Texas. Dr. Fauci can't expalin why Covid cases keep dropping despaint reopening

How is ir possible for the virus cases to be declining when only a third of the popularion has been vaccinated and only 4 million-plus new people are receiving vaccinations daily?

I guess you missed that the injection is only supposed to lessen the symptoms not cure it. When have you heard of a flu shot curing the flu?
Free - free at last.... Indiana... no mask mandate!
It was awesome yesterday to walk in the restaurant and no one is mask wearing.
It was ALWAYS stupid as hell to be forced to wear a mask for the 15 feet you walk to a table. But then don't have to wear one while you eat.

And let us take a look at the masks in this recent article:

Masks Are a Ticking Time Bomb

It’s estimated that 129 billion face masks are used worldwide each month, which works out to about 3 million masks a minute

Not only are masks not being recycled, but their materials make them likely to persist and accumulate in the environment

Because masks may be directly made from microsized plastic fibers with a thickness of 1 mm to 10 mm, they may release microsized particles into the environment more readily — and faster — than larger plastic items, like plastic bags

Microbes from your mouth, known as oral commensals, frequently enter your lungs, where they’ve been linked to advanced stage lung cancer; wearing a mask could potentially accelerate this process

The “new normal” of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans

Masks Are Harming Children and Adults
The “new normal” of widespread masking is affecting not only the environment but also the mental and physical health of humans, including children. It’s largely assumed that face masks are “safe” for children to wear for long periods, such as during school, but no risk assessment has been carried out.24 Further, as evidenced by Germany's first registry recording the experience children are having wearing masks.

Using data on 25,930 children, 24 health issues were reported that were associated with wearing masks that fell into the categories of physical, psychological and behavioral issues. They recorded symptoms that:

“… included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).”

They also found 29.7% reported feeling short of breath, 26.4% being dizzy and 17.9% were unwilling to move or play. Hundreds more experienced “accelerated respiration, tightness in chest, weakness and short-term impairment of consciousness.”

It’s also known that microplastics exist in human placentas, and animal studies show that inhaled plastic particles pass through the placenta and into the heart and brains of fetuses. The fetuses exposed to the microplastics also gained less weight in the later part of the pregnancy.

“We found the plastic nanoparticles everywhere we looked — in the maternal tissues, in the placenta and in the fetal tissues. We found them in the fetal heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidney,” lead research Phoebe Stapleton of Rutgers University told The Guardian.

Read on:

Ahhh..... went to the butcher store yesterday.... no mask.
It was awesome. They could hear me, and I could hear them.
No foggy glasses....
I swear though.... as I walked out of the door... I thought I heard liberals screaming.
Just 9 days ago Texas had 354 deaths in one day. Their 7 day average for covid cases is 4600 a day. And remember when everyone on the right was touting the death rate of Texas and how they were so much better than places like New York, which had an insane amount of covid deaths very early in the pandemic? Texas has literally caught up to New York's insane amount of 50,000. As per usual Baron is responsible for another dumb thread on usmb, filled with disinformation and hysteria, and the cult eats it up. Baron is the new Trump.
Fauci is terrified and knows that an investigation will implicate him in the involvement with the wuhan lab. The truth will come out.
Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.

I thought the illegals crossing the "open border" were bringing Covid in....
Prime example of the augustine types, policeman in video, no mental acuity or logic, just another satisfied sheep full of propaganda.

........." have our police forces overdosed on stupid pills during covid?" Lol, many any this country are double dosing on stupid pills as they gulp down the propaganda and lies.

Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.


Well, that may be because vaccinations are being ramped up and given to more people.
Really not that hard to get your head around. Fauci is just reinforcing for people to be vigilant.
Nothing wrong with that. I know you think it's a "plandemic".
Let's see how they are doing in a few weeks.

Tell this fairy tale your grandma

No fairy tale to be told. Seems things are slowly creeping up in the Lone Star State. To be expected.
Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.


Well, that may be because vaccinations are being ramped up and given to more people.
Really not that hard to get your head around. Fauci is just reinforcing for people to be vigilant.
Nothing wrong with that. I know you think it's a "plandemic".
Let's see how they are doing in a few weeks.

Tell this fairy tale your grandma

No fairy tale to be told. Seems things are slowly creeping up in the Lone Star State. To be expected.

No, they're not creeping up.

Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.

India reopened and now their infection rates have gone up to crisis levels.
Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.


Its not that difficult to understand, you have to go to the front end of the pandemic to understand.

The Pandemic will not end until everyone has been exposed

"Flattening the curve" merely stretches out the event, it doesn't save anyone from death, just changes when they will croak. America has been so tremendous at masking up and socially distancing, we've already stretched out a month long pandemic to more than a year.

Texas, OTOH, has moved through this a lot quicker.
Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.

Fauci has never been right one time.
Do you expect something else from Corona scoundrels? Masks, lockdowns, 6 feet 'rules and ongoing Corona tortures have already murdered hundred of millions in different countries.
The gang of Schwab, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Kurz & Co shall be tried by Nuerneberg 2.0 for genocide.

Texas makes the Covid-1984 Lie clear

More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains.
As epidemiologists everywhere have struggled to come up with an explanation, it's worth noting that Texans are dining out more, according to Opentable seatings, which have become a closely watched proxy for post-quarantine economic activity.
As experts have struggled to come up with a satisfying answer, Dr. Fauci was asked about the phenomenon during an interview on MSNBC Tuesday morning as the senior advisor to President Biden made the rounds. As MSNBC noted, "if you go to Texas...it looks like 2019... the restaurants are full...the ballparks are full..." and yet, cases have continued to tick downward.

Dr. Fauci seemed dumbfounded. He first suggested that the surge in cases simply hadn't manifested yet because of a "lag". That might have made sense if the trend had only been in place for a week or two. But a month has passed, and Texas' positivity rate - the share of new tests that yield positive results, seen as a more accurate representation of community spread - has continued to fall.

"It can be confusing because you may see a lag or a delay, because often you have to wait a few weeks...there's a lot of things that go into that," Dr. Fauci said.
"I'm not really sure, it could be because they're doing things outdoors, you know it's very difficult to just one-on-one compare that...I hope they continue to tick down, if they do that would be great. But there's always the concern that when you pull back on methods, particularly things like indoor dining, or bars that are crowded...you could see a delay, then all of a sudden cases tick back up."
"We've been fooled before with places opening up, then nothing happens, but all of a sudden a few weeks later cases explode on you."
He concluded by saying "we've got to be careful we don't prematurely judge" the situation in Texas.

Fauci has never been right one time.
Not true. In the beginning he said masks are useless. And a few years ago he said trump will be hit with a surprise pandemic. I’m sure he just GUESSED on that though

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