make me watch propaganda like “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas”


— but I figure it’ll be “No Country for Old Men” there by then.

I guess anything’s possible. But if Hell really did freeze over in Florida and Trump reigned as King from Mar-a-Largo ... I think I would still insist on return tickets to sunny Florida before accepting any offer of Texas’ kind hospitality.

In the worst case I guess I’ll gather up the family and we’ll all caravan down to the “Independent Conch Republic” of the Florida Keys. Think I could be happy there. They after all “seceded where others failed.” Of course by that time the Cubans, backed by the Chinese may be invading Key West and other parts of a divided U.S.A. ... shall I welcome them as allies or head North to “Red Georgia”?
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If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”

Any state can secede. Dumbass

They even already have a navy in the Conch Republic. If the future Republic of Texas won’t show enough “southern hospitality” to put me up in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” or some “Dude Ranch” for retired “City Slickers” — and Trump becomes “King of Florida” (ugh!) — I’m joining the navy and sailing with the pirate Conch Republic!

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The case that decided that secession was not legal was a sham.

The case was Texas v White. An 1869 case.

Had nothing to do with secession. It had to do with bonds. The filthy asshole that made it about secession was that turdbrain Chief Justice Salmon Chase, a former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury under President "Dipshit" Lincoln.

It was a sham decision designed by a member of the administration that started a war over succession to cover up for the fact that the it was legal for states to secede.

Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason after the war. The reason being that his defense was that it was legal for the states to secede and the US government was wrong to go to war over the issue. This White case was a sham decision orchestrated by previous Union cabinet members to cover it up.

One of the worst decisions ever by the Court.

However, it don't mean jackshit. If Texas or any other state wants to secide then it will do so and the the Union, with an Illegal President like China Joe, can just go fuck itself.
If you see posts in rinky dinky right wing message boards claiming that Texas voted to secede, dismiss the fake news.
A state cannot secede. There are zero ways to do it. They can't pass a law to secede.. They can do nothing.
Yet even before Texas formally rejoined the nation, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that secession was not legal, and thus, even during the rebellion, Texas continued to be a state. In the 1869 case Texas v. White, the Court held that individual states could not unilaterally secede from the Union and that the acts of the insurgent Texas Legislature — even if ratified by a majority of Texans — were "absolutely null."

If there were any doubt remaining after that, late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia set it to rest more than a century later with his response to a letter from a screenwriter in 2006 asking if there is a legal basis for secession.

“The answer is clear,” Scalia wrote. “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')”
Laws cain't take away rights!!!!! (New republican dogma)
Is this the same legal system that appointed China-Joe & the Commie into office via violations of Constitutions?

Same one with safe-spaces for illegals?

Same one that supports abortions?

Same one that violates the 1st & 2nd amendments of the U.S. Constitution?

The OP is correct, don't get your information from leftists on message boards, and don't bother reading their links either unless you're the kind who can read between the lines for your personal entertainment.
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

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Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Anyone who wants to leave the country can get the fuck out. No “Berlin Wall” keeping you here.

Anyone who appreciates their U.S. citizenship can stay and use their citizenship rights to vote or participate in local, state or national politics to improve our laws and our Republic. As long as one doesn’t break the law here, all of us already have more political rights here ... than most places in the world.

Anybody who breaks the law to force their candidate on the rest of us after an election has been confirmed and certified, anyone who tries to break up our Republic via insurrection, attacking Congress, etc. ... they of course should be treated as traitors and criminals.

Those who say “the law” cannot prevent the breakup of a country whose people desperately want to break apart ... are of course correct.

But such break-ups are almost always extremely violent and destructive (unless all sides agree to separation). Even assuming that a majority of say, Texans, wanted to secede, what about the huge minority that did not? They would of course demand the Federal government protect their rights as U.S. Citizens. The result? Civil War. This is something genuine U.S. enemies would love to see.

In short, all this talk of unilateral secession is totally irresponsible. But then, what else is new? This is USMB!

Most of what you say is true but you need to realize that a large number of sane intelligent patriotic Americans believe that traitors have staged a coup by fixing the election and that the only responsible thing to do is to deal with that reality. The reality that the America we knew and loved is dead and will remain so unless we are able to find and implement a solution. You believe government (and the courts are indeed part of government) claims that the election was honest; we don't. I very much wish the courts would have stepped in and demanded an honest thorough and transparent investigation. Maybe that would have been acceptable to both sides. They didn't and now we are all well and truly screwed. 2021 promises to make 2020 the good ole days.
Thanks for the sincere tone of your comment. I do realize how much of our nation feels the way you describe. I haven’t any easy answers to resolving the mad cultural and political divides that Trump’s presidency has ... exacerbated. I think your point about trying to bridge the divide is important. But ask yourself: Would anything ever convince Donald Trump himself (and thus his most loyal supporters) that he was defeated legitimately? I think you know the answer to this.

My own hostility to Trump was never based just upon what he claimed he was in favor of, at least some of which I agreed with. It was his demagogy and divisiveness I opposed. I always suspected and feared Trump’s presidency would lead to just such a mad divide in society.

I’ve been a “radical” since my youth, and I know what it means to fight the system. I expect little from “the Establishment” and the political class in general, and far less from the new crop of right populist politicians who now claim to oppose it.

To me none of this is new. I remember the Civil Rights Movement when southern African-Americans were mostly not even allowed to vote. I was active in the movement against the Vietnam War. Now there are new wars fought only with professional soldiers, and everybody can vote — but the craziness on all sides is still here. There is plenty of blame to go around, of course. Back in those days these was never just partisan “party” issues.

It seems to me that “Liberal capitalism” worldwide is struggling with profoundly “illiberal” nationalist movements, and Trump just represents a particularly crazy “American” version of this phenomenon. At the same time Americans are losing confidence in our own democratic and Republican institutions, partly because our nation’s once overwhelming supremacy internationally is disappearing, and with it some of our economic supremacy. Civil War or breaking up our country will only finish off our democracy and destroy our international pre-eminence altogether.

But I’m probably boring you with all this.
Sorry I couldn’t answer in a more satisfactory manner.
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